Changed commands names to English

This commit is contained in:
Maciej Krzyżanowski 2024-03-06 22:04:18 +01:00
parent 06eeaef7f3
commit 3a4476299f
2 changed files with 74 additions and 71 deletions

View File

@ -20,26 +20,29 @@ A > B if after removing all common records from A and B, maximum number from A i
3. Check if series counter is 1 and if not then go back to step 1.
## Commands
Currently all commands are named using Polish words, but it will be changed soon.
- pomoc
- help
- displays the help page
- wyczyść <path_to_tape>
- clear <path_to_tape>
- clears/deletes a tape
- Example: wyczyść fs/t1
- genlos <path_to_tape> <record_count> [options]
- Example: clear fs/t1
- genrandom <path_to_tape> <record_count> [options]
- adds record_count random records at the end of the tape
- if 'o' is provided as an option then tape is overwritten with these newly generated random records
- Example: genlos fs/t1 30 o
- wczytaj <path_to_tape> <path_to_test_file>
- Example: genrandom fs/t1 30 o
- add <path_to_tape> <numbers, ...>
- adds new record (set created from 1 to 15 numbers in range 0-255) at the
end of the tape
- Example: add fs/t1 7 25 3 4 5
- load <path_to_tape> <path_to_test_file>
- adds the records described in test file to the tape
- Example: wczytaj fs/t1 fs/testfile
- sortuj <path_to_tape> [options]
- Example: load fs/t1 fs/testfile
- sort <path_to_tape> [options]
- sorts the provided tape displaying its contents before and after sorting. When option 'v' is provided then tape will be displayed after each phase
- Example: sortuj fs/t1 v
- wyświetl <path_to_tape>
- Example: sort fs/t1 v
- display <path_to_tape>
- displays the tape's records and information how many series and records it contains. Also when displaying records it is shown when each of series end
- Example: wyświetl fs/t1
- wyjście
- Example: display fs/t1
- exit
- exists program gracefully
## Test file format

View File

@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class Record:
return result
def __repr__(self):
return f"Zbiór {sorted(self.items, reverse=True)}"
return f"Set {sorted(self.items, reverse=True)}"
def __lt__(self, other):
if other is None:
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class RunIterator:
def print_tape(file_name):
print(f"[ .. ] Taśma {file_name}\n")
print(f"[ .. ] Tape {file_name}\n")
buffer = ReadBuffer(file_name)
series_count = 0
@ -207,10 +207,10 @@ def print_tape(file_name):
records_count += 1
series_count += 1
print("~ koniec biegu ~")
print("~ series end ~")
print(f"\n[ ^- ] Liczba biegów: {series_count}")
print(f"[ ^- ] Liczba rekordów: {records_count}")
print(f"\n[ ^- ] Series count: {series_count}")
print(f"[ ^- ] Records count: {records_count}")
def print_runs(file_name, n):
@ -359,53 +359,53 @@ def tape_sort(tape_path, print_after_phase=False):
writes_count += merge_info.writes_count
if print_after_phase:
print(f"[ -v ] Faza {phases_count + 1}")
print(f"[ -v ] Phase {phases_count + 1}")
print(f"[ .. ] {runs_written} biegów pozostało")
print(f"[ .. ] {runs_written} series remaining")
phases_count += 1
return SortInfo(reads_count, writes_count, phases_count)
help_page = """
wyświetla stronę
wyczyść <ścieżka_do_taśmy>
usuwa taśmę
genlos <ścieżka_do_taśmy> <liczba_rekordów> [opcje]
dopisuje losowo wygenerowane rekordy na taśmę
jeżeli jako opcja podane zostanie 'o', wówczas taśma zostanie nadpisana
nowowygenerowanymi rekordami
dopisz <ścieżka_do_taśmy> <liczba, ...>
dopisuje nowy rekord na koniec taśmy, jako
<liczba, ...> należy podać co najmniej 1 liczbę, a
maksymalnie 15, każdą z zakresu 0-255
wczytaj <ścieżka_do_taśmy> <ścieżka_do_pliku>
wczytuje rekordy z podanego pliku testowego na taśmę
sortuj <ścieżka_do_taśmy> [opcje]
sortuje podaną taśmę wypisując jej zawartość na
początku i na końcu operacji.
Gdy zostanie podana opcja 'v', wówczas taśma będzie
wyświetlana po każdej z faz
wyświetl <ścieżka_do_taśmy>
wyświetla zawartość taśmy i jej metadane
liczbę biegów (serii)
liczbę rekordów
displays the help page
clear <tape_path>
clears (removes) the tape
genrandom <path_to_tape> <records_count> [options]
adds record_count random records at the end of the tape
if 'o' is provided as an option then tape is overwritten with these
newly generated random records
add <path_to_tape> <numbers, ...>
adds new record (set created from 1 to 15 numbers provided in range 0-255)
at the end of the tape
load <path_to_tape> <path_to_test_file>
adds the records described in test file to the tape
sort <path_to_tape> [options]
sorts the provided tape displaying its contents before and after sorting
when option 'v' is provided then tape will be displayed after each
display <path_to_tape>
displays the tape's records and information how many series and records it
contains. Also when displaying records it is shown when each of series
gracefully exits
print("\nProjekt SBD - sortowanie metodą scalania naturalnego (2+1)")
print("Autor: Maciej Krzyżanowski [188872]\n")
print("\nSorting using natural merge method (2+1)")
print("Author: Maciej Krzyżanowski\n")
should_run = True
while should_run:
cmd_line = input("> ")
match cmd_line.split():
case ["wyczyść", tape_path]:
print(f"[ .. ] Czyszczenie taśmy {tape_path}")
case ["clear", tape_path]:
print(f"[ .. ] Clearing a tape {tape_path}")
if os.path.isfile(tape_path):
print(f"[ :) ] Wyczyszczono taśmę")
print(f"[ :) ] Cleared the tape")
print(f"[ :( ] Taśma o podanej ścieżce nie istnieje")
case ["genlos", tape_path, number_of_records, *options]:
print(f"[ :( ] There does not exist a tape at provided path")
case ["genrandom", tape_path, number_of_records, *options]:
if "o" in options:
write_buffer = WriteBuffer(tape_path)
@ -421,14 +421,14 @@ while should_run:
new_record = Record(new_set)
print(f"[ :) ] Dopisano {number_of_records} nowych rekordów do " +
f"taśmy {tape_path}")
case ["wyświetl", tape_path]:
print(f"[ :) ] Wyświetlam taśmę {tape_path}")
print(f"[ :) ] Added {number_of_records} new records to " +
f"tape {tape_path}")
case ["display", tape_path]:
print(f"[ :) ] Displaying tape {tape_path}")
case ["dopisz", tape_path, *set_elements]:
case ["add", tape_path, *set_elements]:
if len(set_elements) == 0:
print("[ :( ] Nie podano ani jednego rekordu")
print("[ :( ] No number was given")
set_elements = [int(x) for x in set_elements]
new_record = Record(set_elements)
@ -436,22 +436,22 @@ while should_run:
print(f"[ :) ] Dopisano podany rekord na taśmę")
case ["sortuj", tape_path, *options]:
print(f"[ .. ] Sortowanie taśmy {tape_path}")
print(f"[ -v ] Wyświetlam taśmę przed posortowaniem:")
case ["sort", tape_path, *options]:
print(f"[ .. ] Sorting tape {tape_path}")
print(f"[ -v ] Displaying tape before sorting:")
if "v" in options:
sort_info = tape_sort(tape_path, print_after_phase=True)
sort_info = tape_sort(tape_path)
print(f"[ -v ] Wyświetlam taśmę po posortowaniu:")
print(f"[ -v ] Displaying tape after sorting:")
print(f"[ :) ] Taśma {tape_path} posortowana!")
print(f"[ -v ] Metadane sortowania")
print(f"[ .. ] Liczba faz {sort_info.phases_count}")
print(f"[ .. ] Liczba odczytów {sort_info.reads_count}")
print(f"[ .. ] Liczba zapisów {sort_info.writes_count}")
case ["wczytaj", tape_path, test_file_path]:
print(f"[ :) ] Tape {tape_path} sorted!")
print(f"[ -v ] Sorting metadata:")
print(f"[ .. ] Phase count: {sort_info.phases_count}")
print(f"[ .. ] Reads count: {sort_info.reads_count}")
print(f"[ .. ] Writes count: {sort_info.writes_count}")
case ["load", tape_path, test_file_path]:
wb = WriteBuffer(tape_path, append_mode=True)
count = 0
with open(test_file_path) as test_file:
@ -461,12 +461,12 @@ while should_run:
count += 1
print(f"[ :) ] Dopisano {count} rekordów na taśmę")
case ["pomoc"]:
print(f"[ :) ] Added {count} records to tape")
case ["help"]:
case ["wyjście"]:
print("[ :) ] Do widzenia!")
case ["exit"]:
print("[ :) ] Goodbye!")
should_run = False
case _:
print("[ :( ] Nie znam takiej komendy")
print("[ :( ] I don't know such a command")