const express = require('express'); const pgp = require('pg-promise')(); const session = require('express-session'); const responseTime = require('response-time'); const types = require('pg').types; const validator = require('validator'); const path = require('path'); require('dotenv').config(); const app = express(); const db = pgp(`postgres://${process.env.DB_USER}:${process.env.DB_PASS}@${process.env.DB_HOST}:${process.env.DB_PORT}/${process.env.DB_NAME}`); const port = 5000; class Point { x; y; constructor(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } } class Rectangle { leftBottomPoint; size; constructor(leftBottomPoint, size) { this.leftBottomPoint = leftBottomPoint; this.size = size; } } types.setTypeParser(603, function(rectangleStr) { rectangleStr = rectangleStr.slice(1, rectangleStr.length - 1); const pointStrs = rectangleStr.split('),('); const fp = pointStrs[0].split(','); const sp = pointStrs[1].split(','); const lowerBottomPoint = new Point(+sp[0], +sp[1]); const size = new Point(+fp[0] - (+sp[0]), +fp[1] - (+sp[1])); return new Rectangle(lowerBottomPoint, size); }); // Hosting frontend: app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'client/build'))); // Hosting images (trucks etc): app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'media'))); app.use(session({ store: new (require('connect-pg-simple')(session))({ pgPromise: db, tableName: 'user_session' }), secret: `${process.env.COOKIE_SECRET}`, resave: false, saveUninitialized: false, cookie: { sameSite: 'lax', // Age of cookie is counted from last access, so here 30 days of *not using* = deletion maxAge: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 } })); app.use(express.json()); /* Getting OSP units of provided prefix * e.g. * Returns 3 matching results sorted by locality, name.*/ app.get('/osp-units', async (req, res) => { const locality = req.query['locality']; if(!locality) { res.status(400); res.json({ queryErrors: { 'locality': ['Nie podano parametru!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } // DECIDE: Whether to remove some database constraints and add more simple checks here from validator? // Also are these database constraints reasonable? try { const unitsList = await db.any('SELECT id AS "ID", name, locality FROM get_units_list($1)', [locality]); res.status(200); res.json(unitsList); } catch(error) { res.status(500); res.json({ queryErrors: {}, otherErrors: ['Wystąpił błąd serwera!'] }); } }); /* Users should be taken from session, not from query parameter * 1. If user is not logged in then his scores are saved in session data. For such user we pass trucks list with appropriate scores calculated from * that session data and not taken from database. QUESTION: Aren't there solutions that can use already existing database and not create another * scheme of data? Or maybe that little redundancy is acceptable :] * 2. If user is logged in then his nickname is in session data. We can use it to call database server function and get needed results. */ // TODO: Add timestamp to results app.get('/fire-trucks', async (req, res) => { const ospUnit = req.query['osp-unit']; if(!ospUnit) { res.status(400); res.json({ queryErrors: { 'osp-unit': ['Nie podano parametru!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } // Do we need these additional checks before sending to database? Probably not... // But it is better to know if result is empty because it is just answer to our question // and without validation before query we can get empty result because of some undetermined error if(!validator.isNumeric(ospUnit, { no_symbols: true })) { res.status(400); res.json({ queryErrors: { 'osp-unit': ['Podane ID musi być liczbą (całkowitą)!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } if(ospUnit <= 0) { res.status(400); res.json({ queryErrors: { 'osp-unit': ['Podane ID musi być większe od 0!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } try { const unitExists = (await db.any('SELECT id FROM osp_unit WHERE id = $1', [ospUnit])).length != 0; if(!unitExists) { res.status(404); res.json({ queryErrors: { 'osp-unit': ['Jednostka o podanym ID nie istnieje!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } } catch(error) { res.status(500); res.json({ queryErrors: {}, otherErrors: ['Wystąpił błąd serwera!'] }); return; } let user = req.session['accountNickname']; const loggedIn = user ?? false; if(loggedIn) { try { const trucksList = await db.func('get_trucks_list_with_scores', [ospUnit, user]); res.status(200); res.json(trucksList); } catch(error) { console.log(error); res.status(500); res.json({ queryErrors: {}, otherErrors: ['Wystąpił błąd serwera!'] }); } } else { try { const trucksList = await db.any('SELECT id AS "ID", name, image_path AS "imagePath" FROM fire_truck WHERE osp_unit_id = $1', [ospUnit]); let avgPercents = {}; // We assume that scores in session are pushed in order from oldest to latest // so we need to: // 1. Iterate from the end to the beginning // 2. Push scores to corresponding entries in avgPercents // 2.1. If there are already 3 scores in entry then stop adding // 3. Map scores so that each entry becomes average of scores divided by 10 (percents) const quizResults = req.session.quizResults ?? []; for(let i = quizResults.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if(!avgPercents[quizResults[i].fireTruckID]) { avgPercents[quizResults[i].fireTruckID] = []; } if(avgPercents[quizResults[i].fireTruckID].length < 3) { avgPercents[quizResults[i].fireTruckID].push(quizResults[i].points); } } console.log(avgPercents); Object.keys(avgPercents).forEach(function(fireTruckID, index) { let sum = 0; let numberOfResults = 0; avgPercents[fireTruckID].forEach(points => { sum += +points; numberOfResults++; console.log(sum, numberOfResults); }); let averagePercent = (sum/numberOfResults)/10; avgPercents[fireTruckID] = averagePercent; }); // It is pretty complicated so it may be reasonable to change it in the future => { const truckID = row['ID']; row.avgPercent = avgPercents[truckID] ?? 0; }); res.status(200); res.json(trucksList); } catch(error) { console.log(error); res.status(500); res.json({ queryErrors: {}, otherErrors: ['Wystąpił błąd serwera!'] }); } } }); app.get('/quiz-pages', async (req, res) => { const fireTruck = req.query['fire-truck']; if(!fireTruck) { res.status(400); res.json({ queryErrors: { 'fire-truck': ['Nie podano parametru!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } if(!validator.isNumeric(fireTruck, { no_symbols: true })) { res.status(400); res.json({ queryErrors: { 'fire-truck': ['Podane ID musi być liczbą (całkowitą)!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } if(fireTruck <= 0) { res.status(400); res.json({ queryErrors: { 'fire-truck': ['Podane ID musi być większe od 0!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } try { const truckExists = (await db.any('SELECT id FROM fire_truck WHERE id = $1', [fireTruck])).length != 0; if(!truckExists) { res.status(404); res.json({ queryErrors: { 'fire-truck': ['Wóz o podanym ID nie istnieje!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } } catch(error) { res.status(500); res.json({ queryErrors: {}, otherErrors: ['Wystąpił błąd serwera!'] }); return; } try { let quizData = await db.any( 'SELECT side_id AS "sideID", side_image_path AS "sideImagePath", \ cache_id AS "cacheID", cache_rectangle as "cacheRectangle", cache_name as "cacheName" FROM get_quiz_data_for_truck($1)', [fireTruck]); quizData = quizData.reduce((acc, curr) => { const sideID = curr.sideID; if(!acc[sideID]) { acc[sideID] = { sideImagePath: curr.sideImagePath, caches: [] }; } delete curr.sideID; acc[sideID].caches.push({ cacheID: curr.cacheID, cacheName: curr.cacheName, cacheRectangle: curr.cacheRectangle }); return acc; }, {}); res.status(200); res.send(quizData); } catch(error) { res.status(500); res.json({ queryErrors: {}, otherErrors: ['Wystąpił błąd serwera!'] }); } }); app.get('/random-question', async (req, res) => { const fireTruck = req.query['fire-truck']; if(!fireTruck) { res.status(400); res.json({ queryErrors: { 'fire-truck': ['Nie podano parametru!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } if(!validator.isNumeric(fireTruck, { no_symbols: true })) { res.status(400); res.json({ queryErrors: { 'fire-truck': ['Podane ID musi być liczbą (całkowitą)!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } if(fireTruck <= 0) { res.status(400); res.json({ queryErrors: { 'fire-truck': ['Podane ID musi być większe od 0!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } try { const truckExists = (await db.any('SELECT id FROM fire_truck WHERE id = $1', [fireTruck])).length != 0; if(!truckExists) { res.status(404); res.json({ queryErrors: { 'fire-truck': ['Wóz o podanym ID nie istnieje!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } } catch(error) { res.status(500); res.json({ queryErrors: {}, otherErrors: ['Wystąpił błąd serwera!'] }); return; } try { const randomQuestion = await'SELECT cache_id AS "cacheID", equipment_name AS "equipmentName" FROM get_random_question($1)', [fireTruck]); res.status(200); res.send(randomQuestion); } catch(error) { res.status(500); res.json({ queryErrors: {}, otherErrors: ['Wystąpił błąd serwera!'] }); } });'/quiz-results', async (req, res) => { const fireTruck = req.body.fireTruck.toString(); const seconds = req.body.seconds.toString(); const points = req.body.points.toString(); if(!validator.isNumeric(fireTruck, { no_symbols: true })) { res.status(400); res.json({ fieldErrors: { 'fire-truck': ['Podane ID musi być liczbą (całkowitą)!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } if(fireTruck <= 0) { res.status(400); res.json({ fieldErrors: { 'fire-truck': ['Podane ID musi być większe od 0!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } try { const truckExists = (await db.any('SELECT id FROM fire_truck WHERE id = $1', [fireTruck])).length != 0; if(!truckExists) { res.status(404); res.json({ fieldErrors: { 'fire-truck': ['Wóz o podanym ID nie istnieje!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } } catch(error) { res.status(500); res.json({ fieldErrors: {}, otherErrors: ['Wystąpił błąd serwera!'] }); return; } /* Walidacje dla seconds */ if(!validator.isNumeric(seconds, { no_symbols: true })) { res.status(400); res.json({ fieldErrors: { 'seconds': ['Sekundy muszą być liczbą całkowitą!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } if(seconds <= 0) { res.status(400); res.json({ fieldErrors: { 'seconds': ['Sekundy muszą być większe od 0!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } /* Walidacje dla points */ if(!validator.isNumeric(seconds, { no_symbols: true })) { res.status(400); res.json({ fieldErrors: { 'points': ['Punkty muszą być liczbą całkowitą!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } if(points < 0 || points > 10) { res.status(400); res.json({ fieldErrors: { 'points': ['Punkty muszą być w przedziale 0-10!'] }, otherErrors: [] }); return; } if(!req.session.accountNickname) { // Zapis do sesji if(!req.session.quizResults) { req.session.quizResults = []; } if(req.session.quizResults.length == 10) { req.session.quizResults.shift(); } req.session.quizResults.push({ fireTruckID: fireTruck, seconds, points }); } else { // Zapis na konto try { await db.none('INSERT INTO score (account_nickname, fire_truck_id, points, seconds)\ VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)', [req.session.accountNickname, fireTruck, points, seconds]); } catch(error) { console.error(error); res.status(500); res.json({ fieldErrors: {}, otherErrors: ['Wystąpił błąd serwera!'] }); return; } } res.sendStatus(204); }); // This should remain at the end of all routes // It will direct every not matched route to index.html file app.get('/*', function (req, res) { res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'client/build', 'index.html')); }); app.listen(port, () => { console.log(` słucha na porcie ${port}...`); });