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2023-03-26 13:22:02 +00:00
,Unnamed: 0.1,Title,Lyrics,Unnamed: 0
0,0,Signs Of Life,"
""When the child like view of the world went, nothing replace it... nothing replace it... nothing replace it...
I do not like being asked to... I don't like being asked to... I don't like being asked to... other people replaced it... Someone who knows""
1,1,Learning To Fly,"
Into the distance, a ribbon of black
Stretched to the point of no turning back
A flight of fancy on a windswept field
Standing alone my senses reeled
A fatal attraction is holding me fast
How can I escape this irresistible grasp?
Can't keep my eyes from the circling sky
Tongue-tied and twisted, just an earth-bound misfit, I
Ice is forming on the tips of my wings
Unheeded warnings, I thought, I thought of everything
No navigator to find my way home
Unladened empty and turned to stone
A soul in tension that's learning to fly
Condition grounded but determined to try
Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies
Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I
Throttle friction lock - set
Mixtures - rich
Propellers - fully forward
Flaps - set - ten degrees
Engine gauges and suction - check
Radios - set
Transponder - set, recheck
Flight instruments...
Altimeters - check both
Navigation lights - on
Pitot heater - on
Strobes - on
Golf romeo-echo ready for departure
Romeo-echo listen out 129 decimal 4
129 4 listening out
Romeo-echo is cleared takeoff, the wind's north at ten knots
So, on the brake. Just be ready, it's gonna roll this time
Just feel the power gradually, and it...
Above the planet on a wing and a prayer
My grubby halo, a vapour trail in the empty air
Across the clouds I see my shadow fly
Out of the corner of my watering eye
A dream unthreatened by the morning light
Could blow this soul right through the roof of the night
There's no sensation to compare with this
Suspended animation, a state of bliss
Can't keep my mind from the circling skies
Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I
2,2,The Dogs Of War,"
Dogs of war and men of hate
With no cause, we don't discriminate
Discovery is to be disowned
Our currency is flesh and bone
Hell opened up and put on sale
Gather 'round and haggle
For hard cash, we will lie and deceive
Even our masters don't know
The webs we weave
One world, it's a battleground
One world, and we will smash it down
One world ... One world
Invisible transfers and long distance calls
Hollow laughter in marble halls
Steps have been taken, a silent uproar
Has unleashed the dogs of war
You can't stop what has begun
Signed, sealed, they deliver oblivion
We all have a dark side, to say the least
And dealing in death is the nature of the beast
One world, it's a battleground
One world, and we will smash it down
One world ... One world
The dogs of war won't negotiate
The dogs of war don't capitulate
They will take and you will give
And you must die so that they may live
You can knock at any door
But wherever you go
You know they've been there before
Well winners can lose and things can get strained
But whatever you change, you know the dogs remain
One world, it's a battleground
One world, and we will smash it down
One world ... One world
3,3,One Slip,"
A restless eye across a weary room
A glazed look and I was on the road to ruin
The music played and played as we whirled without end
No hint, no word her honour to defend
I will, I will she sighed to my request
And then she tossed her mane while my resolve was put to the test
Then drowned in desire, our souls on fire
I lead the way to the funeral pyre
And without a thought of the consequence
I gave in to my decadence
One slip, and down the hole we fall
It seems to take no time at all
A momentary lapse of reason
That binds a life for life
A small regret, you won't forget
There'll be no sleep in here tonight
Was it love, or was it the idea of being in love?
Or was it the hand of fate, that seemed to fit just like a glove?
The moment slipped by and soon the seeds were sown
The year grew late and neither one wanted to remain alone
One slip, and down the hole we fall
It seems to take no time at all
A momentary lapse of reason
That binds a life to a life
The one regret, you will never forget
There'll be no sleep in here tonight
One slip... one slip...
4,4,On The Turning Away,"
On the turning away
From the pale and downtrodden
And the words they say
Which we won't understand
""Don't accept that what's happening
Is just a case of others' suffering
Or you'll find that you're joining in
The turning away""
It's a sin that somehow
Light is changing to shadow
And casting its shroud
Over all we have known
Unaware how the ranks have grown
Driven on by a heart of stone
We could find that we're all alone
In the dream of the proud
On the wings of the night
As the daytime is stirring
Where the speechless unite
In a silent accord
Using words you will find are strange
Mesmerized as they light the flame
Feel the new wind of change
On the wings of the night
No more turning away
From the weak and the weary
No more turning away
From the coldness inside
Just a world that we all must share
It's not enough just to stand and stare
Is it only a dream that there'll be
No more turning away?
5,5,Yet Another Movie,"
One sound, one single sound
One kiss, one single kiss
A face outside the window pane
However did it come to this?
A man who ran, a child who cried
A girl who heard a voice that lied
The sun that burned a fiery red
The vision of an empty bed
The use of force, he was so tough
She'll soon submit, she's had enough
The march of fate, the broken will
Someone is lying very still
He has laughed and he has cried
He has fought and he has died
He's just the same as all the rest
He's not the worst, he's not the best
And still this ceaseless murmuring
The babbling that I brook
The seas of faces, eyes upraised
The empty screen, the vacant look
A man in black on a snow white horse
A pointless life has run its course
The red rimmed eyes, the tears still run
As he fades into the setting sun
6,6,A New Machine (Part 1),"
I have always been here
I have always looked out from behind these eyes
It feels like more than a lifetime
Feels like more than a lifetime
Sometimes I get tired of the waiting
Sometimes I get tired of being in here
Is this the way it's always been?
Could it ever have been different?
Do you ever get tired of the waiting?
Do you ever get tired of being in there?
Don't worry, nobody lives forever
Nobody lives forever
7,7,A New Machine (Part 2),"
I will always be in here
I will always look out from behind these eyes
It's only a lifetime
It's only a lifetime
It's only a lifetime
The sweet smell of a great sorrow lies over the land
Plumes of smoke rise and merge into the leaden sky
A man lies and dreams of green fields and rivers
But awakes to a morning with no reason for waking
He's haunted by the memory of a lost paradise
In his youth or a dream, he can't be precise
He's chained forever to a world that's departed
It's not enough, it's not enough
His blood has frozen and curdled with fright
His knees have trembled and given way in the night
His hand has weakened at the moment of truth
His step has faltered
One world, one soul
Time pass, the river rolls
And he talks to the river of lost love and dedication
And silent replies that swirl invitation
Flow dark and troubled to an oily sea
A grim intimation of what is to be
There's an unceasing wind that blows through this night
And there's dust in my eyes, that blinds my sight
And silence that speaks so much louder than words
Of promises broken
9,9,Let There Be More Light,"
Far, far, far, far away, way
People heard him say, say
I will find a way, way
There will come a day, day
Something will be done
Then at last the mighty ship
Descending on a point of flame
Made contact with the human race at Mildenhall
Now, now, now is the time, time
Time to be, be, be aware
Carter's father saw it there and
Knew the road revealed to him
The living soul of Hereward the Wake
Oh, my, something in my eye, eye
Something in the sky, sky
Waiting there for me
The outer lock rolled slowly back
The service men were heard to sigh
For there revealed in glowing robes was Lucy in the sky
Oh, oh, did you ever know, know
Never ever will they
I can't say
Summoning his cosmic powers
And glowing slightly from his toes
His psychic emanations flowed
10,10,Remember A Day,"
Remember a day before today
A day when you were young
Free to play along with time
Evening never comes
Sing a song that can't be sung
Without the morning's kiss
Queen you shall be if you wish
Look for your king
Why can't we play today?
Why can't we stay that way?
Climb your favorite apple tree
Try to catch the sun
Hide from your little brother's gun
Dream yourself away
Why can't we reach the sun?
Why can't we blow the years away?
Blow away
Blow away
11,11,Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun,"
Little by little the night turns around
Counting the leaves which tremble at dawn
Lotuses lean on each other in yearning
Under the eaves the swallow is resting
Set the controls for the heart of the sun
Over the mountain watching the watcher
Breaking the darkness, waking the grapevine
One inch of love is one inch of shadow
Love is the shadow that ripens the wine
Set the controls for the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
Witness the man who raves at the wall
Making the shape of his question to Heaven
Whether the sun will fall in the evening
Will he remember the lesson of giving?
Set the controls for the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
12,12,Corporal Clegg,"
Corporal Clegg had a wooden leg
He won it in the war, in 1944
Corporal Clegg had a medal too
In orange, red and blue
He found it in the zoo
Dear oh dear, oh were they really sad for me?
Dear oh dear, oh will they really laugh at me?
Missus Clegg, you must be proud of him
Missus Clegg, another drop of gin?
Corporal Clegg, umbrella in the rain
He's never been the same
No one is to blame
Corporal Clegg received his medal in a dream
From Her Majesty the Queen
His boots were very clean
Missus Clegg, you must be proud of him
Missus Clegg, another drop of gin?
[Until the end:]
Corporal Clegg
Marigolds are very much in love
But he doesn't mind
Picking up his sister, he makes his way into the see-saw land
All the way
She smiles
She goes up while he goes down, down
Sits on a stick in the river
Laughter in his sleep
Sister's throwing stones, hoping for a hit
He doesn't know so then
She goes up while he goes down, down
Another time (Ah-ah)
Another day (Ah-ah)
A brother's way to leave (Ah-ah)
Another time (Ah-ah)
Another day (Ah-ah)
She'll be selling plastic flowers
On a Sunday afternoon
Picking up weeds, she hasn't got the time to care
All can see
He's not there
She grows up for another man, and he's down
Another time (Ah-ah)
Another day (Ah-ah)
A brother's way to leave (Ah-ah)
Another time (Ah-ah)
Another day
Another time (Ah-ah)
Another day (Ah-ah)
A brother's way to leave (Ah-ah)
(Ah-ah, ah-ah)
14,14,Jugband Blues,"
It's awfully considerate of you to think of me here
And I'm most obliged to you for making it clear
That I'm not here
And I never knew the moon could be so big
And I never knew the moon could be so blue
And I'm grateful that you threw away my old shoes
And brought me here instead dressed in red
And I'm wondering who could be writing this song
I don't care if the sun don't shine
And I don't care if nothing is mine
And I don't care if I'm nervous with you
I'll do my loving in the winter
And the sea isn't green
And I love the Queen
And what exactly is a dream?
And what exactly is a joke?
15,15,Pigs On The Wing (Part One),"
If you didn't care what happened to me,
And I didn't care for you
We would zig zag our way through the boredom and pain
Occasionally glancing up through the rain
Wondering which of the buggers to blame
And watching for pigs on the wing.
You got to be crazy, gotta have a real need
Gotta sleep on your toes, and when you're on the street
You got to be able to pick out the easy meat with your eyes closed
And then moving in silently, down wind and out of sight
You got to strike when the moment is right without thinking.
And after a while, you can work on points for style
Like the club tie, and the firm handshake
A certain look in the eye, and an easy smile
You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to
So that when they turn their backs on you
You'll get the chance to put the knife in.
You gotta keep one eye looking over your shoulder
You know it's going to get harder, and harder, and harder as you get older
Yeah, and in the end you'll pack up, fly down south
Hide your head in the sand
Just another sad old man
All alone and dying of cancer.
And when you lose control, you'll reap the harvest you have sown
And as the fear grows, the bad blood slows and turns to stone
And it's too late to lose the weight you used to need to throw around
So have a good drown, as you go down, all alone
Dragged down by the stone.
I gotta admit that I'm a little bit confused
Sometimes it seems to me as if I'm just being used
Gotta stay awake, gotta try and shake off this creeping malaise
If I don't stand my own ground, how can I find my way out of this maze?
Deaf, dumb, and blind, you just keep on pretending
That everyone's expendable and no-one has a real friend
And it seems to you the thing to do would be to isolate the winner
And everything's done under the sun
And you believe at heart, everyone's a killer.
Who was born in a house full of pain
Who was trained not to spit in the fan
Who was told what to do by the man
Who was broken by trained personnel
Who was fitted with collar and chain
Who was given a pat on the back
Who was breaking away from the pack
Who was only a stranger at home
Who was ground down in the end
Who was found dead on the phone
Who was dragged down by the stone.
17,17,Pigs (Three Different Ones),"
Big man, pig man
Ha ha, charade you are
You well heeled big wheel
Ha ha, charade you are
And when your hand is on your heart
You're nearly a good laugh
Almost a joker
With your head down in the pig bin
Saying ""keep on digging""
Pig stain on your fat chin
What do you hope to find?
When you're down in the pig mine
You're nearly a laugh
You're nearly a laugh
But you're really a cry
Bus stop rat bag
Ha ha, charade you are
You fucked up old hag
Ha ha, charade you are
You radiate cold shafts of broken glass
You're nearly a good laugh
Almost worth a quick grin
You like the feel of steel
You're hot stuff with a hat pin
And good fun with a hand gun
You're nearly a laugh
You're nearly a laugh
But you're really a cry
Hey you Whitehouse
Ha ha, charade you are
You house proud town mouse
Ha ha, charade you are
You're trying to keep our feelings off the street
You're nearly a real treat
All tight lips and cold feet
And do you feel abused?
You gotta stem the evil tide
And keep it all on the inside
Mary you're nearly a treat
Mary you're nearly a treat
But you're really a cry
Harmlessly passing your time in the grassland away
Only dimly aware of a certain unease in the air
You better watch out
There may be dogs about
I've looked over Jordan and I have seen
Things are not what they seem
What do you get for pretending the danger's not real
Meek and obedient you follow the leader
Down well trodden corridors into the valley of steel
What a surprise
A look of terminal shock in your eyes
Now things are really what they seem
No, this is no bad dream
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He makes me down to lie
Through pastures green he leadeth me the silent waters by
With bright knives he releaseth my soul
He maketh me to hang on hooks in high places
He converteth me to lamb cutlets
For lo, he hath great power and great hunger
When cometh the day we lowly ones
Through quiet reflection and great dedication
Master the art of karate
Lo, we shall rise up
And then we'll make the bugger's eyes water
Bleating and babbling we fell on his neck with a scream
Wave upon wave of demented avengers
March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream
Have you heard the news?
The dogs are dead!
You better stay home
And do as you're told
Get out of the road if you want to grow old
19,19,Pigs On The Wing (Part Two),"
You know that I care what happens to you
And I know that you care for me too
So I don't feel alone
Or the weight of the stone
Now that I've found somewhere safe
To bury my bone
And any fool knows a dog needs a home
A shelter from pigs on the wing
If I were a swan, I'd be gone
If I were a train, I'd be late
And if I were a good man
I'd talk with you more often than I do
If I were asleep, I could dream
If I were afraid, I could hide
If I go insane
Please don't put your wires in my brain
If I were the moon, I'd be cool
If I were a rule, I would bend
If I were a good man
I'd understand the spaces between friends
If I were alone, I would cry
And if I were with you, I'd be home and dry
And if I go insane
Will you still let me join in with the game?
If I were a swan, I'd be gone
If I were a train, I'd be late again
If I were a good man
I'd talk with you more often than I do
21,21,Summer '68,"
Do, do-do
Do, do-do
Do, do-do-do
Would you like to say something before you leave?
Perhaps you'd care to state exactly how you feel
We say goodbye before we've said hello
I hardly even like you, I shouldn't care at all
We met just six hours ago, the music was too loud
From your bed I gained a day and lost a bloody year
And I would like to know
How do you feel?
(How do you feel?)
How do you feel?
(How do you feel?)
Not a single word was said, the night still hid our fears
Occasionally you showed a smile, but what was the need
I felt the cold far too soon in a room of 95
My friends are lying in the sun, I wish that I was there
Tomorrow brings another town, another girl like you
Have you time before you leave to greet another man?
Just you let me know
How do you feel?
How do you feel?
How do you feel?
How do you feel?
Goodbye to you, Charlotte Pringle's due
I've had enough for one day
22,22,Fat Old Sun,"
When that fat old sun in the sky is falling,
Summer evening birds are calling.
Summer Sunday and a year,
The sound of music in my ears.
Distant bells,
New-mown grass smells so sweet.
By the river holding hands,
Roll me up and lay me down.
And if you see,
Don't make a sound.
Pick your feet up off the ground.
And if you hear as the warm night falls
The silver sound from a tongue so strange,
Sing to me, sing to me.
When that fat old sun in the sky is falling,
Summer evening birds are calling.
Children's laughter in my ears,
The last sunlight disappears.
And if you see,
Don't make a sound.
Pick your feet up off the ground.
And if you hear as the warm night falls
The silver sound from a tongue so strange,
Sing to me, sing to me.
When that fat old sun in the sky is falling,
Summer evening birds are calling.
Children's laughter in my ears,
The last sunlight disappears.
23,23,Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast,"
Oh, uh, me flakes, then uh, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, tomatoes... toast, coffee... marmalade, I like marmalade. Yes, porridge is nice. Any cereal, I like all cereals... oh God. Kickoff is 10 a.m.
[Part 1. Rise And Shine]
Breakfast in Los Angeles, macrobiotic stuff...
[Part 2. Sunny Side Up]
I don't mind a barrow, I like barrowing the stuff in
I've got a terrible back. When I work, it hurts me
D'you know what I mean, John?
Well, he's sort of, err... when driving on the road he has a sleep, gets ready for the gig
I don't know
He does all the electrical stuff. I can't be bothered with that, it's so fiddly...
[Part 3. Morning Glory]
All my head's a blank
24,24,One Of These Days,"
One of these days
I'm going to cut you into little pieces
25,25,A Pillow Of Winds,"
A cloud of eiderdown
Draws around me softening the sound
Sleepy time when I lie
With my love by my side
And she's breathing low
And the candle dies
When night comes down you lock the door
The boot falls to the floor
As darkness falls the waves roll by
The seasons change
The wind is warm
Now wakes the owl, now sleeps the swan
Behold a dream, the dream is gone
Green fields
A cold rain is falling
In a golden dawn
And deep beneath the ground
The early morning sounds and I go down
Sleeping time when I lie
With my love by my side
And she's breathing low
And I rise like a bird
In the haze and the first rays touch the sky
And the night winds die
You say the hill's too steep to climb
You say you'd like to see me try
You pick the place and I'll choose the time
And I will climb that hill in my own way
Just wait a while for the right day
And as I rise above the tree line and the clouds
I look down, hearing the sound of the things you've said today
Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd
Merciless the magistrate turns 'round
And who's the fool who wears the crown?
And go down in your own way
And every day is the right day
And as you rise above the fear-lines in his brow
You look down, hearing the sound of the faces in the crowd
Walk on, walk on, with hope in your heart
And you'll never walk alone
You'll never walk alone
Liverpool! Liverpool!
27,27,San Tropez,"
As I reach for a peach
Slide a line down behind
A sofa in San Tropez
Breaking a stick with a brick on the sand
Riding a wave in the wake of an old Sedan
Sleeping alone in the drone of the darkness
Scratched by the sand that fell from my love
Deep in my dreams and I still hear her calling
If you're alone, I'll come home
Backward and home-bound
The pigeon the dove
Gone with the wind and the rain on an airplane
Born in a home with no silver spoon
I'm drinking champagne like a good tycoon
Sooner than wait for a break in the weather
I'll gather my far-flung thoughts together
Speeding away on a wind to a new day
If you're alone, I'll come home
And I pause for a while
By a country stile
And listen to things they say
Digging for gold in a hole in my hand
Open the book, take a look at the way things stand
And you're leading me down to the place by the sea
I hear your soft voice calling to me
Making a date for later by phone
And if you're alone I'll come home
I was in the kitchen
Seamus, that's the dog, was outside
Well, I was in the kitchen
Seamus, my old hound was outside
Well, you know the sun was sinking slowly
But my old hound-dog sat right down and cried
Overhead the albatross hangs motionless upon the air
And deep beneath the rolling waves in labyrinths of coral caves
The echo of a distant time comes willowing across the sand
And everything is green and submarine
And no one showed us to the land
And no one knows the where's or why's
But something stirs and something tries
And starts to climb towards the light
Strangers passing in the street
By chance two separate glances meet
And I am you and what I see is me
And do I take you by the hand
And lead you through the land
And help me understand the best I can?
And no one calls us to move on
And no one forces down our eyes
No one speaks and no one tries
No one flies around the sun
Cloudless every day you fall
Upon my waking eyes
Inviting and inciting me to rise
And through the window in the wall
Come streaming in on sunlight wings
A million bright ambassadors of morning
And no one sings me lullabies
And no one makes me close my eyes
So I throw the windows wide
And call to you across the sky
30,30,Cirrus Minor,"
In a churchyard by a river
Lazing in the haze of midday
Laughing in the grasses
And the graves
Yellow bird, you are not lone
In singing and in flying on
In laughing and in leaving
Willow weeping in the water
Waving to the river daughters
Swaying in the ripples and the reeds
On a trip to Cirrus Minor
Saw a crater in the Sun
A thousand miles of moonlight later
31,31,The Nile Song,"
I was standing by the Nile
When I saw the lady smile
I would take her out for a while
For a while
Like tears wept like a child
How her golden hair was blowing wild
Then she spread her wings to fly
For to fly
Soaring high above the breezes
Going always where she pleases
She will make it to the islands
In the sun
I will follow in her shadow
As I watch her from my window
One day I will catch her eye
She is calling from the deep
Summoning my soul to endless sleep
She is bound to drag me down
Drag me down
32,32,Crying Song,"
We smile and smile
We smile and smile
Laughter echoes in your eyes
We climb and climb
We climb and climb
Foot falls softly in the pines
We cry and cry
We cry and cry
Sadness passes in a while
We roll and roll
We roll and roll
Help me roll away the stone
33,33,Green Is The Colour,"
Heavy hung the canopy of blue
Shade my eyes and I can see you
White is the light that shines through the dress that you wore
She lay in the shadow of the wave
Hazy were the visions of her playing
Sunlight on her eyes but moonshine made her blind every time
Green is the colour of her kind
Quickness of the eye deceives the mind
Envy is the bond between the hopeful and the damned
The path you tread is narrow, and the drop is sheer and very high
The ravens all are watching from a vantage point nearby
Apprehension creeping like a tube-train up your spine
Will the tightrope reach the end? Will the final couplet rhyme?
And it's high time, Cymbaline
It's high time, Cymbaline
Please, wake me
A butterfly with broken wings is falling by your side
The ravens all are closing in, there's nowhere you can hide
Your manager and agent are both busy on the phone
Selling coloured photographs to magazines back home
And it's high time, Cymbaline
It's high time, Cymbaline
Please, wake me
The lines converging where you stand
They must have moved the picture plane
The leaves are heavy around your feet
You hear the thunder of the train
And suddenly it strikes you that they're moving into range
And Doctor Strange is always changing size
And it's high time! (High time), Cymbaline
It's high time, Cymbaline
Please, wake me
Doh, do-do-ro-ro
Bah bah, ba-ba-ba-ba
Bah bah, doo-doo-do-do-ro-ro
Bah bah, ba-ra-ba-ba-ra-ra, bah
And it's high time, Cymbaline
It's high time, Cymbaline
Please, wake me
35,35,Ibiza Bar,"
I'm so afraid
Of mistakes that I've made
Shaking every time that I awake
I feel like a cardboard cut-out man
So build me a time
When the characters rhyme
And the story line is kind
I've aged and aged since the first page
I've lived every line that you wrote
Take me down, take me down
From the shelf above your head
And build me a time
When the characters rhyme
And the story line is kind
I live where I'm left
On the shelf like the rest
And the epilogue reads like a sad song
Please pick up your camera
And use me again
And build me a time
When the characters rhyme
And the storyline is kind
36,36,A Spanish Piece,"
Pass the tequila, Manuel
Listen, gringo, laugh at my lisp and I kill you
I think
This Spanish music
It sets my soul on fire
Lovely señorita
Your eyes are like stars
Your teeth are like pearls
Your ruby lips
37,37,Burning Bridges,"
Bridges burning gladly merging with the shadow
Flickering between the lines
Stolen moments floating softly on the air
Born on wings of fire and climbing higher
Ancient bonds are breaking
Moving on and changing sides
Dreaming of a new day
Cast aside the other way
Magic vision stirring
Kindled by and burning
Flames rise in her eyes
The door that stands ajar
The walls that once were high
Beyond the gilded cage
Beyond the reach of ties
The moment is at hand
She breaks the golden band
38,38,The Gold It's In The...,"
Come on, my friends, let's make for the hills
They say there's gold and I'm looking for thrills
You can get your hands on whatever we find
'Cause I'm only comin' along for the ride
Well, you go your way, I'll go mine
I don't care if we get there on time
Everybody's searching for something, they say
I'll get my kicks on the way
Over the mountains, across the sea
Who knows what may be waiting for me?
I could sail forever to strange sounding names
Faces of people and places don't change
All I have to do is just close my eyes
To see the seagulls wheeling in those far distant skies
All I wanna tell you, all I wanna say
Is count me in on the journey, don't expect me to stay
39,39,Wot's...Uh The Deal?,"
Heaven sent the promised land
Looks alright from where I stand
'Cause I'm the man on the outside looking in
Waiting on the first step
Show me where the key is kept
Point me down the right line because it's time
To let me in from the cold
Turn my lead into gold
'Cause there's a chill wind blowing in my soul
And I think I'm growing old
Flash the readies wot's...uh the deal?
Got to make it to the next meal
Try to keep up with the turning of the wheel
Mile after mile (Mile after mile)
Stone after stone (Stone after stone)
Turn to speak but you're alone
Million miles from home you're on your own
So let me in from the cold
Turn my lead into gold
'Cause there's a chill wind blowing in my soul
And I think I'm growing old
Fire bright by candlelight
And her by my side
And if she prefers we never stir again
Someone sent the promised land
And I grabbed it with both hands
Now I'm the man on the inside looking out
Hear me shout 'Come on in. What's the news and where've you been?'
'Cause there's no wind left in my soul
And I've grown old
40,40,Childhood's End,"
You shout in your sleep
Perhaps the price is just too steep
Is your conscience at rest
If once put to the test?
You awake with a start
To just the beating of your heart
Just one man beneath the sky
Just two ears, just two eyes
You set sail across the sea
Of long past thoughts and memories
Childhood's end, your fantasies
Merge with harsh realities
And then as the sail is hoist
You find your eyes are growing moist
And all the fears never voiced
Say you have to make your final choice
Who are you and who am I
To say we know the reason why?
Some are born; some men die
Beneath one infinite sky
There'll be war, there'll be peace
But everything one day will cease
All the iron turned to rust
All the proud men turned to dust
And so all things, time will mend
So this song will end
41,41,Free Four,"
One, two, free, four!
The memories of a man in his old age
Are the deeds of a man in his prime
You shuffle in gloom of the sickroom
And talk to yourself as you die
Life is a short, warm moment
And death is a long, cold rest
You get your chance to try in the twinkling of an eye
Eighty years, with luck, or even less
So all aboard for the American tour
And maybe you'll make it to the top
And mind how you go, and I can tell you, 'cause I know
You may find it hard to get off
You are the angel of death
And I am the dead man's son
And he was buried like a mole in a fox hole
And everyone is still on the run
And who is the master of fox hounds?
And who says the hunt has begun?
And who calls the tune in the courtroom?
And who beats the funeral drum?
The memories of a man in his old age
Are the deeds of a man in his prime
You shuffle in gloom in the sickroom
And talk to yourself as you die
And help me to end the day
And if you don't mind
We'll break a bottle of wine
Stick around
And maybe we'll put one down
'Cause I wanna find
What lies behind those eyes
Midnight blue burning gold
A yellow moon is growing cold
I rise
Looking through my morning eyes
To find you by my side
Rack my brain
And try to remember your name
To find
The words to tell you goodbye
Morning dues
Newborn day
Midnight blue
Turned to gray
Midnight blue burning gold
A yellow moon is growing cold
43,43,Speak To Me,"
I've been mad for fucking years
Absolutely years, been over the edge for yonks
Been working me buns off for bands
I've always been mad, I know I've been mad
Like the most of us have
Very hard to explain why you're mad
Even if you're not mad
Hahahahahahaha! Hehehehehehehe!
Breathe, breathe in the air
Don't be afraid to care
Leave, but don't leave me
Look around
Choose your own ground
Long you live and high you fly
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
And all you touch and all you see
Is all your life will ever be
Run, rabbit run
Dig that hole, forget the sun
And when at last the work is done
Don't sit down
It's time to dig another one
For long you live and high you fly
But only if you ride the tide
And balanced on the biggest wave
You race towards an early grave
45,45,On The Run,"
""Have your baggage and your passports ready and follow the green line to customs and then to immigration. BA 215 to Rome, Cairo and Lagos...""
""Live for today, gone tomorrow. That's me... ha ha ha...""
Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
Fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way
Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun
And you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it's sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way, but you're older
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death
Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say
Home, home again
I like to be here when I can
And when I come home cold and tired
It's good to warm my bones beside the fire
Far away, across the field
The tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees
To hear the softly spoken magic spell
47,47,Breathe - Reprise,"
Home, home again
I like to be there when I can
When I come in cold and tired
It's good to warm my bones beside the fire
Far away across the field
The tolling of the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees
To hear the softly spoken magic spells.
48,48,The Great Gig In The Sky,"
And I am not frightened of dying, any time will do, I don't mind
Why should I be frightened of dying?
There's no reason for it, you've gotta go sometime
I never said I was frightened to die
Money, get away
You get a good job with more pay and you're OK
Money, it's a gas
Grab that cash with both hands and make a stash
New car, caviar, four-star daydream
Think I'll buy me a football team
Money, get back
I'm alright, Jack, keep your hands off of my stack
Money, it's a hit
Ah, don't give me that do-goody-good bullshit
I'm in the high-fidelity first-class traveling set
And I think I need a Learjet
Money, it's a crime
Share it fairly but don't take a slice of my pie
Money, so they say
Is the root of all evil today
But if you ask for a rise it's no surprise that they're giving none away
Away, away, away
Away, away, away
Away, ooh
""Ha-ha! I was in the right!""
""Yes, absolutely in the right!""
""I certainly was in the right!""
""Yeah, I was definitely in the right. That geezer was cruising for a bruising!""
""Why does anyone do anything?""
""Why does anyone do anything?""
""I don't know, I was really drunk at the time!""
""I was just telling him it was in, he could get it in number two. He was asking why it wasn't coming up on fader eleven. After, I was yelling and screaming and telling him why it wasn't coming up on fader eleven. It came to a heavy blow, which sorted the matter out.""
50,50,Us And Them,"
Wasn't the right
Why does anyone do anything?
Just tell me
I don't know, I was really drunk at the time!
Us (Us, us, us, us, us) and them (Them, them, them, them)
And after all, we're only ordinary men
Me (Me, me, me, me, me) and you (You, you, you, you, you)
God only knows it's not what we would choose to do (To do, to do, to do)
""Forward!"" he cried from the rear
And the front rank died
The general sat and the lines on the map
Moved from side to side
Black (Black, black, black, black) and blue (Blue, blue, blue, blue)
And who knows which is which and who is who (Is who, is who, is who, is who)
Up (Up, up, up, up, up) and down (Down, down, down, down)
And in the end it's only round and round (round, round, round), and round (round, round, round, round)
""Haven't you heard it's a battle of words?""
The poster bearer cried
""Listen, son,"" said the man with the gun
""There's room for you inside""
I mean, they're not gonna kill ya
So like, if you give 'em a quick short, sharp, shock
They won't do it again
Dig it? I mean, he got off lightly
'Cause I would've given him a thrashing
I only hit him once!
It was only a difference of right and wrong, innit?
But really, I mean good manners don't cost nothing, do they, eh?
Down (Down, down, down, down) and out (Out, out, out, out)
It can't be helped, but there's a lot of it about
With (With, with, with, with), without
And who'll deny it's what the fighting's all about? (About, about, about, about?)
Out of the way, it's a busy day
I've got things on my mind
For want of the price of tea and a slice
The old man died
51,51,Brain Damage,"
The lunatic is on the grass
The lunatic is on the grass
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
Got to keep the loonies on the path
The lunatic is in the hall
The lunatics are in my hall
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And every day the paper boy brings more
And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
The lunatic is in my head
The lunatic is in my head
You raise the blade, you make the change
You re-arrange me 'til I'm sane
You lock the door and throw away the key
There's someone in my head but it's not me.
And if the cloud bursts thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
I can't think of anything to say except...
I think it's marvelous! Ha, ha, ha!
All that you touch
And all that you see
All that you taste
All you feel
And all that you love
And all that you hate
All you distrust
All you save
And all that you give
And all that you deal
And all that you buy,
Beg, borrow or steal
And all you create
And all you destroy
And all that you do
And all that you say
And all that you eat
And everyone you meet
And all that you slight
And everyone you fight
And all that is now
And all that is gone
And all that's to come
And everything under the sun is in tune
But the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
There is no dark side of the moon, really.
Matter of fact, it's all dark.
53,53,What Do You Want From Me,"
As you look around this room tonight
Settle in your seat and dim the lights
Do you want my blood, do you want my tears
What do you want
What do you want from me
Should I sing until I can't sing any more
Play these strings until my fingers are raw
You're so hard to please
What do you want from me
Do you think that I know something you don't know
What do you want from me
If I don't promise you the answers would you go
What do you want from me
Should I stand out in the rain
Do you want me to make a daisy chain for you
I'm not the one you need
What do you want from me
You can have anything you want
You can drift, you can dream, even walk on water
Anything you want
You can own everything you see
Sell your soul for complete control
Is that really what you need
You can lose yourself this night
See inside there is nothing to hide
Turn and face the light
What do you want from me
54,54,Poles Apart,"
Did you was all going to go so wrong for you
And did you see it was all going to be so right for me
Why did we tell you then
You were always the golden boy then
And that you'd never lose that light in your eyes
Hey you...did you ever realize what you'd become
And did you see that it wasn't only me you were running from
Did you know all the time but it never bothered you anyway
Leading the blind while I stared out the steel in your eyes
The rain fell slow, down on all the roofs of uncertainty
I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me
And did you know...
I never thought that you'd lose the light in your eyes
55,55,A Great Day For Freedom,"
On the day the wall came down
They threw the locks onto the ground
And with glasses high we raised a cry
For freedom had arrived
On the day the wall came down
The Ship of Fools had finally run aground
Promises lit up the night
Like paper doves in flight
I dreamed you had left my side
No warmth, not even pride remained
And even though you needed me
It was clear that I could not do a thing for you
Now life devalues day by day
As friends and neighbours turn away
And there's a change that even with regret
Cannot be undone
Now frontiers shift like desert sands
While nations wash their bloodied hands
Of loyalty, of history, in shades of grey
I woke to the sound of drums
The music played, the morning sun streamed in
I turned and I looked at you
And all but the bitter residues slipped away
Slipped away
56,56,Wearing The Inside Out,"
From morning to night I stayed out of sight
Didn't recognize I'd become
No more than alive I'd barely survive
In a word... overrun
Won't hear a sound (He's curled into the corner)
From my mouth (But still the screen is flickering)
I've spent too long (With an endless stream of garbage to)
On the inside out (Curse the place)
My skin is cold (In a sea of random images)
To the human touch (The self-destructing animal)
This bleeding heart's (Waiting for the waves to break)
Not beating much
I murmured a vow of silence and now
I don't even hear when I think aloud
Extinguished by light I turn on the night
Wear its darkness with an empty smile
I'm creeping back to life
My nervous system all awry
I'm wearing the inside out
Look at him now
He's paler somehow
But he's coming round
He's starting to choke
It's been so long since he spoke
Well he can have the words right from my mouth
And with these words I can see
Clear through the clouds that covered me
Just give it time then speak my name
Now we can hear ourselves again
I'm holding out (He's standing on the threshold)
For the day (Caught in fiery anger)
When all the clouds (And hurled into the furnace he'll)
Have blown away (Curse the place)
I'm with you now (He's torn in all directions)
Can speak your name (And still the screen is flickering)
Now we can hear (Waiting for the flames to break)
Ourselves again
57,57,Take It Back,"
Her love rains down on me as easy as the breeze
I listen to her breathing it sounds like the waves on the sea
I was thinking all about her, burning with rage and desire
We were spinning into darkness the earth was on fire
She could take it back, she might take it back some day
So I spy on her, I lie to her, I make promises I cannot keep
Then I hear her laughter rising, rising from the deep
And I make her prove her love for me, I take all that I can take
And I push her to the limit to see if she will break
She might take it back, she could take it back some day
Now I have seen the warnings, screaming from all sides
It's easy to ignore them and God knows I've tried
All of this temptation, it turned my faith to lies
Until I couldn't see the danger or hear the rising tide
She can take it back, she will take it back some day
She can take it back, she will take it back some day
She can take it back, she will take it back some day
58,58,Coming Back To Life,"
Where were you when I was burned and broken
While the days slipped by from my window watching
And where were you when I was hurt and I was helpless
Because the things you say and the things you do surround me
While you were hanging yourself on someone else's words
Dying to believe in what you heard
I was staring straight into the shining sun
Lost in thought and lost in time
While the seeds of life and the seeds of change were planted
Outside the rain fell dark and slow
While I pondered on this dangerous but irresistible pastime
I took a heavenly ride through our silence
I knew the moment had arrived
For killing the past and coming back to life
I took a heavenly ride through our silence
I knew the waiting had begun
And headed straight... into the shining sun
59,59,Keep Talking,"
For millions of years mankind lived just like the animals
Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imagination
We learned to talk
There's a silence surrounding me
I can't seem to think straight
I'll sit in the corner
No one can bother me
I think I should speak now
I can't seem to speak now
My words won't come out right
I feel like I'm drowning
I'm feeling weak now
But I can't show my weakness
I sometimes wonder
Where do we go from here
It doesn't have to be like this
All we need to do is make sure we keep talking
Why won't you talk to me
You never talk to me
What are you thinking
What are you feeling
Why won't you talk to me
You never talk to me
What are you thinking
Where do we go from here
It doesn't have to be like this
All we need to do is make sure we keep talking
Why won't you talk to me
You never talk to me
What are you thinking
What are you feeling
Why won't you talk to me
You never talk to me
What are you thinking
What are you feeling
I feel like I'm drowning
You know I can't breathe now
We're going nowhere
We're going nowhere
60,60,Lost For Words,"
I was spending my time in the doldrums
I was caught in the cauldron of hate
I felt persecuted and paralyzed
I thought that everything else would just wait
While you are wasting your time on your enemies
Engulfed in a fever of spite
Beyond your tunnel vision reality fades
Like shadows into the night
To martyr yourself to caution
Is not going to help at all
Because there'll be no safety in numbers
When the Right One walks out of the door
Can you see your days blighted by darkness?
Is it true you beat your fists on the floor?
Stuck in a world of isolation
While the ivy grows over the door
So I open my door to my enemies
And I ask could we wipe the slate clean
But they tell me to please go fuck myself
You know you just can't win
61,61,High Hopes,"
Beyond the horizon of the place we lived when we were young
In a world of magnets and miracles
Our thoughts strayed constantly and without boundary
The ringing of the division bell had begun
Along the Long Road and on down the Causeway
Do they still meet there by the Cut
There was a ragged band that followed in our footsteps
Running before time took our dreams away
Leaving the myriad small creatures trying to tie us to the ground
To a life consumed by slow decay
The grass was greener
The light was brighter
With friends surrounded
The nights of wonder
Looking beyond the embers of bridges glowing behind us
To a glimpse of how green it was on the other side
Steps taken forwards but sleepwalking back again
Dragged by the force of some inner tide
At a higher altitude with flag unfurled
We reached the dizzy heights of that dreamed of world
Encumbered forever by desire and ambition
There's a hunger still unsatisfied
Our weary eyes still stray to the horizon
Though down this road we've been so many times
The grass was greener
The light was brighter
The taste was sweeter
The nights of wonder
With friends surrounded
The dawn mist glowing
The water flowing
The endless river
Forever and ever
62,62,The Post War Dream,"
""...the groups of... announced plans to build a nuclear fallout shelter at Peterborough in Cambridgeshire...""
""...three high court judges have cleared the way for...""
""...It was announced today, that the replacement for the Atlantic Conveyor the container ship lost in the Falklands conflict would be built in Japan. A spokesman for...""
""...moving in. They say the third world countries, like Bolivia, which produce the drug are suffering from rising violence...""
Tell me true. Tell me why
Was Jesus crucified?
Was it for this that daddy died?
Was it you? Was it me?
Did I watch too much T.V.?
Is that a hint of accusation in your eyes?
If it wasn't for the Nips
Being so good at building ships
The yards would still be open on the Clyde.
And it can't be much fun for them
Beneath the rising sun
With all their kids committing suicide
What have we done?
Maggie, what have we done?
What have we done to England?
Should we shout? Should we scream?
What happened to the post-war dream?
Oh, Maggie, Maggie, what did we do?
63,63,Your Possible Pasts,"
They flutter behind you your possible pasts
Some bright-eyed and crazy some frightened and lost
A warning to anyone still in command
Of their possible future to take care
In derelict sidings the poppies entwine
With cattle trucks lying in wait for the next time
Do you remember me? How we used to be?
Do you think we should be closer?
She stood in the doorway the ghost of a smile
Haunting her face like a cheap hotel sign
Her cold eyes imploring the men in their macs
For the gold in their bags or the knives in their backs
Stepping up boldly one put out his hand
He said, ""I was just a child then. Now I'm only a man.""
Do you remember me? How we used to be?
Do you think we should be closer?
By the cold and religious we were taken in hand
Shown how to feel good and told to feel bad
Tongue tied and terrified we learned how to pray
Now our feelings run deep and cold as the clay
And strung out behind us the banners and flags
Of our possible pasts lie in tatters and rags
Do you remember me? How we used to be?
Do you think we should be closer?
64,64,One Of The Few,"
when you're one of the few to land on your feet
what do you do to make ends meet?
make them mad, make them sad, make them add two and two
make them me, make them you, make them do what you want them to
make them laugh, make them cry, make them lie down and die
65,65,The Hero's Return,"
Jesus, Jesus, what's it all about?
Trying to clout these little ingrates into shape
When I was their age all the lights went out
There was no time to whine and mope about
And even now part of me flies
Over Dresden at angels one five
Though they'll never fathom it behind my sarcasm
Desperate memories lie
Sweetheart, sweetheart, are you fast asleep? Good
That's the only time that I can really speak to you
And there is something that I've locked away
A memory that is too painful to withstand the light of day
When we came back from the war
The banners and flags hung on everyone's door
We danced and we sang in the street
And the church bells rang
But burning in my heart
The memory smoulders on
Of the gunners dying words
On the intercom
66,66,The Gunner's Dream,"
Floating down through the clouds
Memories come rushing up to meet me now
But in the space between the heavens
And in the corner of some foreign field
I had a dream
I had a dream
Goodbye Max
Goodbye ma
After the service when you're walking slowly to the car
And the silver in her hair shines in the cold November air
You hear the tolling bell
And touch the silk in your lapel
And as the tear drops rise to meet the comfort of the band
You take her frail hand
And hold on to the dream
A place to stay
Enough to eat
Somewhere old heroes shuffle safely down the street
Where you can speak out loud
About your doubts and fears
And what's more no-one ever disappears
You never hear their standard issue kicking in your door
You can relax on both sides of the tracks
And maniacs don't blow holes in bandsmen by remote control
And everyone has recourse to the law
And no one kills the children anymore
No one kills the children anymore
Night after night
Going round and round my brain
His dream is driving me insane
In the corner of some foreign field
The gunner sleeps tonight
What's done is done
We cannot just write off his final scene
Take heed of the dream
Take heed
67,67,Paranoid Eyes,"
Button your lip and don't let the shield slip
Take a fresh grip on your bulletproof mask
And if they try to break down your disguise with their questions
You can hide, hide, hide
Behind paranoid eyes
You put on our brave face and slip over the road for a jar
Fixing your grin as you casually lean on the bar
Laughing too loud at the rest of the world
With the boys in the crowd
You can hide, hide, hide
(""I'll tell you what, I'll give you three blacks, and play you for five"")
Behind petrified eyes
(""Ta! You was unlucky there, son"")
You believed in their stories of fame, fortune, and glory
Now you're lost in a haze of alcohol soft middle age
The pie in the sky turned out to be miles too high
And you hide, hide, hide
(""Time gentleman!"")
Behind brown and mild eyes
68,68,Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert,"
brezhnev took afghanistan
begin took beirut
galtieri took the union jack
and maggie over lunch one day
took a cruiser with all hands
apparently to make him give it back
69,69,The Fletcher Memorial Home,"
take all your overgrown infants away somewhere
and build them a home a little place of their own
the fletcher memorial
home for incurable tyrants and kings
and they can appear to themselves every day
on closed circuit t.v.
to make sure they're still real
it's the only connection they feel
""ladies and gentlemen, please welcome reagan and haig
mr. begin and friend mrs. thatcher and paisley
mr. brezhnev and party
the ghost of mccarthy
the memories of nixon
and now adding colour a group of anonymous latin
american meat packing glitterati""
did they expect us to treat them with any respect
they can polish their medals and sharpen their
smiles, and amuse themselves playing games for a while
boom boom, bang bang, lie down you're dead
safe in the permanent gaze of a cold glass eye
with their favourite toys
they'll be good girls and boys
in the fletcher memorial home for colonial
wasters of life and limb
is everyone in?
are you having a nice time?
now the final solution can be applied
70,70,Southampton Dock,"
They disembarked in '45
And no one spoke and no one smiled
There were too many spaces in the line
And gathered at the cenotaph
All agreed with hand on heart
To sheath the sacrificial knives
But now
She stands upon
Southampton Dock
With her handkerchief
And her summer frock
Clings to her wet body in the rain
In quiet desperation
Knuckles white upon the slippery reins
She bravely waves the boys goodbye again
And still the dark stain spreads between
Their shoulder blades
A mute reminder
Of the poppy fields and graves
And when the fight was over
We spent what they had made
But in the bottom of our hearts
We felt the final cut
71,71,The Final Cut,"
Through the fish-eyed lens of tear stained eyes
I can barely define the shape of this moment in time
And far from flying high in clear blue skies
I'm spiralling down to the hole in the ground where I hide
If you negotiate the minefield in the drive
And beat the dogs and cheat the cold electronic eyes
And if you make it past the shotguns in the hall
Dial the combination, open the priesthole
And if I'm in I'll tell you (what's behind the wall)
There's a kid who had a big hallucination
Making love to girls in magazines
He wonders if you're sleeping with your new found faith
Could anybody love him?
Or is it just a crazy dream?
And if I show you my dark side
Will you still hold me tonight?
And if I open my heart to you
And show you my weak side
What would you do?
Would you sell your story to Rolling Stone?
Would you take the children away
And leave me alone?
And smile in reassurance
As you whisper down the phone
Would you send me packing?
Or would you take me home?
Thought I oughta bare my naked feelings
Thought I oughta tear the curtain down
I held the blade in trembling hands
Prepared to make it but — just then the phone rang
I never had the nerve to make the final cut
72,72,Not Now John,"
Hey, listen. It's a
Fuck all that we've gotta get on with these
Fuck all that, fuck all that
Gotta compete with the wily Japanese
There's too many home fires burning and not enough trees
Fuck all that
So fuck all that we've gotta get on with these
Gotta get on with these
Can't stop lose job mind gone silicon
Star long what bomb get away pay day make hay
Break down need fix big six
Click click hold on oh no
Bingo! (Bingo!)
Make em laugh
Make em cry
Make em dance in the aisles
Make em pay
Make em stay
Make em feel OK
Not now John
We've gotta get on with the film show
(gotta get on, gotta get on)
Hollywood waits at the end of the rainbow
(End of the rainbow)
Who cares what it's about
As long as the kids go
(As long as the kids go)
So, not now John
We've gotta get on with the show
(gotta get on with the show)
(gotta get on, gotta get on)
(gotta get on, gotta get on)
(gotta get on)
Hang on John
I've gotta get on with this
(gotta get on, gotta get on)
Don't know what it is
But it fits on here like this
Come at the end of the shift
We'll go and get pissed
But not now John
I've gotta get on with this
(gotta get on with this, gotta get on)
Hold on John
I think there's something good on
I used to read books but
It could be the news
Or some other amusement
Could be re-usable shows
Fuck all that we've gotta get on with these
Gotta compete with the wily Japanese
(gotta get on, gotta get on)
No need to worry about the Vietnamese
Gotta bring the Russian bear to his knees
(gotta get on)
Well, maybe not the Russian bear
Maybe the Swedes
We showed Argentina, now let's go and show these
(gotta get on, gotta get on)
Make us feel tough and wouldn't Maggie be pleased
Nah nah nah nah nah nah!
One, two, three, four
(Not now John we've gotta get on)
S'cusi dove il bar?
(gotta get on)
Se parakalo pou einai to bar?
(Not now John we've gotta get on)
S'il vous plaît ou est le bar
(gotta get on, gotta get on)
Oi' where's the fucking bar John!
(Not now John we've gotta get on)
Oh, now you're talking!
Oh! Rule Britannia! Britannia rules the day
(gotta get on, gotta get on)
(Not now John we've gotta get on)
Go, Maggie!
(gotta get on, gotta get on)
Hammer, hammer, hammer, hammer, now!
(Not now John we've gotta get on)
(gotta get on, gotta get on)
73,73,Two Suns In The Sunset,"
In my rear-view mirror the sun is going down
Sinking behind bridges in the road
I think of all the good things
That we have left undone
And I suffer premonitions
Confirm suspicions
Of the holocaust to come
The rusty wire
That holds the cork
That keeps the anger in
Gives way
And suddenly it's day again
The sun is in the east
Even though the day is done
Two suns in the sunset
Could be the human race is run
Like the moment when the brakes lock
And you slide towards the big truck
Oh, no
You stretch the frozen moments with your fear
And you'll never hear their voices
Daddy, daddy,
And you'll never see their faces
You have no recourse to the law anymore
And as the windshield melts
And my tears evaporate
Leaving only charcoal to defend
Finally I understand
The feelings of the few
Ashes and diamonds
Foe and friend
We were all equal in the end
""...The head of the US...""
...and now the weather. Tomorrow will be cloudy with scattered showers spreading from the east ... with an expected high of 4000 degrees Celsius.""
74,74,Astronomy Domine,"
Moon in twelve thousand ... one ... Scorpio ... braving the skies ... Libra ... Portalia ... Mao ... Lapintin ... Roscoe Thomas ... Pluto was not discovered until 1930 ... nine two three select ... Mars is in conjunction with a fixed star of ... reduce, execute now if possible
Lime and limpid green
A second scene
A fight between the blue you once knew
Floating down
The sound resounds
Around the icy waters underground
Jupiter and Saturn, Oberon, Miranda and Titania
Neptune, Titan
Stars can frighten
Blinding signs flap
Flicker, flicker, flicker blam
Pow, pow
Stairway scare
Dan Dare
Who's there?
Lime and limpid green, the sound resounds
The icy waters under
Lime and limpid green, the sound resounds
The icy waters underground
75,75,Lucifer Sam,"
Lucifer Sam, Siam cat
Always sitting by your side
Always by your side
That cat's something I can't explain
Jennifer Gentle you're a witch
You're the left side
He's the right side
Oh, no!
That cat's something I can't explain
Lucifer, go to sea
Be a hip cat, be a ship's cat
Somewhere, anywhere
That cat's something I can't explain
At night prowling sifting sand
Hiding around on the ground
He'll be found when you're around
That cat's something I can't explain
76,76,Matilda Mother,"
There was a king who ruled the land
His Majesty was in command
With silver eyes the scarlet eagle
Showered silver on the people
Oh, Mother
Tell me more
Why'd'ya have to leave me there
Hanging in my infant air
You only have to read the lines
They're scribbly black and everything shines
Across the stream with wooden shoes
Bells to tell the king the news
A thousand misty riders climb up
Higher once upon a time
Wandering and dreaming
The words had different meaning
Yes, they did
For all the time spent in that room
The doll's house, darkness, old perfume
And fairy stories held me high
On clouds of sunlight floating by
Oh, Mother
Tell me more
Tell me more
Alone in the clouds all blue
Lying on an eiderdown
Yippee! You can't see me
But I can you
Lazing in the foggy dew
Sitting on a unicorn
No fair, you can't hear me
But I can you
Watching buttercups cup the light
Sleeping on a dandelion
Too much, I won't touch you
But then I might
Screaming through the starlit sky
Traveling by telephone
Hey, ho, here we go
Ever so high
Alone in the clouds all blue
Lying on an eiderdown
Yippee! You can't see me
But I can you
78,78,Take Up Thy Stethoscope And Walk,"
Doctor, doctor, I'm in bed
Doctor, doctor, aching head
Doctor, doctor, gold is lead
Doctor, doctor, choke on bread
Doctor, doctor, underfed
Doctor, doctor, gold is lead
Doctor, doctor, Jesus bled
Doctor, doctor, pain is red
Doctor, doctor, dark doom
Gruel ghoul, greasy spoon
Used spoon, June bloom
Music seems to help the pain
Seems to motivate the brain
Doctor kindly tell your wife
That I'm alive
Flowers thrive
79,79,The Gnome,"
I want to tell you a story
'Bout a little man, if I can
A gnome named Grimble Grumble
And little gnomes stay in their homes
Eating, sleeping
Drinking their wine
He wore a scarlet tunic
A blue-green hood, it looked quite good
He had a big adventure
Amidst the grass, fresh air at last
Wining, dining
Biding his time
And then one day
Another way for gnomes to say
Ooh my
Look at the sky, look at the river
Isn't it good?
Look at the sky, look at the river
Isn't it good?
Winding, finding places to go
And then one day
Another way for gnomes to say
Ooh my
Ooh my
80,80,Chapter 24,"
All movement is accomplished in six stages
And the seventh brings return
For seven is the number of the young light
It forms when darkness is increased by one
Change returns success
Going and coming without error
Action brings good fortune
The time is with the month of winter solstice
When the change is due to come
Thunder in the other course of heaven
Things cannot be destroyed once and for all
Change returns success
Going and coming without error
Action brings good fortune
Sunset, sunrise
All movement is accomplished in six stages
And the seventh brings return
The seven is the number of the young light
It forms when darkness is increased by one
Change returns success
Going and coming without error
Action brings good fortune
Sunset, sunrise, sunrise, sunrise, sunrise
81,81,The Scarecrow,"
The black and green scarecrow as everyone knows
Stood with a bird on his hat and straw everywhere
He didn't care
He stood in a field where barley grows
His head did no thinking
His arms didn't move except when the wind cut up
Rough and mice ran around on the ground
He stood in a field where barley grows
The black and green scarecrow is sadder than me
But now he's resigned to his fate
'Cause life's not unkind - he doesn't mind
He stood in a field where barley grows
I've got a bike, you can ride it if you like
It's got a basket, a bell that rings
And things to make it look good
I'd give it to you if I could, but I borrowed it
You're the kind of girl that fits in with my world
I'll give you anything, everything if you want things
I've got a cloak, it's a bit of a joke
There's a tear up the front
It's red and black, I've had it for months
If you think it could look good then I guess it should
You're the kind of girl that fits in with my world
I'll give you anything, everything if you want things
I know a mouse, and he hasn't got a house
I don't know why I call him Gerald
He's getting rather old, but he's a good mouse
You're the kind of girl that fits in with my world
I'll give you anything, everything if you want things
I've got a clan of gingerbread men
Here's a man, there's a man, lots of gingerbread men
Take a couple if you wish, they're on the dish
You're the kind of girl that fits in with my world
I'll give you anything, everything if you want things
I know a room of musical tunes
Some rhyme, some ching, most of them are clockwork
Let's go into the other room and make them work
83,83,In The Flesh?,"
(We came in)
So ya thought ya might like to go to the show
To feel the warm thrill of confusion
That space cadet glow
Tell me is something eluding you sunshine?
Is this not what you expected to see?
If you want to find out what's behind these cold eyes
You'll just have to claw your way through this disguise
84,84,The Thin Ice,"
Momma loves her baby
And Daddy loves you too
And the sea may look warm to you, babe
And the sky may look blue
Ooh, babe
Ooh, baby blue
Ooh, babe
If you should go skating
On the thin ice of modern life
Dragging behind you the silent reproach
Of a million tear-stained eyes
Don't be surprised,
When a crack in the ice
Appears under your feet
You slip out of your depth and out of your mind
With your fear flowing out behind you
As you claw the thin ice
85,85,Another Brick In The Wall (Part I),"
Daddy's flown across the ocean
Leaving just a memory
A snap shot in the family album
Daddy what else did you leave for me?
Daddy what d'ya leave behind for me?
All in all it was just a brick in the wall
All in all it was all just bricks in the wall
86,86,The Happiest Days Of Our Lives,"
You! Yes, you! Stand still, laddy!
When we grew up and went to school
There were certain teachers who
Would hurt the children any way they could
By pouring their derision
Upon anything we did
Exposing every weakness
However carefully hidden by the kids
But in the town it was well known
When they got home at night,
Their fat and psychopathic wives
Would thrash them within inches of their lives
87,87,Another Brick In The Wall (Part II),"
We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teacher, leave them kids alone
Hey, teacher, leave them kids alone
All in all it's just another brick in the wall
All in all you're just another brick in the wall
[Chorus by pupils from the Fourth Form Music Class Islington Green School, London]
We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers, leave them kids alone
Hey, teacher, leave us kids alone
All in all you're just another brick in the wall
All in all you're just another brick in the wall
Wrong! Do it again!
Wrong! Do it again!
If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding!
How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?!
You! Yes, you, behind the bike sheds, stand still, laddy!
Mother, do you think they'll drop the bomb?
Mother, do you think they'll like this song?
Mother, do you think they'll try to break my balls?
Ooh, aah, mother, should I build the wall?
Mother, should I run for president?
Mother, should I trust the government?
Mother, will they put me in the firing line?
Ooh, aah, is it just a waste of time?
Hush now, baby, baby, don't you cry
Mama's gonna make all of your nightmares come true
Mama's gonna put all of her fears into you
Mama's gonna keep you right here under her wing
She won't let you fly but she might let you sing
Mama's gonna keep baby cozy and warm
Ooh, babe, ooh, babe, ooh, babe
Of course mama's gonna help build the wall
Mother, do you think she's good enough for me?
Mother, do you think she's dangerous to me?
Mother, will she tear your little boy apart?
Ooh, aah, mother, will she break my heart?
Hush now, baby, baby, don't you cry
Mama's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you
Mama won't let anyone dirty get through
Mama's gonna wait up 'til you get in
Mama will always find out where you've been
Mamma's gonna keep baby healthy and clean
Ooh, babe, ooh, babe, ooh, babe
You'll always be a baby to me
Mother, did it need to be so high?
89,89,Goodbye Blue Sky,"
[A child's voice:]
Look, Mummy. There's an airplane up in the sky.
Did, did, did, did you see the frightened ones?
Did, did, did, did you hear the falling bombs?
Did, did, did, did you ever wonder
Why we had to run for shelter
When the promise of a brave new world
Unfurled beneath a clear blue sky?
Did, did, did, did you see the frightened ones?
Did, did, did, did you hear the falling bombs?
The flames are all long gone
But the pain lingers on
Goodbye blue sky
Goodbye blue sky
90,90,Empty Spaces,"
[backwards message:]
Hello, Luka [hunters]... Congratulations. You have just discovered the secret message. Please send your answer to Old Pink, care of the Funny Farm, Chalfont...
Roger! Carolyne's on the phone!
What shall we use
To fill the empty spaces
Where we used to talk?
How shall I fill
The final places?
How should I complete the wall
91,91,Young Lust,"
I am just a new boy
A stranger in this town
Where are all the good times
Who's gonna show this stranger around?
Ooooooooh I need a dirty woman
Ooooooooh I need a dirty girl
Will some woman in this desert land
Make me feel like a real man
Take this rock and roll refugee
Oooh babe set me free
Ooooooooh I need a dirty woman
Ooooooooh I need a dirty girl.
Ooooooooh I need a dirty woman
Ooooooooh I need a dirty girl.
Yes, a collect call for Mrs. Floyd from Mr. Floyd will you accept the charges from United States?
Oh, he hung up!
That's your residence, right?
I wonder why he hung up?
Is there supposed to be someone else there besides your wife there to answer?
This is United States calling, are we reaching-
See he keeps hanging up, and it's a man answering
92,92,One Of My Turns,"
""Oh my God! What a fabulous room! Are all these your guitars?""
[Film in background:] (""I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to startle you!"")
""God! This place is bigger than our apartment!""
(""Let me know when you're entering a room."")
(""Yes, sir!"")
""Uh, can I get a drink of water?""
(""I was wondering about dinner, sir.)
""You want some, huh?""
(""When do you and your guests want to dine? I have to inform the kitchen staff."")
""Oh wow, look at this tub? Wanna take a bath?""
(""Yes, I'm aware of your duties Dobbs."")
(""Yes, sir."")
(I'll have to find out from Mrs. Bancroft what time she wants to eat. As for her maid, needless to say, she can have her meal with the kitchen help.)
""What are you watching?""
(""Very good, sir. If you'll just let me know as soon as you can when you and Mrs Bancroft want to eat."")
(""Mrs. Bancroft will be dining alone."")
(""Why? I don't understand, sir."")
(""I won't be staying for dinner."")
""Are you feeling okay?...""
(""I'm surprised to hear that, sir, since you just arrived."")
(""Yes, I'm a little surprised about it myself."")
Day after day, love turns grey
Like the skin of a dying man
Night after night, we pretend it's all right
But I have grown older and
You have grown colder
And nothing is very much fun any more
And I can feel one of my turns coming on
I feel cold as a razor blade
Tight as a tourniquet
Dry as a funeral drum
Run to the bedroom
In the suitcase on the left
You'll find my favourite axe
Don't look so frightened
This is just a passing phase
One of my bad days
Would you like to watch T.V.?
Or get between the sheets?
Or contemplate the silent freeway?
Would you like something to eat?
Would you like to learn to fly?
Would you?
Would you like to see me try?
Would you like to call the cops?
Do you think it's time I stopped?
Why are you running away?
93,93,Don't Leave Me Now,"
Ooh babe
Don't leave me now
Don't say it's the end of the road
Remember the flowers I sent
I need you babe
To put through the shredder
In front of my friends
Ooh babe
Don't leave me now
How could you go
When you know how I need you?
To beat to a pulp on a Saturday night
Ooh babe
Don't leave me now
How can you treat me this way
Running away
Ooh babe
Why are you running away?
Ooh babe!
94,94,Another Brick In The Wall (Part III),"
I don't need no arms around me
And I don't need no drugs to calm me
I have seen the writing on the wall
Don't think I need anything at all
No, don't think I'll need anything at all
All in all it was all just bricks in the wall
All in all you were all just bricks in the wall
95,95,Goodbye Cruel World,"
Goodbye cruel world
I'm leaving you today
Goodbye all you people
There's nothing you can say
To make me change my mind
96,96,Hey You,"
Hey, you!
Out there in the cold
Getting lonely, getting old.
Can you feel me?
Hey, you!
Standing in the aisles
With itchy feet and fading smiles.
Can you feel me?
Hey, you!
Don't help them to bury the light.
Don't give in without a fight.
Hey, you!
Out there on your own
Sitting naked by the phone.
Would you touch me?
Hey, you!
With your ear against the wall
Waiting for someone to call out.
Would you touch me?
Hey, you!
Would you help me to carry the stone?
Open your heart, I'm coming home
But it was only fantasy.
The wall was too high as you can see.
No matter how he tried he could not break free.
And the worms ate into his brain.
Hey, you!
Out there on the road,
Always doing what you're told.
Can you help me?
Hey, you!
Out there beyond the wall,
Breaking bottles in the hall.
Can you help me?
Hey, you!
Don't tell me there's no hope at all.
Together we stand,
Divided we fall.
97,97,Is There Anybody Out There?,"
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?
Is there anybody out there?
98,98,Nobody Home,"
I've got a little black book with my poems in
I've got a bag with a toothbrush and a comb in
When I'm a good dog they sometimes throw me a bone in
I got elastic bands keeping my shoes on
Got those swollen hand blues.
I got thirteen channels of shit on the T.V. to choose from
I've got electric light
And I've got second sight
Got amazing powers of observation
And that is how I know
When I try to get through
On the telephone to you
There'll be nobody home
I've got the obligatory Hendrix perm
And the inevitable pinhole burns
All down the front of my favourite satin shirt
I've got nicotine stains on my fingers
I've got a silver spoon on a chain
I've got a grand piano to prop up my mortal remains
I've got wild staring eyes
I've got a strong urge to fly
But I've got nowhere to fly to
Ooh, babe, when I pick up the phone
There's still nobody home
I've got a pair of Gohills boots
But I've got fading roots.
Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn?
Remember how she said that we would meet again
Some sunny day?
Vera! Vera!
What has become of you?
Does anybody else in here feel the way I do?
100,100,Bring The Boys Back Home,"
Bring the boys back home
Bring the boys back home
Don't leave the children on their own, no, no
Bring the boys back home
(""Wrong, do it again!"")
([*knock*] ""Time to go!"")
(""Are you feeling okay?"")
(""He keeps hanging up, and it's a man answering!"")
Is there anybody out there?
101,101,Comfortably Numb,"
Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me
Is there anyone at home?
Come on now
I hear you're feeling down
Well, I can ease your pain
Get you on your feet again
I'll need some information first
Just the basic facts
Can you show me where it hurts?
There is no pain, you are receding
A distant ship smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying
When I was a child I had a fever
My hands felt just like two balloons
Now I've got that feeling once again
I can't explain, you would not understand
This is not how I am
I have become comfortably numb
I have become comfortably numb
Just a little pin prick
There'll be no more aaaaaaaah!
But you may feel a little sick
Can you stand up?
I do believe it's working, good
That'll keep you going through the show
Come on, it's time to go
There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship smoke on the horizon
You are only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying
When I was a child
I caught a fleeting glimpse
Out of the corner of my eye
I turned to look but it was gone
I cannot put my finger on it now
The child is grown
The dream is gone
I have become comfortably numb
102,102,The Show Must Go On,"
Ooh Ma Ooh Pa
Must the show go on?
Ooh Pa take me home
Ooh Ma let me go
There must be some mistake
I didn't mean to let them take away my soul
Am I too old? Is it too late?
Ooh Ma Ooh Pa
Where has the feeling gone?
Ooh Ma Ooh Pa
Will I remember the songs?
Ooh ah the show must go on.
103,103,In The Flesh,"
So ya thought ya might like to go to the show
To feel the warm thrill of confusion
That space cadet glow
I got some bad news for you sunshine
Pink isn't well, he stayed back at the hotel
And they sent us along as a surrogate band
We're gonna find out where you fans really stand
Are there any queers in the theatre tonight?
Get 'em up against the wall (against the wall)
Now there's one in the spotlight, he don't look right to me
Get him up against the wall (against the...)
And that one looks Jewish and that one's a coon
Who let all this riff-raff into the room?
There's one smoking a joint and another with spots
If I had my way I'd have all of ya shot
104,104,Run Like Hell,"
Run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run
You better make your face up with your favourite disguise
With your button down lips and your roller blind eyes
With your empty smile and your hungry heart
Feel the bile rising from your guilty past
With your nerves in tatters as the cockleshell shatters
And the hammers batter down your door
You better run!
Run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run
Run, run, run, run
You better run all day and run all night
And keep your dirty feelings deep inside
And if you're taking your girlfriend out tonight
You better park the car well out of sight
'Cause if they catch you in the back seat trying to pick her locks
They're gonna send you back to Mother in a cardboard box
You better run!
105,105,Waiting For The Worms,"
Eins, zwei, drei, alle
Ooh-ooh, you cannot reach me now
Ooh-ooh, no matter how you try
Goodbye, cruel world, it's over
Walk on by
Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come (worms to come)
In perfect isolation here behind my wall
Waiting for the worms to come
Waiting to cut out the deadwood
Waiting to clean up the city
Waiting to follow the worms
Waiting to put on a black shirt
Waiting to weed out the weaklings
Waiting to smash in their windows and kick in their doors
Waiting for the final solution to strengthen the strain
Waiting to follow the worms
Waiting to turn on the showers and fire the ovens
Waiting for the queens and the coons and the reds and the Jews
Waiting to follow the worms
Would you like to see Britannia rule again
My friend?
All you have to do is follow the worms
Would you like to send our coloured cousins home again
My friend?
All you need to do is follow the worms
I wanna go home
Take off this uniform
And leave the show
And I'm waiting in this cell
Because I have to know
Have I been guilty all this time
107,107,The Trial,"
Good morning, the Worm your honour
The crown will plainly show
The prisoner who now stands before you
Was caught red-handed showing feelings
Showing feelings of an almost human nature
This will not do
Call the schoolmaster!
I always said he'd come to no good
In the end, your honour
If they'd let me have my way
I could have flayed him into shape
But my hands were tied
The bleeding hearts and artists
Let him get away with murder
Let me hammer him today
Toys in the attic,
I am crazy
Truly gone fishing
They must have taken my marbles away
Toys in the attic
He is crazy
You little shit, you're in it now
I hope they throw away the key
You should've talked to me more often than you did,
But no, you had to go your own way.
Have you broken any homes up lately?
""Just five minutes, Worm your honour, him and me alone""
Come to mother, baby, let me hold you in my arms
M'Lord I never wanted him to get in any trouble
Why'd he ever have to leave me?
Worm your honour, let me take him home
Over the rainbow
I am crazy
Bars in the window
There must have been a door there in the wall
When I came in
Over the rainbow
He is crazy
The evidence before the court is incontrovertible.
There's no need for the jury to retire.
In all my years of judging
I have never heard before
Of someone more deserving the full penalty of law.
The way you made them suffer—
Your exquisite wife and mother—
Fills me with the urge to defecate
(Go on, judge. Shit on him.)
Since, my friend, you have revealed
Your deepest fear
I sentence you to be exposed before your peers.
Tear down the wall
Tear down the wall [repeat]
108,108,Outside The Wall,"
All alone or in twos
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands
The bleeding hearts and the artists make their stand
And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad bugger's wall
Isn't this where we...
109,109,Astronomy Domine (Live),"
Lime and limpid green
A second scene
A fight between the blue you once knew
Floating down
The sound resounds
Around the icy waters underground
Jupiter and Saturn, Oberon, Miranda and Titania
Neptune, Titan
Stars can frighten
Lime and limpid green
A second scene
A fight between the blue you once knew
Floating down
The sound resounds
Around the icy waters underground
Jupiter and Saturn, Oberon, Miranda and Titania
Neptune, Titan
Stars can frighten
Blinding signs flap
Flicker, flicker, flicker blam. Pow, pow
Stairway scare
Dan Dare
Who's there?
Lime and limpid green, the sound surrounds the icy waters under
Lime and limpid green, the sound surrounds the icy waters underground
110,110,"Careful With That Axe, Eugene","
Careful with that axe, Eugene
111,111,Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun (Live),"
Little by little the night turns around
Counting the leaves which tremble at dawn
Lotuses lean on each other in yearning
Under the eaves the swallow is resting
Set the controls for the heart of the sun
Over the mountain watching the watcher
Breaking the darkness, waking the grapevine
When one inch of love is one inch of shadow
Love is the shadow that ripens the wine
Set the controls for the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun...
Witness the man who raves at the wall
Making the shape of his question to Heaven
Whether the sun will fall in the evening
Will he remember the lesson of giving?
Set the controls for the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun
The heart of the sun, the heart of the sun...
112,112,Grantchester Meadows,"
Icy wind of night, be gone
This is not your domain
In the sky a bird was heard to cry
Misty morning whisperings and gentle stirring sounds
Belied a deathly silence that lay all around
Hear the lark and harken to the barking of the dog fox gone to ground
See the splashing of the kingfisher flashing to the water
And a river of green is sliding unseen beneath the trees
Laughing as it passes through the endless summer making for the sea
In the lazy water meadow
I lay me down
All around me
Golden sun flakes settle on the ground
Basking in the sunshine of a bygone afternoon
Bringing sounds of yesterday into this city room
Hear the lark and harken to the barking of the dog fox gone to ground
See the splashing of the kingfisher flashing to the water
And a river of green is sliding unseen beneath the trees
Laughing as it passes through the endless summer making for the sea
In the lazy water meadow
I lay me down
All around me
Golden sun flakes covering the ground
Basking in the sunshine of a bygone afternoon
Bringing sounds of yesterday into my city room
Hear the lark and harken to the barking of the dog fox gone to ground
See the splashing of the kingfisher flashing to the water
And a river of green is sliding unseen beneath the trees
Laughing as it passes through the endless summer making for the sea
113,113,Several Species Of Small Furry Animals Gathered Together In A Cave And Grooving With A Pict,"
Come back, I mean
Come back, I mean
Come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
Come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
Come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
Come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
Come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
Come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
Come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
C-c-come back, I mean
Aye an' a bit o' mackerel, fiddler, rack and fear
And I rutted down by the hade and the furrow
Well, I slapped me in a flop and hit down and I shied
And I cried, cried, cried
The fear of fallin' down aft' taken, never back to rise
And then cried 'Mary!' and I tucked up
Wi' a Claymore out and about
And I run down, down the mechyn sty
And beckoned the fiery whore
That was fallin' around the feet
""Never"", I cried. ""Never shall ye get me alive
Ya rotten hound of the Burnie Brae""
Well, I snapped for a blade and a Claymore cut and thrust
And I fell down before him 'round his feet
Aye, a roar he cried! Frae the bottom of his heart
That I would nay fall but dead, dead as a can by a feat deah
And the wind cried back
114,114,The Narrow Way (Parts 1-3),"
[Part 1]
[Part 2]
[Part 3]
Following the path as it leads towards
The darkness in the North
Weary strangers' faces show their sympathy
They've seen that hope before
But if you want to stay for a little bit
Rest your aching limbs for a little bit
Before you, the night is beckoning
And you know you can't delay
You hear the night birds calling you
But you can't catch the words they say
Close your aching eyes, be on your way
Mist is swirling, creatures crawling
Hear the roar get louder in your ears
You know, the folly was your own
But the force behind can't conquer all your fears
And if you want to stay for a little bit
Rest your aching limbs for a little bit
Before you, the night is beckoning
And you know you can't delay
You hear the night birds calling you
But you can't catch the words they say
Close your aching eyes, be on your way
Throw your thoughts back many years
To the time when there was life in every morning
Perhaps a day will come
When the lights will be as clear as on that morning
And if you want to stay for a little bit
Rest your aching limbs for a little bit
Before you, the night is beckoning
And you know you can't delay
You hear the night birds calling you
But you can't catch the words they say
Close your aching eyes, be on your way
115,115,Shine On You Crazy Diamond (I-V),"
Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
You were caught in the crossfire of childhood and stardom, blown on the steel breeze.
Come on you target for faraway laughter, come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!
You reached for the secret too soon, you cried for the moon.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Threatened by shadows at night, and exposed in the light.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Well you wore out your welcome with random precision, rode on the steel breeze.
Come on you raver, you seer of visions, come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine!
116,116,Welcome To The Machine,"
Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.
Where have you been? It's alright we know where you've been.
You've been in the pipeline, filling in time,
provided with toys and Scouting for Boys.
You bought a guitar to punish your ma,
And you didn't like school, and you know you're nobody's fool,
So welcome to the machine.
Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.
What did you dream? It's alright we told you what to dream.
You dreamed of a big star, he played a mean guitar,
He always ate in the Steak Bar. He loved to drive in his Jaguar.
So welcome to the machine.
117,117,Have A Cigar,"
Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar
You're gonna go far, you're gonna fly high
You're never gonna die
You're gonna make it if you try
They're gonna love you
Well, I've always had a deep respect
And I mean that most sincerely
The band is just fantastic
That is really what I think
Oh by the way, which one's Pink?
And did we tell you the name of the game, boy?
We call it Riding the Gravy Train
We're just knocked out
We heard about the sell out
You gotta get an album out
You owe it to the people
We're so happy we can hardly count
Everybody else is just green
Have you seen the chart?
It's a hell of a start
It could be made into a monster
If we all pull together as a team
And did we tell you the name of the game, boy?
We call it Riding the Gravy Train
118,118,Wish You Were Here,"
So, so you think you can tell Heaven from Hell, blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?
Did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
Did you exchange
A walk-on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?
How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year,
Running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears.
Wish you were here.
119,119,Shine On You Crazy Diamond (VI-IX),"
Nobody knows where you are, how near or how far.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Pile on many more layers and I'll be joining you there.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
And we'll bask in the shadow of yesterday's triumph,
sail on the steel breeze.
Come on you boy child, you winner and loser,
come on you miner for truth and delusion, and shine
0,0,End Of The Beginning,"
Is this the end of the beginning?
Or the beginning of the end?
Losing control or are you winning?
Is your life real or just pretend?
Reanimation of the sequence
Rewind the future to the past.
To find the source of the solution;
The system has to be recast.
Release your mind.
Fast forward to the secrets of your code.
Your life's on overload.
Delete or save
The units that make you an entity
That's your identity
If you don't know
Which way to go
You may be lost and confused
A second chance your turn to lose
Regeneration of your cyber sonic soul.
Transforming time and space beyond control;
Rise up resist and be the master of your fate.
Don't look back live for today - tomorrow is too late.
You don't want to be a robot ghost
Occupied inside a human host
Analyzed and cloned relentlessly
Synthesized until they set you free.
Alright-okay alright till they set you free...
Alright-okay till they set you free, free, free, free
I don't want to see you yeah, yeah, yeah
I don't want to see you yeah, yeah, yeah
1,1,God Is Dead?,"
Lost in the darkness, I fade from the light
Faith of my father, my brother, my Maker and Savior
Help me make it through the night
Blood on my conscience
And murder in mind
Out of the gloom I rise up from my tomb
Into impending doom
Now my body is my shrine
The blood runs free
The rain turns red
Give me the wine, you keep the bread
The voices echo in my head
Is God alive or is God dead?
Is God dead?
Rivers of evil, run through dying land
Swimming in sorrow, they kill, steal, and borrow
There is no tomorrow
For the sinners will be damned
Ashes to ashes
You cannot exhume a soul
Who do you trust when corruption and lust creed of all the unjust
Leaves you empty and unwhole?
When will this nightmare be over?
Tell me
When can I empty my head?
Will someone tell me the answer?
Is God really dead?
Is God really dead?
To safeguard my philosophy
Until my dying breath
I transfer from reality
Into a living death
I empathize with enemies
Until the timing's right
With God and Satan at my side
From darkness will come light
I watch the rain as it turns red
Give me more wine
I don't need bread
These riddles that live in my head
I don't believe that God is dead
God is dead
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide
Wondering if we will meet again on the other side
Do you believe a word what the Good Book said?
Or is it just a holy fairytale and God is dead?
God is dead, God is dead
God is dead, God is dead, right?
But still the voices in my head
Are telling me that God is dead
The blood pours down, the rain turns red
I don't believe that God is dead
God is dead, God is dead
God is dead, God is dead
He's just a loner
He never says hello
A friend to no one
He's got no place to go
He don't look happy
He look through furtive eyes
He ain't got nothing
No one to sympathize
Alright now
He hides himself away
His secrets not revealed
As life just passes by he keeps himself concealed
A solitary man
An enigmatic child
A riddle never solved
A prisoner exiled
Alright now
I wonder if the loner can assimilate
A life less lived alone plays devil's advocate
Come on yeah
Has he ever tried to be happy?
Reached out from inside
Someone on who he can depend
It's getting too late to recover
He won't stand a chance and into his own hell he'll descend
Don't descend [x4]
No understanding of things we already know
He has to live his life and just learn how to let go
Communication's an impossibility
His own best friend but he's his own worst enemy
The secrets of his past locked deep inside his head
I wonder if he will be happy when he's dead
Come on yeah
Astral engines in reverse
I'm falling through the universe again
Down among the deadmen's vision
Faded dreams and nuclear fission spent
The strings of theory are holding up the race
The puppets falling to the ground
The love I feel as I fly endlessly through space
Lost in time I wonder will my ship be found
On this sinking ship I travel
Faster than the speed of light
Not so supernova burns
The black holes turn and fade from sight
The strings of theory hide in the human race
The answers buried underground
The love I feel as I fly endlessly through space
Lost in time, I wonder will my ship be found
And very soon
The Bomber's moon
Will show us light
And as we crash
We'll pray and kiss
And say goodnight
4,4,Age Of Reason,"
Do you hear the thunder
Raging in the sky?
Premonition of
A shattered world that's gonna die.
In the Age of Reason,
how do we survive?
The protocols of evil
Ravaging so many lives?
Mystifying silence
Talking Peace on Earth.
We should judge each other
For ourselves not what we're worth.
Sustainable extinction,
A fractured human race.
A jaded revolution
Disappears without a trace.
Always felt that there'd be trouble.
Mass distraction hides the truth.
Prozac days and sleepless hours.
Seeds of change that don't bear fruit.
These time are heavy
And you're all alone.
The battle's over
But the war goes on.
Politics, religion,
Love of money too.
It's what the world was built for
But not for me and you.
5,5,Live Forever,"
Just before you die
They say you'll see your life go flashing by
Cold dark endless nights
To burn in hell or bathe in heaven's light
Well I don't wanna live forever
But I don't want to die...
I may be dreaming but whatever
I live inside a lie!
Days pass by too soon
Waiting for the rising of the moon
No escape from here
Facing death but is your conscience clear?
I may be dreaming or whatever
Watching my life go by
And I don't wanna live forever
But I don't wanna die!
Well, I don't wanna live forever
But I don't wanna die
I may be dreaming but whatever
I live inside a lie
Don't wanna live forever
But I don't wanna die
Don't wanna live forever
But I don't wanna die
6,6,Damaged Soul,"
Born in a graveyard adopted by sin,
I cultivate evil that's living within.
A preacher tried saving my black damaged soul,
Possessed by a demon that had full control.
The time it is coming when all life will end,
With doomsday approaching to hell we'll descend.
Religion won't save me, the damage is done.
The future has ended before it's begun.
Death's hand and the crazy, I can't stand the light of day.
Watching all the victims on their knees as they pray.
God of the almighty never answers their call.
Satan is just waiting for the righteous to fall to him.
I don't mind dying 'cause I'm already dead.
Pray not for the living I'll live in your head.
Dying is easy it's living that's hard.
I'm losing the battle between Satan and God.
7,7,Dear Father,"
A childhood innocence was drowned in your tears.
The demons that you fought are feeding your fears.
The poisoned secrets of your life stand revealed.
The truth destroys you, its no longer concealed.
Dear father forsaken, you knew what you were doing.
In silence your violence has left my life in ruin.
Yeah, in ruin, yeah.
You preyed upon my flesh then prayed for my soul.
Belief betrayed by lust, the faith that you stole.
Indoctrination by a twisted desire,
The catechism of an evil messiah.
Dear father forgive me, I know just what I'm doing.
In silence this violence will leave your life in ruin.
Yeah, in ruin, yeah.
Preacher of theocracy hiding your hypocrisy.
Under false sanctity, holy phoney empathy.
You have taken my life,
Now it's your turn to die.
Can you sleep at night? When you close your eyes
Do you think of all the pain from your lies?
Or do you deny you're responsible
For the victims of the sins you devised?
What you gonna tell them when they ask you? Well then
Is your conscience pure in your heart?
There is no exemption when you seek redemption
For all the lives that you've torn apart.
Your molestations of the cross you defiled,
A man once holy now despised and reviled.
You took possession while confessing my sins
And now you have to face whatever death brings, yeah.
Dear father forsaken, you knew what you were doing.
In silence your violence has left my life in ruin, yeah.
In ruin, yeah, yeah, yeah.
In ruin yeah.
8,8,Black Sabbath,"
What is this that stands before me?
Figure in black which points at me
Turn around quick, and start to run
Find out I'm the chosen one
Oh no
Big black shape with eyes of fire
Telling people their desire
Satan's sitting there, he's smiling
Watches those flames get higher and higher
Oh no, no, please God help me
Is it the end, my friend?
Satan's coming 'round the bend
People running 'cause they're scared
The people better go and beware
No, no, please God help me
9,9,The Wizard,"
Misty morning, clouds in the sky
Without warning, the wizard walks by
Casting his shadow, weaving his spell
Funny clothes, tinkling bell
Never talking
Just keeps walking
spreading his magic
Evil power disappears
Demons worry when the wizard is near
He turns tears into joy
Everyone's happy when the wizard walks by
Never talking
Just keeps walking
spreading his magic
Sun is shining, clouds have gone by
All the people give a happy sigh
He has passed by, giving his sign
Left all the people feeling so fine
Never talking
Just keeps walking
spreading his magic
10,10,Behind The Wall Of Sleep/Wasp,"
Visions cupped within a flower
Deadly petals with strange power
Faces shine a deadly smile
Look upon you at your trial
Chill that numbs from head to toe
Icy sun with frosty glow
Words that grow read to your sorrow
Words that grow read no tomorrow
Feel your spirit rise with the breeze
Feel your body falling to it's knees
Sleeping wall of remorse
Turns your body to a corpse
Turns your body to a corpse
Turns your body to a corpse
Sleeping wall of remorse
Turns your body to a corpse
Now from darkness there springs light
Wall of Sleep is cool and bright
Wall of Sleep is lying broken
Sun shines in you have awoken
Oh yeah!
Some people say my love cannot be true
Please believe me, my love, and I'll show you
I will give you those things you thought unreal
The sun, the moon, the stars all bear my seal
Oh yeah!
Follow me now and you will not regret
Leaving the life you led before we met
You are the first to have this love of mine
Forever with me till the end of time
Your love for me has just got to be real
Before you know the way I'm going to feel
I'm going to feel
I'm going to feel
Oh yeah!
Now I have you with me, under my power
Our love grows stronger now with every hour
Look into my eyes, you'll see who I am
My name is Lucifer, please take my hand
Oh yeah!
Follow me now and you will not regret
Leaving the life you led before we met
You are the first to have this love of mine
Forever with me till the end of time
Your love for me has just got to be real
Before you know the way I'm going to feel
I'm going to feel
I'm going to feel
Oh yeah!
Now I have you with me, under my power
Our love grows stronger now with every hour
Look into my eyes, you'll see who I am
My name is Lucifer, please take my hand
12,12,Evil Woman,"
I see the look of evil in your eyes
You've been filling me all full of lies
Sorrow will not change your shameful deed
You will bear someone else's bitter seed
Evil woman, don't you play your games with me
Evil woman, don't you play your games with me
Now I know just what you're looking for
You want me to claim this child you bore
Well you know that it was he not me
And you know the way it's got to be
Evil woman, don't you play your games with me
Evil woman, don't you play your games with
Evil woman, don't you play your games with me
Evil woman, don't you play your games with me
Wickedness lies in your moistened lips
Your body moves just like the crack of a whip
Black cat sleeps on top of your stained bed
You sure wish that you could see me dead
Evil woman, don't you play your games with me
Evil woman, don't you play your games with me
Evil woman, don't you play your games with me
Evil woman, don't you play your games with me
13,13,Wicked World,"
The world today is such a wicked place
Fighting going on between the human race
People got to work just to earn their bread
While people just across the sea are counting their dead
A politician's job, they say, is very high
For he has to choose who's got to go and die
They can put a man on the moon quite easy
While people here on earth are dying of old diseases
A woman goes to work every day after day
She just goes to work just to earn her pay
Child sitting crying by a life that's harder
He doesn't even know who is his father
14,14,Sleeping Village/A Bit Of Finger,"
Red sun rising in the sky
Sleeping village, cockerels cry
Soft breeze blowing in the trees
peace of mind, feel at ease
Now the first day that I met ya
I was looking in the sky
When the sun turned all a blur
And the thunderclouds rolled by
The sea began to shiver
And the wind began to moan
It must've been a sign for me
To leave you well alone
I was born without you, baby
But my feelings were a little bit too strong
You never said you love me
And I don't believe you can
'Cause I saw you in a dream
And you were with another man
You looked so cool and casual
And I tried to look the same
But now I've got to know ya
Tell me who have I to blame?
I was born without you, baby
But my feelings were a little bit too strong
Just a little bit too strong
Now the whole wide world is movin'
'Cause there's iron in my heart
I just can't keep from cryin'
'Cause you say we've got to part
Sorrow grips my voice as I stand here all alone
And watch you slowly take away
A love I've never known
I was born without you, baby
But my feelings were a little bit too strong
Just a little bit too strong
It really was a meeting
The bottle took a beating
The ladies of the manor
Watched me climb into my car and
I was going down the track about a hundred and five
They had the stop-watch rolling
I had the headlights blazing I was really alive
And yet my mind was blowing
I drank a bottle of tequila and I feel real good
I had the tape deck roaring
But on the twenty-fifth lap at the canal turn
I went of exploring
I knew I wouldn't make it the car just wouldn't make it
I was turning tires burning
The ground was in my sky
I was laughing the bitch was trashed
And death was in my eye
I had started pretty good and I was feeling my way
I had the wheels in motion
There was Peter and the Green fly laughing like drains
The crowd was roaring I was at Brands Hatch
In my imagination
But at the canal turn I hit an oily patch
Ooh Mr. Miracle you saved me from some pain
I thank you Mr. Miracle I won't get trashed again
Ooh can you hear my lies
Don't you bother with this fool just laugh into my eyes
So we went back to the bar and hit the bottle again
But there was no tequila
Then we started on the whisky just to steady our brains
'Cos there was no tequila
And as we drank a little faster at the top of our hill
We began to roll
And as we get trashed we were laughing still
Well bless my soul
17,17,Disturbing The Priest,"
Let's try getting to the sky
Hang on or you're going to die
Sour life can turn sweet
It's laying at your feet
Sweet child with an innocent smile
Watched closely all the while
Don't be fooled when he cries
Keep looking at the eyes
Good life is contradiction
Because of the crucifixion
If you're ready and have the need
I will take your soul and plant my seed
You just gotta listen to the night at the ending of the day
You just gotta listen to the night as safety slips away
Moving out of sight are the things you need to see to feel
And as they slip away becoming so unreal unreal
You just gotta listen to the night as you're going up stairs
You just gotta listen to the night and don't forget to say your prayers
And as you lose control to the eyes in dark disguise
And icy fingers fan electric lies
We're disturbing the priest
Won't you please come to our feast
Do we mind disturbing the priest
Not at all not at all not in the least
The force of the devil is the darkness the priest has to face
The force of the night will destroy him but will not disgrace
To get into his mind and to his soul you gotta set a light
The flames of doubt so deep inside inside
The devil and the priest can't exist if one goes away
It's just like the battle of the sun and the moon and the night and day
The force of the devil that we're all told to fear
Watched out for religion when he gets too near too near
18,18,Zero The Hero,"
Accept the fact that you're second rate life is easy for you
It's all served up on a gold plated plate
And we don't even have to talk to you
Your face is normal that's the way you're bred
And that's the way you're going to stay
Your head is firmly nailed to your TV channel
But someone else's finger's on the control panel
What you gonna be brother - Zero the hero
Don't you wanna be brother - Zero the hero
When you gonna be brother - Zero the hero
Impossibility impissibolity mother really a hero
You sit there watch it all burn down
It's easy and breezy for you
You play your life to a different sound
No edge no edge you got no knife have you
Your life is a six lane highway to nowhere
You're going so fast you're never ever gonna get down there
Where the heroes sit by the river
With a magic in their music as they eat raw liver
You stand there captain we all look
You really are mediocre
You are the champion in the Acme form book
But I think you're just a joker
Your freedom life ain't so much of a pity
But the luv-a-duckin' way you're walkin' around
The city with your balls and your head full of nothing
It's easy for you sucker but you really need stuffing
19,19,Digital Bitch,"
She wears her leather just to satisfy
She really throws it around
There ain't one thing she can't afford to buy
She's the richest bitch in town
Her big fat daddy was a money machine
He made a fortune from computers
She's got more money than I've ever seen
But she's a greedy emotional looter
Keep away from the digital bitch
She's so rich the digital bitch
She's got five rollers and a fine estate
A big house upon hill
She throws parties just to celebrate
Her life is just one ginormous thrill
She buys poor people just to have around
She has a trophy for each lover
The bitch is rich but baby pound for pound
She's got a lot more to discover
Maybe she could please me if I saw beneath her veil
But she's just imitation woman up for sale
She got so famous that she's on TV
She's got a professional smile
But I switch over 'cos she ain't for me
She disturbs me all the while
She looks so happy but she's got it wrong
She's always going faster
She sings her life to such a different song
She needs a loving and dominant master
20,20,Born Again,"
As you look through my window
Deep into my room
At the tapestries all faded
Their vague and distant glories
Concealed in the gloom
The icy fingers of forgotten passions
Softly brushing my lips
At the tips of my primitive soul
As you look through my door
Deep into my room
Can you feel the mighty wall of power
It's waiting waiting in the glow
The distant shadows of forgotten champions
Those who live in me still
And will rise when we challenge and kill
Born again
You'll be born again
Look at this prince of evil
Fighting for your mind
Fighting all priests of shame
For the thrust of my challenge is aimed
At the hearts of mutant gods
Who think we're all the same
They're controlling our minds
And they use us for fortune and fame
As you look through my window
Deep into my room
At your future and freedom
The grey and plastic retards all floating in circles
And as you taste the fruits of new sensations
Softly brushing your lips
As we rise when we challenge and kill
Born again
You'll be born again
If you want to be a king for a day
Just do what I say
Everybody's got to think like a hunter
Just search for your pray
Be alive through the night and the day
Just do it my way
21,21,Hot Line,"
Take me to the river baby drink my wine
When I'm going down won't you throw me a line
Lead me to religion take me up them stairs
When I take a tumble will you say me some prayers
When will you show me a sign
When will you throw me a line
Help me to the answer baby set me free
I'm torn between the devil and the deep blue sea
Maybe if you wanted you could save my face
Keep me out of trouble and I'm living disgrace
Show me to a sucker and you'll see my name
Standing in a line with the shadows of fame
Lead me to a legend take me up them stairs
When I take a tumble will you say me some prayers
22,22,Keep It Warm,"
Sweet woman are you feeling right
What was it that you did last night
You made me crazy you made me fly
I can't forget the hungry look in your eye
Ooh what's the matter with me?
I'm just a runner I was born free
But since I met you I can't leave you alone
I'm leaving now but I'll be coming home
Keep it warm rat the place by your side
Nobody's gonna take away our magical ride
Keep it warm for when we talk on the phone
Don't forget will you pretty one that your man is coming home
D'you hear the rumour that is going around
Say I'm ruined 'cos I've settled down
It's not true well maybe half and half
You know I love you but I still like a laugh
Ooh I'm feeling fine I got it right for the first time
Sweet woman I can't stay for long but everybody will be prove wrong
I'm like a gypsy I need to roam
But don't worry I'll be coming home
I need the danger I need the thrill
I need to know what is over each hill
Ooh I'm a different man I'm still running but you understand
Since I met you I can't leave you alone
I'm leaving now but I'll be coming home
23,23,I Witness,"
Across the desert of the burning dark, a
Darkness which illuminates you,
There's a place you've always wanted to be,
Whose pleasures always did escape you,
It's always been so out of reach, nothing, so near
Ever felt so far,
And now it's here within your grasp, a never
Ending burning says it all.
As you drive into the darkness, in front the future
Behind you history,
Caught alone in the dark night, do you think
That's the way it's supposed to be.
You don't believe your eyes, cos all they see is
Lies, oh yeah.
You better run from the holy man, the eyes that
Will are set up on you,
Listen not to verse and prayer, songs that thrill
And voices tempt you
The inner flame has fear of death, never, has
Light ever seemed so dark.
Pilgrims of sabbocracy, hear the hounds of
Heaven, as they bark.
As you drive into the darkness, in front the future
Behind you history,
Caught alone in the dark night, do you think
That's the way it's supposed to be.
You don't believe your eyes, cos all they see is
Lies, oh yeah.
I witness a time and a place that never dies, still
Frozen in time,
This darkness the only place that I can hide, I
Witness, a dream.
As you drive into the darkness, in front the future
Behind you history,
Caught alone in the dark night, do you think
That's the way it's supposed to be.
You don't believe your eyes, cos all they see is
Lies, oh yeah.
I witness a time and a place that never dies, still
Frozen in time,
This darkness the only place that I can hide, I
Witness, a dream.
Oh, just a dream.
24,24,Cross Of Thorns,"
Don't come closer, cos it ain't safe here,
Just turn around now and walk away.
I've gotta tell you, there are no rules here,
Sometimes I wonder, what goes on there,
Behind those eyes.
When a promise is broken, and no one trusts you,
Young ones crying with there heads in their hands,
When you talk about saving, the souls of the faithful,
You can't help thinking you've got blood on your
From a cross of thorns.
Tongues of fire always talking, wasted words that
Ring in my ears.
We're still waiting, losing patience. Will all the lies
Of, 400 years.
I've got to tell you, there are no rules here,
Sometimes I wonder,
What goes on there, behind those eyes.
When a promise is broken, and no one trusts you,
Young ones crying with there heads in their hands,
When you talk about saving, the souls of the faithful,
You can't help thinking you've got blood on your
From a cross of thorns.
We gave you yesterdays, and now you want to-day,
Oh, from the hands of death we take our daily bread,
Now all we do is choke, and the words that you once
Spoke, fade away.
Look at what you've done, oh, it's a cross of thorns.
Take away, this cross of thorns, look at what you've
It's a cross of thorns, cross of thorns.
When a promise is broken, and no one trusts you,
You've got blood on your hands, from a cross of
Mortal eyes, looking through a veil of dreams,
Hypnotized, and ever living soul with wings.
Think you're god, but you never had control,
Think you're loved, but there's no one there at all...
My colours all ran dry, and now I see the world in
Black and white,
It's too late now, it's time to kiss the rainbow
Poison tears running from a palsied face,
Satan nears, descending on the human race.
Think you're god, but you never had control,
Think you're loved, but there's no one there at all...
My colours all ran dry, and now I see the world in
Black and white,
It's too late now, it's time to kiss the rainbow
Listen to the wind, hear the gospel blow,
Tell me that you don't hear what I'm hearing
And I will let you go.
Look up to the sky, put your trust in me,
Tell me that you ain't feelin' what I'm feelin' and I
Will set you free.
Look into the flame, see the embers glow,
Tell me that you don't see what I'm seein' and I
Will let you go.
Look up at the sky, put your trust in me,
Tell me that you ain't feelin' what I'm feelin' and I
Will set you free.
Look into the flame, see the embers glow,
Tell me that you don't see what I'm seein' and I
Will let you go.
Taste the holy blood, runnin from my veins,
Tell me that you ain't feelin' what I'm feelin' and
I'll take away the pain.
Yes I will now, oh yes I will. It's time to kiss the
Rainbow goodbye.
26,26,Virtual Death,"
Reach out and take for me, fruit of the poison
Give me your body and your soul.
My youth is fading fast, years melt into the past,
This mortal life will take it's toll.
I'm sick and tired of losing, you find this so
It's all I have to keep myself in this state I'm in.
This park of natures fire, my only one desire,
This world is hanging by a thread.
I'm sick and tired of losing, you find this so
It's all I have to keep myself in this state I'm in.
People always tried to change me, alter everything
I am,
Though you find this so amusing, you left me in
This state I'm in.
Virtual death
You may think this existence, is just a human
Inside my mind it's near the end.
Virtual death
I'm losing, I'm fading fast. I'm dying, virtual death.
27,27,Immaculate Deception,"
In the daylight, comes darkness, on the verge of
Night a fear is born,
Sweeter than the dream, the reality of you,
Immaculate, deception.
From the spirit runs poison, and the wheel of
Fortune is ever still,
Sweeter than the light, the darkness of your soul,
Immaculate, deception.
Something has touched, the spirit inside,
Once there was love now there's a void.
Nights of deception, ghosts in my mind,
Am I bewitched, slave to desire.
It's knowing that times keeps rolling on, night after
Day, day after night,
It's knowing that feeling of coming home, to where
My spirit lies.
It's knowing that feeling of coming home, to where
My spirit lies.
28,28,Dying For Love,"
Can you hear, the people sing their song,
To tunes of glory, they move as one.
Refugees of liberation marching on,
Sing your song, rock the nation, write of wrongs.
When you take a life and steal it's shadow, all that's
Left is humanity.
It's getting closer, change is bound to come.
There's someone out there, holding candles to the
Then an answer, says that peace will come around,
Stand in line, take your time and be proud.
Take a life and steal it's shadow, all that's left is
Take a man and steal tomorrow, all that's left is you
And me.
Hear them call you, soldiers all in the field of love,
Brothers, sisters, children all dying for love.
Refugees of liberation marching on,
Sing your song, rock the nation, write of wrongs.
Take a life and steal it's shadow, all that's left is
Take a man and steal tomorrow, all that's left is you
And me.
Hear them call you, soldiers all in the field of love,
Brothers, sisters, children all dying for love.
Hear them call you, dying for love, those who know
You, dying for love.
Brothers, sisters, dying for love, saints and sinners,
Dying for love,
Dying for love.
29,29,Back To Eden,"
We are the star demons, reaching out yeah,
We want to touch your world,
We are the dream makers, pure and sweet yeah.
We're gonna change your world.
When you're tired of giving reasons
And freedom fighting freedom
If you're searching for an answer,
We can bring you back to Eden.
There's no need for pain and anger,
The power of peace can destroy the gun.
Leave behind man's vanity yeah,
And living life on the run.
When you're tired of giving reasons
And freedom fighting freedom
If you're searching for an answer,
We can bring you back to Eden.
Is god forgiving, is this the final warning,
Watching as the future turns.
Science fiction, real life addiction.
The human race will never learn.
When you're tired of giving reasons
And freedom fighting freedom
If you're searching for an answer,
We can bring you back to Eden.
30,30,The Hand That Rocks The Cradle,"
Young life, too young, who's eyes are choking,
Can't rest, can't sleep, for dreams that set you
Don't feel the hunger, can't drink no holy water,
No light in these eyes, no place for dreams at all
When the hand that rocks the cradle, is the hand
That holds the knife,
And the knife that cuts the cable, kills the spark that
Feeds the life.
No grave could be deep enough, down to hell if we
Were able,
The veil of life was pushed aside, by the hand that
Rocks the cradle.
The oath you take is sacred, to save not steel a life,
Like the passing of the sweetest soul, that looked
Through human eyes.
No grave could be deep enough, down to hell if we
Were able,
The veil of life was pushed aside, by the hand that
Rocks the cradle.
Young life, too young, who's eyes are choking,
Can't rest, can't sleep, for dreams that set you
Don't feel the hunger, can't drink no holy water,
No light in these eyes, no place for dreams at all
No grave could be deep enough, down to hell if we
Were able,
The veil of life was pushed aside, by the hand that
Rocks the cradle.
It's the hand that rocks the cradle, is the hand that
Steels the life.
31,31,Cardinal Sin,"
Where do you go when your conscience takes over
Do you crawl to your corner and cry,
Did you imagine, that no one would notice
Just a secret to take when you die.
All the world is watching you, every tongue is
Screaming sinner.
How are your dreams, do they claw at your sleep
Making darkness a place you despise,
Where is the god, that once was your strength
Are you sure he was there from the start.
All the world is watching you, nowhere you can hide,
Every tongue is screaming sinner, only satan hears your cries.
When you sin cardinal sin, you make your bed and on it you must lie,
And your futures looking grim, but did you ever give a damn
About the child, he's running wild,
When you sin cardinal sin, don't you expect the world will treat you well,
We say oh, go to hell.
We point the finger, sin cardinal sin, laugh in your face, sin
Cardinal sin,
We point the finger, laugh in your face,
Cos you're no better than the rest of the human race.
Oh sin cardinal sin, oh sin cardinal sin.
32,32,Evil Eye,"
Something about the way that you look on me,
You watch every move, every word, every fantasy,
Got no time for love, there's something on your mind,
Got the face of an angel but the stare of a devil inside.
Got hell looking up, heaven looking down,
People say the woman's got an evil eye.
Got hell looking up, heaven looking down,
Free me from the woman with the evil eye.
I turn away but still I see that evil stare,
Trapped inside my dreams I know you're there.
Thoughts of happiness you destroyed them all,
First inside my head, then inside my soul.
Got hell looking up, heaven looking down,
People say the woman's got an evil eye.
Got hell looking up, heaven looking down,
Free me from the woman with the evil eye.
33,33,What's The Use?,"
[Bonus track]
What's the use of paradise or everyday of livin'?
They spend and learn in Heaven, sin in Hell
What's the point of children
When evil got before them?
They learn in every tale we tell
There's no point in being kind
What's the use when love becomes an evil of the mind?
Oh Yeah!
What's the use of power
When the battle isn't equal
And we're all too Scared to use it anyway?
What's the point of reason
When no one wants to listen?
Deliverance is all too far away
Oh what's the use?
Oh what's the use?
Tell me, oh, what's the use?
What's the use?
Love becomes an evil of the mind
What's the use?
What's the use?...
34,34,Computer God,"
Waiting for the revolution
New clear vision - genocide
Computerize god - it's the new religion
Program the brain - not the heartbeat
Onward all you crystal soldiers
Touch tomorrow - energize
Digital dreams
And you're the next correction
Man's a mistake so we'll fix it, yeah
Take a look at your own reflection
Right before your eyes
It turns to steel
There's another side of heaven
This way - to technical paradise
Find it on the other side
When the walls fall down
Love is automatic pleasure
Virtual reality
Terminal hate - it's a calculation
Send in the child for connection
Take a look at the toys around you
Right before your eyes
The toys are real
Midnight confessions
Never heal the soul
What you believe is fantasy
Your past is your future
Left behind
Lost in time
Will you surrender
Waiting for the revolution
Program the brain
Not the heartbeat
Deliver us to evil
Deny us of our faith
Robotic hearts bleed poison
On the world we populate
Virtual existence
With a superhuman mind
The ultimate creation
Destroyer of mankind
Termination of our youth
For we do not compute
No !
35,35,After All (The Dead),"
What do you say to the dead
Will you forgive me for living
Can't believe the things that they said
Wonderful day for a killing
It's killing me
What do they do with your soul
Is it just lying there busted
When did you lose all control
Is there someone to be trusted
With my mind
Oh there's insufficient evidence
Of what just might come after
But sometimes out of nowhere
There's demented sounds of laughter
Are we all haunted by
The ghost - imagination
It just can't be
I've seen them there
Howling at the moon
Is it just me
Or does somebody else believe this
Well I'm not alone
And I'm not afraid
There's just one way to see
After all [etc.]
What do you say to the dead
Is there a place where it's burning
It says in a book I once read
Yes there's a chance of returning
Turn to me
The fundamental principles
Say nothing of forever
But those are voices that I hear
Or I'm just not so clever
It can't be me
I know somebody else believes this
Well I'm not alone
I'm not afraid
Just one way to see
After all [etc.]
36,36,TV Crimes,"
One day in the life of the lonely
Another day on the round about
What do they need
Somebody to love
One night in the life of the lonely
There's a miracle on the screen
What did they see
Somebody to love
He guarantees you instant glory
Get your money on the line
Gotta send me a plastic Jesus
There's a check in the mail today
That's what I need
Somebody to love
We just won't eat on Sunday
Gotta buy him a limousine
Somewhere to live
Somewhere to pray
Every penny from the people
Keeps the wolf outside the door
Shop around and find forgiveness for yourself
But he'll give you more, yeah
Holy father, holy ghost
Who's the one who pays the most
Rock the cradle don't you cry
Buy another lullaby
Jack is nimble, Jack is quick
Pick your pocket, turn a trick
Slow and steady, he's got time
To commit another TV crime
TV crime
One day in the life of the lonely
Back again on the round about
What do they need
Somebody to love
One night in the life of the lonely
Another miracle on the screen
What did they see
Somebody to love again
A supermarket of salvation
Take a look inside the store
Shop around and find forgiveness for yourself
But he gives more
Holy father, holy ghost
Who's the one who hurts you most
Rock the cradle when you cry
Scream another lullaby
Jack be nimble, Jack be slick
Take the money, get out quick
Slow and steady, so much time
To commit another
TV Crime, TV Crime
37,37,Letters From Earth,"
Well it's a cold world
And I'm in the middle
Caught in the in-between
I don't belong here
So I'm writing to you
It's wrong here
Where I'm sending you some
Letters from earth, yeah
Well it's a new world
And now I'm a stranger
Stranger than you know
I don't belong here
And I'm writing to you
With blood on my hands
What if I send you madness
What if I send you pain
And letters from earth, ooh
All right
Come on it's another game
But you gotta play on
Cause they say it's just pretend
Ask them why they say you'll never, never die
Come on - the game is called the end
Well it's a cold world
And I'm in the middle
Caught in the in-between
I don't belong here
So I'm writing to you
Hey let me explain
What if I send you confusion
What is the time and the pain worth
Oh no no
I'm only sending -
Letters from the earth
Letters from earth, ...
38,38,Master Of Insanity,"
Look all around
Can't you open your eyes
Voices are calling
Killing rain falling down from the sky
Crying with nightmare tears
Out on the street
You'll see blood on the ground
Cities are burning
Feeling the pain cutting right to your soul
Goodbye now
You're caught in his spell
Your freedom is gone
He's taken everything
You ever had
But if you're strong you'll survive
You've got to hold on
Open your eyes
Behind the lies you will see
The master of insanity
Under the mask there will be
The master of insanity
Innocent minds
They're the victims of shame
Staring in sorrow
Promises lying there
Broken and crushed
Confusion-just disappear
What can you give
To be left all alone
When there's nothing at all
Your freedom is gone
He's taken everything
You ever had
But if you're strong you'll survive
You've got to hold on
Open your eyes
Behind the lies you will find
He's trying to get inside you
Just open your eyes and you will see
The master of insanity
Between the lies you will find
that he's trying to get inside you
Out of the night into your mind
He's always right beside you
Yeah, between the lies you will see
The master of insanity
Open your eyes or you will be
The master of insanity
39,39,Time Machine,"
Oh what are you gonna do
When there's a part of you
That needs to run with the wind
And the fire of burning yesterdays
Can only light the way
To lead you from
The garden of the dark
Stay out of shadows
Now look like the change is on
Tomorrow's never gone
Today just never comes
Go on and jump,yeah
Into the hurricane
You will forger the pain
It's only there
To exorcise your mind
Looking at the world
When you've open up your eyes
You've got to see the promises they've made
They're bloody lies and broken dreams
Your silence screams
You're living in a time machine
And you can choose just who you are
Someone that you've never seen
Somewhere you've never been
You're living in a time machine
Oh what are you gonna do
When every part of you
Just needs to catch the wind
And the fire of burning yesterdays
Can only light the way
To lead you from
The garden of the dark
Looking for the world
When you've opened up your eyes
You'll see you've got invisible chains
They're only lies
Not what it seems
I hear your silent screams
You're living in a time machine
Nobody cares just where you go
Taken where you've never been
?? somewhere you don't know
You're living in a time machine
Why do you stay who you are
Be what you've never been
Someone you've never seen
You're living in a time machine
40,40,Sins Of The Father,"
I am the crazy man
Who lives inside your head
But I think I'm breaking through the wall
You are the innocent
Convicted of the crime
No one was ever there
To catch you when you fall
I see the diamonds
But you only see the rock
I need to run
But you only crawl
It's time to open up
All the doors that you keep locked
Nobody gives without a take
Let's take it all
You've been twisted into pieces
By the hands of your emotions
How much longer are you gonna pay
For yesterday
Sins of the father
One more crucifixion
One more cross to bear
You're a hole in a photograph
Go on - lose it in the city
The city can feel no shame
See the world with electric eye
They call it mystery
But any fool could see
You thought he walked on the water
And if the pain was gone
And you were free to run away
And get out
Would you get out of there
Or do you really care
It's not safe or easy
And maybe when you're gone
You just won't belong at all
You're the only witness
To the murder of an angel
How much longer are you gonna pay
For yesterday
Sins of the father
It's just another crucifixion
One more cross to bear
Go on lose it in the city
Take a look at the world
You've got electric eyes
41,41,Too Late,"
Soon it's never more
When you've got to pay for
Promises - made in the night
Call the magic one
And with the magic comes
Forever chained to the flame
It's too late
Too late for tears
Too late
And no one hears you
Do you feel a touch of evil
(then) It's too late
To wish and make it so
To feel the power growing
Stronger - blessed by the dark
And when the candle fades
You can say it was a
Joke you played
So you must let me go - no
It's too late
You've said the word
Too late
Something heard you
Too late - now the race is on
And you're run out of road
Too late
For tears
Too late
And no one hears you
Can you feel the touch of evil
It's too late
Oh oh oh save me
I believe in your name
Oh oh I've fallen down
But now I've found
Nobody to take the blame
It's come to drag me away
And when the hunter cries
No alibis
Get ready for judgement day
As the candle fades
You can say it was a game you made
So you must let me go, let me go
It's too late - you've said the word
Too late - something heard you
Too late - the spell is gone
And this time you're the fool
It's too late for tears
Too late
And no one hears you
Welcome to forever
Welcome it's too late
Too late
I am anger
Under pressure
Locked in cages
A prisoner
The first to escape
I am wicked
I am legion
Strength in numbers
A lie
The number is one
I - I - I
Everything that I see is for me
Yes, I am giant
I'm a monster
Breaking windows
In houses
Buildings of glass
Rebel rebel
Holy outlaw
Ride together
Don't try it
The power's in one
I - I - I
I am standing alone
But I can rock you
I - I - I
On the edge of the blade
But the knife can't cut the hero down
I am virgin
I'm a whore
Giving nothing
The taker
The maker of war
I'll smash your face in
But with a smile
All together
You'll never
Be stronger than me
I - I - I
Right here on my own
But I still rock you
I - I - I
Don't follow behind
Just leave me on the outside
I - I - I
I am standing alone
But I can shock you
I - I - I
On the edge of the blade
But no one makes the hero bleed
( No, no , no )
I am hunger
Feed my head
All together
You'll never
Never make the hero bleed
( No, no, no )
43,43,Buried Alive,"
Once upon a nightmare
Once upon a time
You're running from temptation
You got lost
And found that you don't
Belong to anybody
You're all the same
Just another number
Cross it out
Whenever you don't behave
Someone got the doctor
He knows what to do
Throw some bones and mumble
The devil's inside of you
It might be contagious
It might change the plan
Get back in your tiny boxes
Even if you can't
We say you can
Join the congregation
Everybody's got to get in line and
We never justify
The choir sings a never-ending lie
When you thought you were free
You didn't need a reason
No reason to survive
As the big door closes
And you waiting for the nail
Somebody tell the world
You're buried alive
Once upon a nightmare
Once upon a time
You're running from tomorrow
You got lost
And found that another
Day has turned to ashes
Taken by the wind
Frozen seeds of sorrow
Never to begin
Join the celebration
And everybody's got to get in line and
We never justify
The choir sings a never-ending lie
When you thought you were free
You did not need a reason
No reason to survive
As the big door closes
And you waiting for the mail
Somebody tell the world
You're buried alive
One more nightmare
Just one more time
Join the congregation
Everybody get in line
The choir sings a lie
As you call
The hammer falls
And no one hears you cry
I'm buried alive
44,44,The Illusion Of Power,"
What is it that turns you on to the illusion of power,
This thing that grabs you by the heart and makes you want to tear things down.
There is no reason why I should need all this power, but if you cross me now,
I'm gonna tear your whole world down.
The illusion of power, things I feel, seem so real,
The illusion of power.
I can' get the emotional thing straight in my head,
Everything I love dies to soon, or is already dead.
Don't stand too close I spit and breath fire,
Anything I've got now you cannot desire.
You want to be my friend I promise you nothing,
Nothing I can give you, nothing I can do for you,
I'm being chased by the sins of my past and it's killing me now,
Killing me now.
The illusion of power, things I feel, seem so real,
The illusion of power.
The illusion of power, it's already set signed and sealed,
The illusion of power.
Powerful...who are you fooling?
You're caught in a complex cataclysm of your own inadequacies
And pitiful weaknesses
Your souls secretes insecurity
So you live on the reflection side of the mirror
You're terrified of true fear me...
I can tell you stories of my
Shaded past and I can
Drag you down into the
Depths of my soul.
The illusion of power, things I feel, seem so real,
The illusion of power.
The illusion of power, it's already set signed and sealed,
The illusion of power.
Why don't you come closer, Promise a story I will tell, yeah,
I'll save you from your dreams, yeah
I'll save you from your dreams.
45,45,Get A Grip,"
I see it on the TV, it's playing on my mind,
Everything I see has got something to do with killing my brother.
Just another mind game? or maybe it's a sign,
When the child with a gun holds it up to the head of his brother.
Well that ain't nice, gotta get a grip, gotta get a hold on life,
Gotta get a grip cause you're gonna slip, yeah.
Somebody tell me, where did we lose?
Where's the point that we lost the control to live with each other?
Mister politician, searching for a lie.
What's the truth? will the youth find the proof for a revolution?
Cause that ain't nice, gotta get a grip, gotta get a hold on life
Gotta get a grip cause you're gonna slip, on ice,
Gotta get a grip, gotta get a hold on life
Gotta get a grip cause you're gonna slip
Gotta get a hold of the situation, gotta get you into my life,
Gotta get a hold and get it moving.
I can't tell you what you need to know it's up to you, oh yeah
That ain't nice, gotta get a grip, gotta get a hold on life
Gotta get a grip, cause you're gonna slip, on ice,
Gotta get a grip, gotta get a hold on life
Gotta get a grip cause you're gonna slip.
Gotta get a hold of the situation, gotta get a hold on life,
Gotta get a grip and get it moving,
I can't tell you what you need to know, it's up to you, oh yeah.
Don't your blood run cold, don't the sorrow show,
Hold on tight to what you have.
See it in your eyes, don't it make you cry,
Get a grip and shake the can.
Get a grip, yeah, get a grip, yeah, get a grip, yeah,
Get a grip, get a grip, get a grip, get a grip, get a hold.
Get a grip on life, get a grip on life, get a grip on life,
Yeah get a grip.
46,46,Can't Get Close Enough To You,"
How many tears must we cry before learning,
Things that we have they're for real and we're losing,
Can't get close enough to you, 'cause you're just too far away.
Why do you believe that we've got something coming,
You took it all, left me standing here with nothing,
Can't get close enough to you, 'cause you're just too far away,
Too fae away.
In your world you must be dreaming, if you think you can survive,
Taking all and giving nothing that's a crime.
What makes you something special, what about me, I'm here too,
You don't care what I'm feeling and that's the truth.
Can't get close enough to you, 'cause you're just too far away.
All I need is understanding and the right to survive,
Only you could see the warnings, and pass them by.
What makes you something special, what about me, I'm here too,
You don't care what I'm feeling and that's the truth.
Can't get close enough to you, 'cause you're just too far away.
Too far away.
Can't get close enough to you, 'cause you're just too far away.
How many tears must we cry before learning,
Things that we had they're for real and we're losing,
Can't get close enough to you, 'cause you're just too far away.
Too far away, too far away, too far away.
47,47,Shaking Off The Chains,"
Is life everything you want to be,
Does it give you everything that you need,
Does it live up to your expectations,
Are you ready for the celebrations.
This is not for the weak of mind,
Are you sure that you're my kind,
Do you want to be part of me,
Are you sure that you can really see.
Are you chained to a life that you don't want,
Is it hard for you to find a way out,
Can you live without the love that you need,
Are you sure that what you have is so real.
This is not for the weak of mind,
Are you sure that you're my kind,
Do you want to be part of me,
Are you sure that you can really see.
All of your life, they try to take your cover,
Turn you into another, and make you change your name.
When you fall, it's up to you to recover,
You can't depend on another, to help you with the pain, yeah.
I'm shaking off the chains, I'm shaking off the chains.
This is not for the weak of mind,
Are you sure that you're my kind,
Do you want to be part of me,
Are you sure that you can really see.
In the night, you say that are falling
People always calling, calling out your name.
What do you know, a face appears at the window,
Tapping on the window, the window of your soul.
I'm shaking off the chains, I'm tired of all the pain,
I'm shaking off the chains, let me live again,
Shaking off the chains, shaking off the chains.
48,48,I Won't Cry For You,"
So you lie awake and think about tomorrow,
And you try to justify the things you've done,
But there's no one here, to hear your tears falling,
When you turn around, you find out, that you're the lonely one.
And it feels like someone's treading on your shadow,
And you always thought that Heaven knows for sure,
And it feels like you're drowning, in your tears.
So I won't cry for you, no I ain't gonna cry for you,
And I ain't gonna lie for you, no I ain't gonna cry for you.
Ain't gonna cry for you.
So you lie awake and think about the sorrow,
Does it really still the fears in your mind,
And you try to realise the things you wanted,
But you take it all for granted and now it makes you blind.
And it feels like someone's treading on your shadow,
And you always thought that Heaven knows for sure,
And it feels like you're drowning, in your tears.
So I ain't gonna cry for you, no I ain't gonna die for you,
And I ain't gonna lie for you, no I ain't gonna cry for you.
Ain't gonna cry
I ain't gonna cry for you, I ain't gonna cry.
So I ain't gonna cry for you, no I ain't gonna die for you,
No I ain't gonna lie for you, no I ain't gonna cry for you,
Ain't gonna cry, ain't gonna cry for you no more,
Ain't gonna die, I ain't gonna die for no more,
Ain't gonna lie, I ain't gonna lie for no more,
Ain't gonna cry, I ain't gonna cry for you no more.
49,49,Guilty As Hell,"
Step back and look at you, and tell me that is what you want to be,
You realise that what you're seeing, is a replica of me.
Inside my world is pretty grim, that even I can't survive in,
I wouldn't try 'cause I know you.
Deep inside you know you're guilty as Hell.
Deep inside you know you're guilty as Hell.
You realise that what you're seeing is just a replica of me,
Only me.
Oh it makes no difference if you're the only one,
It doesn't matter when all is said and done,
Gonna feel the same, God will put the blame on you.
Oh yeah.
If I was you, If I was you,
I'd wanna see, I'd wanna see inside my head,
I'd wanna know if I was fuckin dead,
I'd wanna know what's going on,
Someone tell me the truth.
There's no fear in a fallen Angel, there's no love in a heart made of stone,
There's no truth in a heart that is screaming,
Deep inside you're as guilty as Hell.
There's no fear in a fallen Angel, there's no love in a heart made of stone,
There's no truth in a heart that is screaming.
Deep inside you're as guilty as Hell.
You're guilty.
50,50,Sick And Tired,"
Got no time to be on the run,
Got no holes in my shoes,
You're the reasong all my friends have gone,
But I won't run from you.
So many promises, and you broke them all,
Oh I'll forgive, but I can't forget,
You know you're a fake, but I just can't take no more,
Cause I'm tired of it.
I'm so tired, so tired,
Sick and tired of it all,
I'm so tired, sick and tired,
I'm so tired, sick and tired of it all, yeah.
You turn the truth, then you turn your back,
You're a victim of yourself,
The hate remains, the hurting still exists.
I'm so tired of it all.
I'm so tired, sick and tired,
So damn tired, sick and tired of it all, oh yeah,
I'm so tired, I'M sick and tired of it all.
51,51,Rusty Angels,"
They say you came from heaven but I know that's not the truth,
Cause I don't think an Angel could look anything like you,
Your eyes are made from sapphires and your heart is made from stone,
You gotta be the closest thing to hate I've ever known,
And if I didn't know better I'd say you had come alone to the party.
Oh yeah.
The light is always shining, but you swear that it's gone black,
The tide is always turning, but you're never looking back,
If I didn't know better I'd say times were pretty bad,
Because Rusty Angels they can't fly,
Rusty Angels gonna die, yeah,
Rusty Angels they can't fly,
Rusty Angels gonna die, gonna die.
The gifts you bring are fire, and your dreams they turned to dust,
Your flying days are over, and your wings have turned to rust.
If I didn't know better, I'd say all you had is lost,
Because Rusty Angels they can't fly,
Rusty Angels gonna die, yeah,
Rusty Angels they can't fly,
Rusty Angels gonna die, gonna die.
If you swallow just a little pride, you might find a little love inside,
Open up and let somebody in, 'cause if you need somebody,
You know it's not a sin.
Rusty Angels they can't fly, Rusty Angels gonna die, yeah,
Rusty Angels they can't fly, no, Rusty Angels gonna die,
Gonna die, yeah, you can't fly, oh no,
Gonna die, oh yeah, you can't fly, oh no.
If I had to live again, I'd change everything,
'Cause everything I do, you know that I can't win.
You say it isn't right, but you say it isn't wrong,
How the Hell am I supposed to please everyone.
Tell me what it is that I'm supposed to do.
I aint here for everybody, but I aint here for you,
You said it isn't right, but you said it isn't wrong.
I wish somebody could tell me, what it is that I've done wrong.
The best things in live aren't given, these things aint for you and me,
Every time you shout Forbidden, makes me wonder what you see.
The best things in live aren't given, these things aint for you and me,
Every time you shout Forbidden, makes me wonder what you see.
You know it's gonna get you now, and you know it starts to bring you down.
Tell me what it is that I'm supposed to do,
I aint here for everybody, but I aint here for you,
It seems I have to fight, for all the things I want,
Wish somebody could tell me what it is that I've done wrong.
The best things in live aren't given, these things aint for you and me,
Every time you shout Forbidden, makes me wonder what you see.
The best things in live aren't given, these things aint for you and me,
Every time you shout Forbidden, makes me wonder what you see.
It's Forbidden.
The best things in live aren't given, these things aint for you and me,
Every time you shout Forbidden, makes me wonder what you see.
The best things in live aren't given, these things aint for you and me,
Every time you shout Forbidden, makes me wonder what you see.
Makes me wonder what you see.
53,53,Kiss Of Death,"
This is no ordinary soul, that you're destroying,
Not just another life that drifts along with the sands of time.
We tried to show you on your way, but still, you cannot see, you're hurting me
You told too many lies and so it ends, yeah
You tried to touch me, but then I knew your plan,
You tried to take my world away, oh no,
Now I see it, it's as clear as day,
No you'll never stand a chance, oh no you'll never stand a chance.
You tried to lead me, to the land where you keep your lies,
But I've seen this read before, oh yeah,
There is no reason why I should listen now,
No you'll never stand a chance, oh no you'll never stand a chance.
So many people tried before, but still I came through stronger than before,
Someone like you will never get through my door no more,
Nothing you can do will hurt me, I am indestructible.
Nothing you can do will hurt me, I am indestructible. Yeah.
Every lie that you tell you get closer,
Closer to the edge of the Cauldron and in to the fire, yeah.
Every life you destroy will return, it will come back and haunt you,
For ever and ever.
Nothing you can do will hurt me, I am indestructible.
Nothing you can do will hurt me, I am indestructible. Yeah.
This is no ordinary soul that you're destroying,
Not just another life that drifts along with the sands of time.
54,54,Loser Gets It All,"
[Japan Bonus Track]
It's a loaded dice, that you throw this time,
If you turn the Ace, it'll turn out fine,
When you spin the wheel, and you get your call,
South of the line, well the loser gets it all.
One too many days, one too many nights,
You cried too many tears, had too many fights,
And you know it's a bad time, Bad time to lose.
Every face you see, has the staring eyes
Every passing glance, makes you realize
And you know it's a bad time, Bad time to lose.
God knows there's no good time.
Too many days, and too many nights,
You cried too many tears, had too many fights,
And you know it's a bad time, Bad time to lose,
Yeah, yeah, Bad time to lose,
Bad time to lose, Bad time to lose.
55,55,Headless Cross,"
Look through the people, and on through the mist
To the hill of the headless cross
Where all witches meet, on a night such as this,
And the power of darkness is host
They come face to face, eye to eye, soul to soul,
With an Angel that fell from the sky
Borne on the air, are the screams and the wails
Of the masses appointed to die
Listen for the feet as they pound the land to a tune of thunder
Watch as the legions ride again to a fate of death or torture,
At the headless cross, at the headless cross
From the first evil night, when a black flash of light
Cut the crucifix half to the ground
There's been no escape from the power of Satan,
On a nation so brave and so proud
Listen for the feet as they pound the land to a tune of thunder
Watch as the legions ride again to a fate of death or torture,
At the headless cross, at the headless cross
How do you feel, when the locks refuse the key
And the master is calling your name,
Does the luck of the charm, really keep you from harm
Does the talisman protect you from pain
Listen for the feet as they pound the land to a tune of thunder
Watch as the legions ride again to a fate of death or torture,
At the headless cross, at the headless cross
From the first evil night, when a black flash of light
Cut the crucifix half to the ground
There's no escaping from the power of Satan
For a people so brave and so proud
Listen for the feet as they pound the land to a tune of thunder
Watch as the legions ride again to a fate of death or torture,
At the headless cross, at the headless cross
At the headless cross, at the headless cross
Where will you run to, at the headless cross
Look, to the headless cross
56,56,Devil And Daughter,"
Silence is mocking, the dawn of a new day
Devil and Daughter, are both on their way
The Evil of her nature, collects in her eyes
With him there's no fear, of the dawn bringing light
Baptised with fire, to wild to be tamed
She's hot, evil and ready, to take any man
Let no one put asunder, the power or the pain
He is the master of hell, riding again
Devil and Daughter - pleasure and pain
Devil and Daughter - is this the end
A thousand times over, you'll hear on the wind
In the name of hell, these sinners never sinned
But Satan never listens, to the words that they send
Drenching the soil with blood, when will it end
Devil and Daughter
He's got the power she's got the pain
Devil and Daughter
She'll break any woman and take any man
Devil and Daughter
Hand in hand with the reper
57,57,When Death Calls,"
He saw the world, dim with the glow of the vertical sun
His skin crept cold knowing that this was the hours of dying
Misguided mortals you'll burn with me,
Spirit of man, cannot be freed
When death calls - this is the hours of dying
When death calls - the spirit of man can be freed
When death calls - there's no tomorrow
When death calls - just an evil shadow
Tell me not fear of the flames means that heaven is closer
For I believe, Satan lives, in the souls of dying
Misguided mortals you'll burn with me,
Spirit of man, cannot be freed
When death calls - heaven is closer
When death calls - feel the heat of the flames from the souls of the dying
When death calls - here it comes, here it comes, here it comes
When death calls - you're gonna burn
Don't look in those sunken eyes
Don't look and you'll stay alive
Don't laugh in the face of death or your tongue will blister
Can't die until Satan says, you die
And Satan takes your soul
In the face of death or your tongue will blister
Don't look in those sunken eyes
Don't look and you'll stay alive
Don't laugh in the face of death or your tongue will blister
Can't die until Satan says, you die
The Devil takes your soul
With all his wrath he calls the reper
When death calls - this is the hours of dying
When death calls - the spirit of man can be freed
When death calls - there's no tomorrow
When death calls - just an evil shadow
When death calls - feel the heat of the flames from the souls of the dying
When death calls - your gonna burn, burn, burn
When death calls - heaven is closer
When death calls - I can feel it, gonna take you down
58,58,Kill In The Spirit World,"
There's something wrong there's a chill in the air
And the blood in my vein's running colder
The eastern sky is beginning to silver
And the words that you speak start to falter
The seal is broken, the oath has been crossed
In the house of the dead there's a taker
Some say that this is the ultimate sin
When the spirit world turns to the alter
There's been a kill in the spirit world
There's been a kill in the spirit world
Behold, the dead clutching at fading hands, out of reach forever
""In glory die"" calls the voice of the void
Your assassin has cursed every spectre
The seal is broken, the oath has been crossed
And the house of the dead seeks a master
Stretching every muscle, wait for the end
And a kiss on the wind, whispers murder, murder
There's been a kill in the spirit world
There's been a kill in the spirit world
There's been a kill in the spirit world
When heaven is closer, it's pleasure and pain
Kill in the spirit world
Did you see another in black
Is the blood in your veins running colder
If you did then there's no turning back
As the spirit world turns to the alter
The seal is broken, the oath has been crossed
And the house of the dead seeks a master
Stretching every muscle, wait for the end
And a kiss on the wind, whispers murder
There's been a kill in the spirit world
There's been a kill in the spirit world
Oh here it comes, oh no
The seal is broken, the eastern sky is beginning to silver
There's something wrong, there's a chill in the air
I feel the Evil, I feel the Evil
Somebody whispers murder
A kiss on the wind whispers murder
59,59,Call Of The Wild,"
In this last and final hour, you can't hide
There's nowhere now that you can run
All eyes are on you, like a lost eternal light
Princes and kings, and demons with wings
Summon your fears from hell
It's the call of the wild
Calling you
In this last macabre hour, witches cry
And turn to dust before the moon
Many spirits are lost forever, but one survives
To call the tune of Lucifer
It's the call of the wild
Calling you
Hero, only in the grave are there no dreams
Hero, don't believe in fate it ain't what it seems
All you gotta do now is stay free
You're the one they turn to when hell screams
Fear of the devil, has no place among the brave
Faced with pain, there's a battle to be won
All eyes are on you, like a host eternal light
Princes and kings, and demons with wings
Summon your fears from hell
It's the call of the wild
Calling you
Hero, only in the grave are there no dreams
Hero, don't believe in fate it ain't what it seems
Hero, only in the grave are there no dreams
Hero, don't believe in fate it ain't what it seems
Hero, you got the fear of the devil, burning your soul
Hero, it's the call of the wild
Hero, tearing your soul
60,60,Black Moon,"
Oh the devil is rising with the moon, he cries and my blood runs cold
Oh no never was the darkness so black, no light and nowhere to go
My spirit is crying for a love so tired of being alone
I remember he came here to steal, and you are his stealer of souls
I see a black moon rising
And it's calling out my name
Oh it's calling my name
I've been blinded, lost and confused, darkness will call me no more
Heaven is no friend of mine, no god ever knocked on my door
I see a black moon rising
And it's calling out my name
It's calling out my name
Oh it's calling
I see a black moon rising
And it's calling out my name
Oh it's calling my name
I'm standing on the dark side of time reaching for the power of her hand
She's weaving an unholy light and calls from Lucifer's land
I see a black moon rising
And it's calling out my name
An angel of hell is rising
Heaven's no friend of mine
I see a black moon rising
And it's calling out my name
I see a black moon rising
And it causes so much pain
An angel of hell is rising
Heaven's no friend of mine
I see a black moon rising
And it's calling out my name
Oh it's calling my name
This spirits crying for love
Heaven's no friend of mine
An angel of hell is rising
I see a black moon rising
Nightwing has stirred, and taken to flight
The silence is over, he's shattered the night
No other hunter has the power or the grace
He is the master of this place
Tell every creature of the night
The kill is around the bend
So listen my friend
Nightwing flies again
They say he comes, for those whose souls are weak,
And calls his name upon the wind
The night is cold and thick with mystery
Oh I can feel his beating wings
Tell every creature of the night
The kill is around the bend
Nightwing flies again
Tell every creature of the night
The kill is around the bend
Nightwing flies again
Nightwing has stirred, and taken to flight
The silence is over, he's shattered the night
Life ain't for giving and forgivin' ain't free
No soul will rest while the hunted run free
So tell every creature of the night
The kill is around the bend
Listen my friend
Nightwing flies again
62,62,Cloak And Dagger,"
I remember the burning I felt inside
As you touched my frozen heart
I remember the screams and the pain within
As my soul was torn apart
I recall being hungry
And for years I stood my ground
Even though you were never, oh no never, never around
God, how I needed you
I remember they warned me, and oh how they told me
Yours was the kiss of shame
I remember the Devil coming to steal my soul again and again
I remember the dawn was breaking
In Cathedrals of unholy light
I was searching for answers where singers and dancers
Will travel on through the night
I've been hurt by Evil games
First you're here and then you aint
Cloak and dagger, yeah, yeah yeah
Cloak and dagger
Cloak and dagger, yeah, yeah yeah
Cloak and dagger
Oh there's something about you that doesn't seam real
You say if I don't sell my soul you will steal
A promise should stand I know the command
And me like a fool took it in
In the valley of Death do I stand in the shadow
Or fight for the right to be free?
A kiss on the wind whispers die, die for glory
No, no
Cloak and dagger - You've been playing those Evil games
Cloak and dagger - Set me free I don't need this pain
Cloak and dagger - Something about you just doesn't seem real
Cloak and dagger - Your say if I don't sell my soul you will steal
Cloak and dagger - Your kiss of shame has been hunting me
Cloak and dagger - God, how I needed you
63,63,Neon Knights,"
Oh no, here it comes again
Can't remember when we came so close to love before
Hold on, good things never last
Nothing's in the past, it always seems to come again
Again and again, again and again, and again
Cry out to legions of the brave
Time again to save us from the jackals of the street
Ride out, protectors of the realm
Captain's at the helm, sail across the sea of lights
Circles and rings, dragons and kings
Weaving a charm and a spell
Blessed by the night, holy and bright
Called by the toll of the bell
Bloodied angels fast descending
Moving on a never-bending light
Phantom figures free forever
Out of shadows, shining ever-bright
Neon Knights!
Neon Knights!
All right!
Cry out to legions of the brave
Time again to save us from the jackals of the street
Ride out, protectors of the realm
Captain's at the helm, sail across the sea of lights
Again and again, again and again, and again
Neon Knights!
Neon Knights!
Neon Knights!
All right!
64,64,Children Of The Sea,"
In the misty morning, on the edge of time
We've lost the rising sun, a final sign
As the misty morning rolls away to die
Reaching for the stars, we blind the sky
We sailed across the air before we learned to fly
We thought that it could never end
We'd glide above the ground before we learned to run, run
Now it seems our world has come undone
Oh they say that it's over
And it just had to be
Ooh they say that it's over
We're lost children of the sea, oh
We made the mountains shake with laughter as we played
Hiding in our corner of the world
Then we did the demon dance and rushed to nevermore
Threw away the key and locked the door
Oh they say that it's over, yeah
And it just had to be
Yes they say that it's over
We're lost children of the sea
In the misty morning, on the edge of time
We've lost the rising sun, a final sign
As the misty morning rolls away to die
Reaching for the stars, we blind the sky
Oh they say that it's over, yeah
And it just had to be
Oh they say that it's over
Poor lost children of the sea, yeah
LOOK OUT! The sky is falling down!
LOOK OUT! The world is spinning round and round and round!
LOOK OUT! The sun is going black, black
LOOK OUT! It's never never never coming back, LOOK OUT!
65,65,Lady Evil,"
There's a place just south of Witches' Valley
Where they say the wind won't blow
And they only speak in whispers of her name
There's a lady they say who feeds the darkness
It eats right from her hand
With a crying shout she'll search you out
And freeze you where you stand
Lady Evil, evil
She's a magical, mystical woman
Lady Evil, evil in my mind
She's queen of the night
All right!
In a place just south of Witches' Valley
Where they say the rain won't fall
Thunder cracks the sky, it makes you bleed, yeah
There's a lady they say who needs the darkness
She can't face the light
With an awful shout, she'll find you out
And have you for the night
Lady Evil, evil
She's a magical, mystical woman
Lady Evil, evil on my mind
She's queen of the night
So if you ever get to Witches' Valley
Don't dream or close your eyes
And never trust your shadow in the dark
'Cause there's a lady I know who takes your vision
And turns it all around
The things you see are what to be, lost and never found
Lady Evil, evil
She's a magical, mystical woman
Lady Evil, evil on my mind
She's queen of the night
She's the queen of sin
Look out, she'll pull you in!
Lady wonder!
66,66,Heaven And Hell,"
Sing me a song, you're a singer
Do me a wrong, you're a bringer of evil
The Devil is never a maker
The less that you give, you're a taker
So it's on and on and on, it's Heaven and Hell, oh well
The lover of life's not a sinner
The ending is just a beginner
The closer you get to the meaning
the sooner you'll know that you're dreaming
So it's on and on and on, oh it's on and on and on
It goes on and on and on, Heaven and Hell
I can tell, fool, fool!
Well if it seems to be real, it's illusion
For every moment of truth, there's confusion in life
Love can be seen as the answer, but nobody bleeds for the dancer
And it's on and on, on and on and on....
They say that life's a carousel
Spinning fast, you've got to ride it well
The world is full of Kings and Queens
Who blind your eyes and steal your dreams
It's Heaven and Hell, oh well
And they'll tell you black is really white
The moon is just the sun at night
And when you walk in golden halls
You get to keep the gold that falls
It's Heaven and Hell, oh no!
Fool, fool!
You've got to bleed for the dancer!
Fool, fool!
Look for the answer!
Fool, fool, fool!
67,67,Wishing Well,"
Throw me a penny and I'll make you a dream
You find that life's not always what it seems, no no
Then think of a rainbow and I'll make it come real
Roll me, I'm a never ending wheel
I'll give you a star
So you know just where you are
Don't you know that I might be
Your wishing well
Your wishing well
Look in the water, tell me what do you see
Reflections of the love you give to me
Love isn't money, it's not something you buy
So let me fill myself with tears you cry, why?
Time is a never ending journey
Love is a never ending smile
Give me a sign to build a dream on
Dream on...
Yeah, Throw me a penny and I'll make you a dream
You find that life's not always what it seems, no no
Love isn't money, it's not something you buy
So let me fill myself with tears you cry
I'll give you a star
So you know just where you are
Someday, some way, you'll feel the things I say
Dream for a while
Of the things that make you smile
'Cause you know
Don't you know
Oh, you know
That I'm your wishing well
Your wishing well
Your wishing well
I wish you well
I'm your wishing well
68,68,Die Young,"
Gather the wind
Though the wind won't help you fly at all
Your back's to the wall
Chain the sun and it tears away
And it breaks you as you run, you run, you run
Behind the smile there's danger and a promise to be told
You'll never get old
Life's fantasy, to be locked away
And still to think you're free, you're free, we're free
So live for today
Tomorrow never comes
Die young, die young
Can't you see the writing in the air
Die young, gonna die young
Someone stopped the fair
Gather the wind
Though the wind won't help you fly at all
Your back's to the wall
Chain the sun and it tears away
And it breaks you as you run, you run, you run
So live for today
Tomorrow never comes
Die young, young
Die young, die young
Die young, die young, young
Die young, die young, die young, die young, die young!
69,69,Walk Away,"
Lord she's handsome as she flows across the floor
Nothing I've seen in my life has ever pleased me more
She's got the look of freedom, and it makes you think she's wild
But I can see right through it all, it's the way to have a child
Oh, walk away
She's looking to love you
There's nothing to say
Just turn your head and walk away
Walk away, walk on
She moves in sunlight, never seen the night at all
Like a star in the midnight sky, burns before it falls
I've never been lonely, and I can't imagine why
Maybe she could be the one to tell me, I guess it's do or die
Can't see her fire
But I can feel her heat, all right!
It's rising higher
I'm walking the wire
Walk on by!
Oh! Walk away!
She's looking to love you
There's nothing to say
Just turn your head and walk away
Oh, walk on by, walk away!
Walk on!
You'll feel her fire, she'll lift you higher
But don't be fooled! Just turn your head and walk away!
70,70,Lonely Is The Word,"
It's a long way to nowhere
And I'm leaving very soon
On the way we pass so close
To the back side of the moon
Hey join the traveler if you got nowhere to go
Hang your head and take my hand
It's the only road I know
Oh! Lonely is the word, yeah yeah yeah!
I've been higher than stardust
I've been seen upon the sun
I used to count in millions then
But now I only count in one
Come on, join the traveler
If you got nowhere to go
Hang your head and take my hand
It's the only road I know
Yeah, Lonely is the word
Got to be the saddest song I ever heard
Yeah, Lonely is the name
Maybe life's a losing game
71,71,Sweet Leaf,"
Alright now!
Won't you listen?
When I first met you didn't realize
I can't forget you for your surprise
You introduced me to my mind
And left me wanting you and your kind
Oh yeah!
I love you oh you know it
My life was empty forever on a down
Until you took me showed me around
My life is free now my life is clear
I love you sweet leaf though you can't hear
Oh yeah baby!
Come on now try it out
Straight people don't know what you're about
They put you down and shut you out
You gave to me a new belief
And soon the world will love you sweet leaf
Oh yeah baby
72,72,After Forever,"
Have you ever thought about your soul - can it be saved?
Or perhaps you think that when you're dead you just stay in your grave
Is God just a thought within your head or is he a part of you?
Is Christ just a name that you read in a book when you were in school?
When you think about death do you lose your breath or do you keep your cool?
Would you like to see the Pope on the end of a rope - do you think he's a fool?
Well I have seen the truth, yes I've seen the light and I've changed my ways
And I'll be prepared when you're lonely and scared at the end of our days
Could it be you're afraid of what your friends might say
If they knew you believe in God above?
They should realize before they criticize
that God is the only way to love
Is your mind so small that you have to fall
In with the pack wherever they run
Will you still sneer when death is near
And say they may as well worship the sun?
I think it was true it was people like you that crucified Christ
I think it is sad the opinion you had was the only one voiced
Will you be so sure when your day is near, say you don't believe?
You had the chance but you turned it down, now you can't retrieve
Perhaps you'll think before you say that God is dead and gone
Open your eyes, just realize that he's the one
The only one who can save you now from all this sin and hate
Or will you still jeer at all you hear? Yes! I think it's too late.
73,73,Children Of The Grave,"
Revolution in their minds - the children start to march
Against the world in which they have to live
And all the hate that's in their hearts
They're tired of being pushed around
And told just what to do
They'll fight the world until they've won
And love comes flowing through
Children of tomorrow live in the tears that fall today
Will the sunrise of tomorrow bringing peace in any way?
Must the world live in the shadow of atomic fear?
Can they win the fight for peace or will they disappear?
So you children of the world
Listen to what I say
If you want a better place to live in
Spread the word today
Show the world that love is still alive
You must be brave
Or you children of today are
Children of the Grave, Yeah!
74,74,Lord Of This World,"
You're searching for your mind don't know where to start
Can't find the key to fit the lock on your heart
You think you know but you are never quite sure
Your soul is ill but you will not find a cure.
Your world was made for you by someone above
But you choose evil ways instead of love.
You made me master of the world where you exist
The soul I took from you was not even missed, yeah.
Lord of this world
Evil possessor
Lord of this world
He's your confessor now!
You think you're innocent you've nothing to fear
You don't know me, you say, but isn't it clear?
You turn to me in all your worldly greed and pride
But will you turn to me when it's your turn to die, yeah?
My name—it means nothing.
My fortune is less.
My future is shrouded
In dark wilderness.
Sunshine is far away.
Clouds linger on.
Everything I possessed—
Now they are gone.
They are gone.
They are gone.
Oh, where can I go to
And what can I do?
Nothing can please me.
Only thoughts are of you.
You just laughed
When I begged you to stay.
I've not stopped crying
Since you went away.
You went away.
You went away.
The world is a lonely place.
You're on your own.
Guess I will go home,
Sit down and moan.
Crying and thinking
Is all that I do.
Memories I have
Remind me of you.
Of you.
Of you.
76,76,Into The Void,"
Rocket engines burning fuel so fast
Up into the night sky they blast
Through the universe the engines whine
Could it be the end of man and time?
Back on earth the flame of life burns low
Everywhere is misery and woe
Pollution kills the air, the land and sea
Man prepares to meet his destiny, yeah
Rocket engines burning fuel so fast
Up into the black sky so vast
Burning metal through the atmosphere
Earth remains in worry, hate and fear
With the hateful battles raging on
Rockets flying to the glowing sun
Through the empires of eternal void
Freedom from the final suicide
Freedom fighters sent out to the sun
Escape from brainwashed minds and pollution
Leave the earth to all its sin and hate
Find another world where freedom waits
Past the stars in fields of ancient void
Through the shields of darkness where they find
Love upon a land a world unknown
Where the sons of freedom make their home
Leave the earth to Satan and his slaves
Leave them to their future in their grave
Make a home where love is there to stay
Peace and happiness in every day
77,77,Turn Up The Night,"
A rumble of thunder, I'm suddenly under your spell
No rhyme or reason, or time of the season, but oh well
The darkened deliver, I shake and I shiver down your soul
You know what to cover, I think for another it's a story told
So get a good hold, yeah
Regiment fooled you, you thought that you knew who you are
A simple equation, that's the relation, but that's gone too far
A time of suspicion, a special condition that we all know
So let it all go!
Turn up the night!
Turn up the night!
Turn up the night, it feels so right!
Nighttime sorrow, taken like a pain
Black will not become a white, it's all the same
Evil lurks in twilight, dances in the dark
Makes you need the movement, like a fire needs a spark to burn!
A rumble of thunder, I'm suddenly under your spell
No rhyme or reason, or time of the season, but oh well
The darkened deliver, I shake and I shiver down your soul
So get a good hold, yeah
Turn up the night!
Turn up the night!
Turn up the night, it feels so right!
Turn up the night!
Turn up the night!
If it feels right
Turn off the light!
Turn up the night!
Say you don't know me, you'll burn
You can refuse, but you'll lose, it's by me
Say you don't want me, you'll learn
Nothin' you do will be new, 'cause I'm through
Call me a liar, you knew
You were a fool, but that's cool, it's all right
Call me the Devil, it's true
Some can't accept but I crept inside you
So if a stranger calls you
Don't let him whisper his name
'Cause it's Voodoo, oh!
Fade into shadow, you'll burn
Your fortune is free, I can see it's no good
Never look back, never turn
It's a question of time 'till your mine and you learn
So if a stranger sees you
Don't look in his eyes
'Cause he's Voodoo!
Say you don't know me, you'll burn
You can refuse, but you'll lose, it's by me
Say you don't want me, you'll learn
Nothin' you do will be new, 'cause I'm through
Bring me your children, they'll burn!
Never look back, never turn!
Cry me a river, you'll learn Voodoo!!
79,79,The Sign Of The Southern Cross,"
If there isn't light when no one sees
Then how can I know what you might believe?
A story told that can't be real
Somehow must reflect the truth we feel, yeah
Fade away, fade away
Vanish into small
Fade away, fade away
Break the crystal ball
It's the sign
Feels like the time!
On a small world, west of wonder
Somewhere, nowhere all
There's a rainbow that will shimmer
When the summer falls
If an echo doesn't answer
When it hears a certain sound
Then the beast is free to wander
But never is seen around
And it's the Sign of the Southern Cross
It's the Sign of the Southern Cross
All right
Sail away
To the sign
From the book, the word is spoken
Whispers from forgotten song
Gather all around the young ones
They will make us strong
Reach above your dreams of pleasure
Give a life to those who died
Look beyond your own horizons
Sail the ship of sighs
And it's the Sign of the Southern Cross
It's the Sign of the Southern Cross
Fade away, fade away
Break the crystal ball
Fade away, fade away
I can't accept it anymore
On a real world, west of wonder
Somewhere, nowhere all
There's a rainbow, see it shimmer
When the summer falls
From the book, the word is spoken
Whispers from forgotten song
Gather all around the young ones
They will make us strong!
It's the Sign of the Southern Cross
It's the Sign of the Southern Cross
Don't live for pleasure
Make life your treasure
Fade away!
Eight miles high, about to fall
And no one there to catch you
Look for the sign, the time
The Sign of the Southern Cross, yeah
80,80,The Mob Rules,"
Close the city and tell the people that something's coming to call
Death and darkness are rushing forward to take a bite from the wall, oh
You've nothing to say
They're breaking away
If you listen to fools...
The Mob Rules
The Mob Rules
Kill the spirit and you'll be blinded, the end is always the same
Play with fire, you burn your fingers and lose your hold of the flame, oh
It's over, it's done
The end is begun
If you listen to fools...
The Mob Rules
You've nothing to say
Oh, They're breaking away
If you listen to fools...
Break the circle and stop the movement, the wheel is thrown to the ground
Just remember it might start rolling and take you right back around
You're all fools!
The Mob Rules!
81,81,Country Girl,"
Fell in love with a country girl, morning sunshine
She was up from a nether world, just to bust another soul
Her eyes were an endless flame, holy lightning
Desire with a special name, made to snatch your soul away, yeah
We sailed away on a crimson tide, gone forever
Left my heart on the other side, all to break it into bits
Her smile was a winter song, a Sabbath ending
Don't sleep or you'll find me gone, just an image in the air
In dreams I think of you
I don't know what to do with myself
Time has let me down
She brings broken dreams, fallen stars,
the endless search for where you are
(sail on, sail on)
Fell in love with a country girl, morning sunshine
She was up from a nether world, just to bust another soul
Her eyes were an endless flame, unholy lady
Desire with a special name, made to snatch your soul away, oh!
Don't sail away on a crimson tide!
Don't leave your heart on the other side!
Her eyes are an endless flame
Desire with a special name
Don't ever fall in love!
Don't give your heart away!
No never, never fall in love with a country girl!
82,82,Slipping Away,"
Slipping away, just a heartbeat from disaster
Nothing could make me stay, close your eyes and I'll be gone
Turn the page, yeah, time to start another story
Slipping away, slipping away, time to move along
No reason to stay
oh, when I'm slipping away
Take a look at yourself, you've been running in a circle
Round and round you go, you're a start without an end
Start a new life, yeah, from the city of the gypsies
Running away, slipping away, right behind the plow
Slipping away
Slipping away
Nobody to pay
look out, 'cause I'm slipping away
Rockin' the glass, I won't leave you my reflection
A future without a past, no more road to take me back
Come if you will, just don't question my direction
Running away, slipping away, we can find the sun
Slipping away
Slipping away
got nobody to pay
and you're slippin' away
No more running in a circle
it's time to move along
round, round, round we go
a start without an end
so I'm slipping away
Slipping away
83,83,Falling Off The Edge Of The World,"
I think about closing the door
And lately I think of it more
I'm living well out of my time
I feel like i'm losing my mind
I should be at the table round
A servant of the crown
The keeper of the sign
To sparkle and to shine
Never, no never again!
Listen to me and believe what I say if you can
Never, this is the end
You know I've seen the faces of doom and I'm only a man
Help me, tell me I'm sane
I feel a change in the earth, in the wind and the rain
Save me, take me away
You know I've seen some creatures from hell and I've heard what they say!
I've got to be strong
Oh, I'm falling off the edge of the world
Think you're safe, but you're wrong!
We are falling off the edge of the world!
Look out! there's danger! no where to run!
It seems like desperate measures but sometimes it has to be done
Over, it's over at last
There's a message inside as we build a new life from the past
We're falling off the edge of the world!
Yes, the edge of the world!
It's the end of the world!
84,84,Over And Over,"
Sometimes I feel like I'm dying at dawn
and sometimes I'm warm as fire
But lately I feel like I'm just gonna rain
and it goes over, and over, and over again, yeah
Too many flames, with too much to burn
and life's only made of paper
Oh, how I need to be free of this pain
but it goes over, and over, and over, and over again
Yeah, sometimes I cry for the lost and alone
and for their dreams that will all be ashes
But lately I feel like I'm just gonna rain
and it goes over, and over, and over, and over again
85,85,Never Say Die,"
People going nowhere, taken for a ride
Looking for the answers that they know inside
Searching for a reason, looking for a rhyme
Snow White's mirror said ""partners in crime!""
Don't they ever have to worry?
Don't you ever wonder why?
It's a part of me that tells you
Oh, don't you ever, don't ever say die
Never, never, never say die again
Sunday's satisfaction, Monday's home and dry
Truth is on the doorstep, welcome in the lie
All dressed up in sorrow, got no place to go
Hold back, `till it's ready, taking it slow
Don't they ever have to worry?
Don't you ever wonder why?
It's a part of me that tells you
Oh, don't you ever, don't ever say die
Never, never, never say die again
Don't you ever say die
Don't you ever say die
Never say die
Panic, silver lining, writing's on the wall
Children get together, you can save us all
Future's on the corner, throwing us a die
Slow down, turn around, everything's fine
There's no need to have a reason
There's no need to wonder why
It's a part of me that tells you
Oh, don't you ever, don't ever say die
Never, never, never say die again
86,86,Johnny Blade,"
Tortured and twisted, he walks the streets alone
People avoid him, they know the street's his own
Cold blade of silver, his eyes they burn so wild
Mean as a tiger, society's own child
Those that tried to burn him paid
You don't do that to Johnny Blade
He's the meanest guy around his town
One look and he will cut you down
Johnny Blade, Johnny Blade
Life has no meaning, and Death's his only friend
Will fate surprise him, where will he meet his end?
He feels so bitter, yes he's so full of hate
To die in the gutter, I guess that's Johnny's fate
Rivals all across the land
He kills them with his knife in hand
He's the meanest guy around his town
One look and he will cut you down
Johnny Blade, Johnny Blade
Johnny Blade, Johnny Blade
Well you know that Johnny's a spider
And his web is the city at night
He's a victim of modern frustration
That's the reason he's so ready to fight
He's the one that should be afraid
What will happen to you, Johnny Blade?
Oh he knows his future's decided
And he ain't gonna change it, no way
He was born to die in the gutter
He'll keep fighting `till the end of his days
Been alone all through his life
His only friend is a switchblade knife
He's the one who should be afraid
What will happen to you, Johnny Blade?
You fool the people
Who's fooling who?
It's time to listen
Who's fool are you?
87,87,Junior's Eyes,"
Junior's eyes looked up to the skies in tears
He prayed that his maker, the giver and taker, would `pear
Junior sighed, as his hands reached out to the sky
Junior cried, the day that his best friend died
They're coming home again tomorrow
I'm sorry it won't be for long
With all the pain I've watched you live within
I'll try my hardest not to cry
When it is time to say goodbye
Junior's eyes, they couldn't disguise the pain
His father was leaving, and Junior's grieving again
Innocent eyes watched the man who had gave everything
Junior's sorrow, who knew what tomorrow would bring?
They're coming home again tomorrow
I'm sorry it won't be for long
With all the pain I've watched you live within
I'll try my hardest not to cry
When it is time to say goodbye
Junior's eyes looked into the skies once more
Now he knew well, this life was hell for sure
He desperately tried, his fingertips stretched to the stars, yeah
Reaching for reason, along with the time and the stars
They're coming home again tomorrow
I'm sorry it won't be for long
With all the pain I've watched you live within
I'll try my hardest not to cry
When it is time to say goodbye
88,88,Hard Road,"
Old men crying, young men dying
World still turns as Father Time looks on
On and on
Children playing, dreamers praying
Laughter turns to tear as love has gone
Has it gone?
Oh, it's a hard road
Oh, it's a hard road
Whirlwind churning, lovers learning
On this path of life we can't back down
Is it wrong?
Widows weeping, babies sleeping
Life becomes the singer and the song
Sing along
Oh, it's a hard road
Carry your own load
Why make the hard road?
Why can't we be friends?
No need to hurry
We'll meet in the end
Why make the hard road?
Why can't we be friends?
No need to worry
Let's sing it again
Brother's sharing, mother's caring
Nightime falling victim to the dawn
Shadows small
Days are crawling, time is calling
To the Earth another life is gone
Love line drawn
Oh, it's a hard road
Carry your own load
Oh, it's a hard road
Oh, it's a hard road...
Forget all your sorrow, don't live in the past
And look to the future, `cause life goes too fast, you know
Forget all your sorrow, don't live in the past
And look to the future, `cause life goes too fast, you know
Forget all your sorrow, don't live in the past
And look to the future, `cause life goes too fast, you know...
89,89,Shock Wave,"
There's no reason for you to run
You can't escape the fate of the chosen one
Black moon rising, in a blood red sky
This time you realise that you're gonna die
Drinking your blood brew is your answer
That's what you plan to do
No dreaming, time you cheat this master
You're on your own going through
Wind of mist has taken over your mind
And you think you're on your own
Don't believe you are the only one here
Look around, you're not alone
Feel the forces from another world
Ghostly shadows fill your mind
Evil power hanging over you
As you freeze, you're like a child
Look behind you!
Somebody's calling
Someone is near
Feel yourself falling
Falling with fear
You tell yourself you're dreaming
You realise you're screaming
You know that this shouldn't happen to you
You tell yourself that it's scary too
But there is nothing you can do, oh!
Ghostly shadows from the other world
Evil forces in your mind
Trapped between the worlds of life and death
Frozen in the realms of time
Look behind you!
You feel yourself falling, you're at the end of the line
Your body is crawling, but your senses are blind
Cold, cold feelings are running through your brains
Ice cold fingers, running through your veins
90,90,Air Dance,"
She sits in silence, in her midnight world
Her faded pictures, of her dancing girls
Her, distant dreamer, on the seas of time
Her happy memories, dancing through her mind
In days of romance
She was the queen of dance
She'd dance the night away
And as the seasons turn the days to years
She holds her pictures, hears the silent cheers
The days grow lonely for the dancing queen
And now she dances only in her dreams
In days of romance
She was the queen of dance
She'd dance the night away, away, away, away
91,91,Over To You,"
Born in a window
Nobody's fool
Raised in a prison
You called a school
Taught your religion
Told what to do
I handed my childhood
Over to you
Traveling endlessly, I'm searching my mind
I'm almost afraid of what I will find
Wandering aimlessly, oh what can I do?
I handed my future over to you, to you
Over to you
Future looks blue
What can I do?
Working for freedom
Fighting your wars
Feeding our children
Keeping your laws
Someday you'll suffer
Then what I'll do
I'll hand all your promises
Over to you
Standing inside myself, I'm losing control
You made me believe in the stories you told
Waiting impatiently, what else can I do?
I handed my future over to you, to you
Over to you
Future looks blue
What can I do?
Tears full of sadness
Sealed in my cell
Whispering secrets
What do they tell?
Mad politicians
Can't tell it true
I handed my children
Over to you
All over, over to you
All over, over to you
All over, over to you...
92,92,Swinging The Chain,"
It's against my uniform
To be a civil judge
All the songs are history now
`Bout rock stars and their grudge
Let us cast our minds back
To thirty years or more
You took up all the vandals
Will Hitler beat `em all?
And we're sad and sorry
Really sorry that it happened that way
Yes we're sad and sorry
But why'd you have to treat us that way?
Compare ourselves with others
And cover them in sin
Oh, God what a terrible
A terrible state we're in
There must be some way out of here
A comprimise that's right
If we cannot work it out
We're gonna have to fight
Yes we're sad and sorry
Really sorry that it happened that way
Yes we're sad and sorry
We cannot go on in those days
I'm talking about my brothers
Yeah, I'm talking `bout sisters as well
I wish you good luck
Good luck!
Oh, but the world's still on fire
Chain the hope you take on, liar
This fire
We're on fire, we're on fire, yeah...
93,93,Luke's Wall / War Pigs,"
Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of death's construction
In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds
Oh Lord yeah!
Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that all to the poor, yeah
Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait till their judgment day comes, yeah!
Now in darkness world stops turning
Ashes where the bodies burning
No more war pigs have the power
Hand of God has struck the hour
Day of Judgment God is calling
On their knees the war pigs crawling
Begging mercies for their sins
Satan laughing spreads his wings
Oh Lord yeah
Finished with my woman 'cause she couldn't help me with my mind
People think I'm insane because I am frowning all the time
All day long I think of things but nothing seems to satisfy
Think I'll lose my mind if I don't find something to pacify
Can you help me occupy my brain?
Oh yeah
I need someone to show me the things in life that I can't find
I can't see the things that make true happiness, I must be blind
Make a joke and I will sigh and you will laugh and I will cry
Happiness I cannot feel and love to me is so unreal
And so as you hear these words telling you now of my state
I tell you to enjoy life I wish I could but it's too late
95,95,Planet Caravan,"
We sail through endless skies
Stars shine like eyes
The black night sighs
The Moon in silver dreams
Falls down in beams
Light of the night
The Earth a purple blaze
Of sapphire haze
In orbit always
While down below the trees
Bathed in cool breeze
Silver starlight breaks
Dawn from night
And so we pass on by
The crimson eye
Of great god Mars
As we travel the universe
96,96,Iron Man,"
I am Iron Man
Has he lost his mind?
Can he see or is he blind?
Can he walk at all
Or if he moves will he fall?
Is he alive or dead?
Has he thoughts within his head?
We'll just pass him there
Why should we even care?
He was turned to steel
In the great magnetic field
When he traveled time
For the future of mankind
Nobody wants him
He just stares at the world
Planning his vengeance
That he will soon unfurl
Now the time is here
For Iron Man to spread fear
Vengeance from the grave
Kills the people he once saved
Nobody wants him
They just turn their heads
Nobody helps him
Now he has his revenge
Heavy boots of lead
Fill his victims full of dread
Running as fast as they can
Iron Man lives again!
97,97,Electric Funeral,"
Reflex in the sky
Warn you you're gonna die
Storm coming, you better hide
From the atomic tide
Flashes in the sky
Turns houses into sties
Turns people into clay
Radiation minds decay
Robot minds of robot slaves
Lead them to atomic graves
Plastic flowers, melting sun
Fading moon falls upon
Dying world of radiation
Victims of man's frustration
Burning globe of obscene fire
Like electric funeral pyre
Buildings crashing down
To earth's cracking ground
Rivers turned to mud
Eyes melt into blood
Earth lies in deathbed
Clouds cry for the dead
Tearing falling rain
Ease the burning pain
Electric Funeral
Electric Funeral
Electric Funeral
Electric Funeral
And so in the sky
Shines the electric eye
Supernatural king
Takes Earth under his wing
Heaven's golden chorus sings
Hell's angels flap their wings
Evil souls fall to hell
Ever trapped in burning cell
98,98,Hand Of Doom,"
What you gonna do
Time's caught up with you
Now you wait your turn
You know there's no return
Change your empty rules
You join the other fools
Turn to something new
Now it's killing you
First it was the bomb, Vietnam napalm
Disillusioning, you push the needle in
From life you escape, reality's black drape
Colors in your mind, satisfy your time
Oh you, you know you must be blind
To do such things like this
To take the sweet that you don't know
You're giving Death a kiss
Poor little fool now
Your Mind is full of pleasure
Your body's looking ill
To you it's shallow leisure
So drop the acid pill
Don't stop to think now
You're having a good time baby
But that won't last
Your mind's all full of things
You're living too fast
Go out, enjoy yourself
Don't bottle it in
You need someone to help you
Stick the needle in, yeah
Now you know the scene
Your skin starts turning green
Your eyes no longer see life's reality
Push the needle in
Face Death's sickly grin
Holes are in your skin
Caused by deadly pin
Head starts spinning 'round
You Fall down to the ground
Feel your body heave
Death hand starts to weave
It's too late to turn
You don't want to learn
Price of life is high
Now you're gonna die
99,99,Fairies Wear Boots / Jack The Stripper,"
Goin' home, late last night
Suddenly I got a fright
Yeah I looked through a window and surprised what I saw
Fairy with Boots are dancing with a dwarf, alright now!
Fairies wear boots and you gotta believe me
Yeah I saw it, I saw it, I tell you no lie
Yeah Fairies wear boots and you gotta believe me
I saw it, I saw it with my own two eyes, well all right now!
Yeah, fairies wear boots and you gotta believe me
Yeah I saw it, I saw it, I tell you no lies
Yeah Fairies wear boots and you gotta believe me
I saw it, I saw it with my own two eyes, well all right now!
So I went to the doctor to see what he could give me
He said ""Son, son, you've gone too far
'Cause smokin' and trippin' is all that you do""
100,100,Sabbath Bloody Sabbath,"
You seen right through distorted lies
You know you have to learn
The execution of your mind
You really had to turn
The race is run the book is read
The end begins to show
The truth is out, the lies are old
But you don't want to know
Nobody will ever let you know
When you ask the reasons why
They just tell you that you're on your own
Fill your head all full of lies
The people who have crippled you
You want to see them burn
The gates of life have closed on you
And there's just no return
You're wishing that the hands of doom
Could take your mind away
And you don't care if you don't see again
The light of day
Nobody will ever let you know
When you ask the reasons why
They just tell you that you're on your own
Fill your head all full of lies
You bastard
Where can you run to
What more can you do
No more tomorrow
Life is killing you
Dreams turn to nightmares
Heaven turns to hell
Burned out confusion
Nothing more to tell
Everything around you
What's it coming to
God knows as your dognose
Bog blast all of you
Sabbath bloody sabbath
Nothing more to do
Living just for dying
Dying just for you
101,101,A National Acrobat,"
I am the world that hides
The universal secret of all time
Destruction of the empty spaces
Is my one and only crime
I've lived a thousand times
I found out what it means to be believed
The thoughts and images
The unborn child that never was conceived
When little worlds collide
I'm trapped inside my embryonic cell
And flashing memories
Are cast into the never ending well
The name that scorns the face
The child that never sees the cause of man
The deathly darkness that
Belies the fate of those who never ran
You gotta believe me
I'm talking to you
Well, I know it's hard for you
To know the reason why
And I know you'll understand
More when it's time to die
Don't believe the life you have
Will be the only one
You have to let your body sleep
To let your soul live on
I want you to listen
I'm tryna get through
Love has given life to you
And now it's your concern
Unseen eyes of inner life
Will make your soul return
Still I look but not to touch
The seeds of life are sown
Curtain of the future falls
The secret stays unknown
Just remember love is life
And hate is living death
Treat your life for what it's worth
And live for every breath
Looking back I've lived and learned
But now I'm wondering
Here I wait and only guess
What this next life will bring
102,102,Sabbra Cadabra,"
Feel so good I feel so fine
Love that little lady always on my mind
Gives me lovin' every night and day
Never gonna leave her, never goin' away
Someone to love me
You know she makes me feel alright
Someone who needs me
Love me every single night
Feel so happy since I met that girl
When we're making love it's something out of this world
Feels so good to know that she's all mine
Going to love that woman 'til the end of time
Someone to live for
Love me 'til the end of time
Makes me feel happy
Good to know that she's all mine
Lovely lady make love all night long
Lovely lady never do me wrong
I don't wanna leave ya
I never wanna leave ya,
anymore no more
Lovely lady, mystifying eyes
Lovely lady, she don't tell me no lies
I know I'll never leave ya
I'm never gonna leave ya anymore no more
103,103,Killing Yourself To Live,"
Well people look and people stare
Well I don't think that I even care
You work your life away and what do they give?
You're only killing yourself to live
Killing yourself to live
Killing yourself to live
Just take a look around you what do you see
Pain, suffering, and misery
It's not the way that the world was meant
It's a pity you don't understand
Killing yourself to live
Killing yourself to live
I'm telling you
Believe in me
Nobody else will tell you
Open your eyes
And see the lies, oh yeah
You think I'm crazy and baby
I know that it's true
Before that you know it I think
That you'll go crazy too
I don't know if I'm up or down
Whether black is white or blue is brown
The colors of my life are all different somehow
Little boy blue's a big girl now
So you think it's me who's strange
But you've never had to make the change
Never give your trust away
You'll end up paying till your dying day
104,104,Who Are You?,"
Yes I know the secret
That's within your mind
You think all the people
Who worship you are blind
You're just like Big Brother
Giving us your trust
And when you have played enough
You'll just cast our souls
Into the dust
Into the dust
You thought that it would be easy
from the very start
Now I've found you out
I don't think you're so smart
I only have one more question
Before my time is through
Please I beg you tell me
In the name of hell
Who are you?
Who are you?
105,105,Looking For Today,"
It's complete but obsolete
All tomorrow's become yesterday
In demand but second hand
It's been heard before you even play
Up to date but came too late
Better get yourself another name
You're so right but overnight
You're the one who has to take the blame
Everyone just gets on top of you
The pain begins to eat your pride
You can't believe in anything you knew
When was the last time that you cried
Don't delay you're in today
But tomorrow is another dream
Sunday's star is Monday's scar
Out of date before you're even seen
At the top so quick to flop
You're so new but rotting in decay
Like butterfly so quick to die
But you're only looking for today
Everyone just gets on top of you
The pain begins to eat your pride
You can't believe in anything you knew
When was the last time that you cried
Looking for today
Glamour trip so soon to slip
Easy come but oh how quick it goes
Ten foot tall but what to fall
Hard to open yet so easy to close
Front page news but so abused
You just want to hide yourself away
Over-paid, but soon you fade
Because you're only looking for today
Looking for today
106,106,Spiral Architect,"
Sorcerers of madness
Selling me their time
Child of god sitting in the sun
Giving peace of mind
Fictional seduction
On a black snow sky
Sadness kills the superman
Even fathers cry
Of all the things I value most of all
I look inside myself and see
My world and know that it is good
You know that I should
Superstitious century
Didn't time go slow
Separating sanity
Watching children grow
Synchronated undertaker
Spiral skies
Silver ships on plasmic oceans
In disquise
Of all the things I value most in life
I see my memories and feel their warmth
And know that they are good
You know that I should
Watching eyes of celluloid
Tell you how to live
Metaphoric motor-replay
Give, give, give!
Laughter kissing love
Is showing me the way
Spiral city architect
I build, you pay
Of all the things I value most of all
I look upon my earth and feel the warmth
And know that it is good
107,107,Hole In The Sky,"
I'm looking through a hole in the sky
I'm seeing nowhere through the eyes of a lie
I'm getting closer to the end of the line
I'm living easy where the sun doesn't shine
I'm living in a room without any view
I'm living free because the rent's never due
The synonym of all the things that I've said
Are just the riddles that are built in my head
Hole in the sky
Gateway to heaven
Window in time
Through it I'll fly
I've seen the stars that disappear in the sun
But shooting's easy if you've got the right gun
And even though I'm sitting waiting for Mars
I don't believe there's any future in cars
Hole in the sky
Gateway to heaven
Window in time
Through it I'll fly
I've watched the dogs of war enjoying their feast
I've seen the western world go down in the east
The food of love became the greed of our time
And now we're living on the profits of crime
108,108,Symptom Of The Universe,"
Take me through the centuries to supersonic years
Electrifying enemy is drowning in his tears
All I have to give you is a love that never dies
The symptom of the universe is written in your eyes
Mother Moon—she's calling me back to her silver womb
Father of creation takes me from my stolen tomb
Seventh Advent unicorn is waiting in the skies
A symptom of the universe, a love that never dies
Take my hand, my child of love, come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean I've been crying all these years
With our love we'll ride away into eternal skies
A symptom of the universe, a love that never dies
Woman, child of love's creation, come and step inside my dreams
In your eyes I see no sadness, you are all that loving means
Take my hand and we'll go riding through the sunshine from above
We'll find happiness together in the summer skies of love
I hide myself inside the shadows of shame
The silent symphonies were playing their game
My body echoed to the dreams of my soul
It started something that I could not control
Where can I run to now?
The joke is on me
No sympathizing God, it's insanity
Why don't you just get out of my life?
Why don't you just get out of my life now?
Why doesn't everybody leave me alone now?
Why doesn't everybody leave me alone?
Obsessed with fantasy, possessed with my schemes
I mixed reality with pseudo-god dreams
The ghost of violence was something I'd seen
I sold my soul to be the human obscene
How could this poison be the dream of my soul
How did my fantasies take complete control?
Why don't you just get out of my life?
Why don't you just get out of my life now?
Why doesn't everybody leave me alone now?
Why doesn't everybody leave me alone?
Well I feel something's taking me I don't know where
It's like a trip inside a separate mind
The ghost of tomorrow from my favorite dream
Is telling me to leave it all behind
Feel it slipping away, slipping in tomorrow
Got to get to happiness, want no more of sorrow
How I lied, went to hide
How I tried to get away from you now
Am I right if I fight?
That I might just get away from you now
Sting me!
Well I feel something's giving me the chance to return
It's giving me the chance of saving my soul
Pictures of demigod are fading away
I'm going backwards but I'm in control
Feel it slipping away, slipping in tomorrow
Getting back to sanity from the depths of sorrow
Was it wise to disguise?
How I tried to get away from you now
Is there a way that I could pay
Or is it true I have to stay with you now?
How I lied, went to hide
How I tried to get away from you now
Am I right if I fight?
That I might just get away from you now
Suck me!
I'm really digging schizophrenia the best of the earth
I'll chase my soul in the fires of hell
Peace of mind eluded me, but now it's all mine
I set the trap but it was me who fell
Feel it slipping away, slipping in tomorrow
Now I've found my happiness from the depths of sorrow
No more lies, I got wise
I despise the way I worship you
Now I'm free, let me see
That now instead I won't be led by you now
110,110,The Thrill Of It All,"
Inclination of direction, walk the turned and twisted rift
With the children of creation futuristic dreams we sift
Clutching violently we whisper with a liquefying cry
Any deadly final answers that are surely doomed to die
Won't you help me Mr. Jesus, won't you tell me if you can?
When you see this world we live in, do you still believe in Man?
If my songs become my freedom, and my freedom turns to gold
Then I'll ask the final question, if the answer could be sold
Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it
'Cause I've got no reason to lie, yeah
Forget your problems that don't even exist
And I'll show you a way to get high, oh yeah
Oh yeah!
So come along, you know you matter to me
Remember freedom is not hard to find, yeah
Time to stop all your messing around
Don't you think that I know my own mind, oh yeah
Oh yeah!
Why can't you believe, it's not here to perceive
Do you always have to be told, yeah
For you have been taught that if your mind has been bought
Life's entire answer was sold, oh yeah
Oh yeah!
111,111,Am I Going Insane (Radio),"
Everybody's looking at me, feeling paranoid inside
When I step outside I feel free, think I'll find a place to hide
Tell me people, am I going insane?
Tell me people, am I going insane?
Every day I sit and wonder how my life it used to be
Now I feel like going under, now my life is hard to see
So tell me people, am I going insane?
Tell me people, am I going insane?
So I'm telling all you people, listen while I sing again
If I don't sound very cheerful, I think that I'm a schizophrene
So tell me people, am I going insane?
Tell me people, am I going insane?
112,112,The Writ,"
The way I feel is the way I am
I wish I'd walked before I started to run to you
Just to you
What kind of people do you think we are?
Another joker who's a rock and roll star for you
Just for you
The hateful image of another man
The endless ocean of emotion I swam for you
Yeah for you
The shock troopers laying down on the floor
I wish they’d fallen into my private war with you
Yeah with you
Are you devil, are you man
You’ve changed a lot since you began
Yeah began
Ladies digging gold from you
Will they still dig now you're through
Yeah you're through
You bought and sold me with your lying words
The voices in the dark that you never heard came true
Yeah came true
Your fallen phallic god dismembered and gone
A poison father with his poisonous son, that’s you
Yeah that's you
I beg you please don't let it get any worse
The anger I once had has turned to a curse on you
Yeah curse you
All of the promises that never came true
You're gonna get what is coming to you, that's true
Ah, that's true
Are you Satan, are you man?
You've changed a lot since it began
It began
Vultures sucking gold from you
Will they still suck now you're through
Cats, rats
The search is on, so you just better run
And find yourself another way
Rob the dead, they don't feel a thing
Leave the living for another day
Rats, rats
You are nonentity, you have no destiny
You are a figment of a thing unknown
A mental picture of a stolen soul
The fornication of your golden throne
A smiling face, it means the world to me
So tired of sadness and of misery
My life it started some time ago
Where it will end, I don't know
I thought I was so good
I thought I was smart
I feel my world is torn apart
But everything is gonna work out fine
If it don't I think I'll lose my mind
I know, I know, I know, yeah yeah I know
Listen to me while I sing this song
You might just think the words are wrong
Too many people advising me
But they don't know what my eyes see
But everything is gonna work out fine
If it don't I feel I'll blow my mind
113,113,Blow On A Jug,"
Blow on a Jug
Everybody come on - blow on a jug
Be like me and blow on a jug
I want you to blow on a jug
Everybody begin - blow on a jug
114,114,In For The Kill,"
Thunder shattered the dawn
Raging with fury, the king has come
The power of terror will reign
There is no mercy in pleading
In for the kill, no quarter be shown
Live for the thrill of battle alone
Blessed by the will to die for the throne
In for the kill
In for the kill
Freedom is taken by storm
The blood on his hands is still running warm
The power of terror will reign
There is no mercy in pleading
In for the kill, no quarter be shown
Live for the thrill of battle alone
Blessed by the will to die for the throne
In for the kill
For the kill
Thunder shattered the dawn
Raging with fury, the king has come
Death and destruction riding the storm
Blood on his hands still running warm
In for the kill
The king has come
115,115,No Stranger To Love,"
Cold is the night
Lonely till dawn
Cry for the light
For the love that won't come
You said that you'd never
Leave me alone
I gave you my heart
You cried for my soul
An angel won't come
This devil won't go
Something is wrong
I just can't get away
Living on the street, I'm no stranger to love
Why can't you see I'm no stranger to love
But I'm a stranger in your arms
Yes, I'm a stranger in your arms
Maybe it's right
But I just can't understand
The hurt that I feel
For my love second hand
I know I should leave
But I just can't walk away
Living on the street, I'm no stranger to love
Why can't you see I'm no stranger to love
Living on the street, I'm no stranger to love
I'm a stranger in your arms
Living on the street, I'm no stranger to love
Why can't you see I'm no stranger to love
116,116,Turn To Stone,"
She came from the past
She was never meant to last
Her destiny was fatal
From the start
A messenger from hell
She cast a deadly spell
On all of those who dare
To cross her heart
Ain't no use in you trying to run
Fate has taken it's toll
Just one look and the damage is done
Burn your eyes
Turn your heart into stone
History foretold of a circle
Cast in gold
An evil seed of power
Sealed within
But fate has lent a hand
Destroyed the golden band
And freed her soul
To wash the land with sin
Ain't no use in you trying to run
Fate has taken it's toll
Just one look and the damage is done
Burn your eyes
Turn your heart into stone
She cast a deadly spell
She put a spell on you
She's got evil in her heart
Turn your heart into stone
Turn your heart into stone
117,117,Seventh Star,"
There's a vision in the sands
Rising from the ancient past
Crying let my spirit go
Lead my burning soul to rest
Hear the sound of distant ages
It's the call of the seventh star
There's no shelter from the heat
There's no mercy from this land
Hear a thousand chanting souls
Waiting judgement from God's hand
Hear the sound of distant ages
It's the call of the seventh star
Hear the sound of fallen angels
It's the call of the seventh star
The pyramids will fall
Turn to dust before the sun
And the star will rise again
Until destiny is done
Hear the sound of distant ages
It's the call of the seventh star
Hear the sound of fallen angels
It's the call of the seventh star
118,118,Danger Zone,"
Midnight, something don't feel right
It's been too much, too far away from home
Hard life, living the hard life
I can't resist, I'm falling
To the danger zone
All day long I'm pushed and shoved
I just can't get enough
In the danger zone
Red light, don't stop for no red light
You know I'm always trouble on my own
Lonely, ever so lonely
I've got too much time
I'm heading for the danger zone
All day long I'm pushed and shoved
I just can't get enough
In the danger zone
I'm eager, eager to please
I can't stand no more
It's got me on my knees
Ain't gonna feel no hurt
Ain't gonna feel no pain
I got nothin' left to lose
I ain't got no shame
Don't try to stop me
Just leave me on my own
I'm gonna live or die
In the danger zone
I'm living in the danger zone
In the danger zone
Hard life, I'm living the hard life
I'm gonna take a chance
In the danger zone
Lonely, ever so lonely
I'm gonna live or die
In the danger zone
Midnight, can't wait until midnight
Help me I'm falling to the danger zone
119,119,Heart Like A Wheel,"
In these days of confusion
You've turned angry and cold
You say it's an illusion
There's no fire in your soul
Say you don't love me
Say you don't care
But don't leave me standing here
Your heart's like a wheel
Just waiting to roll
It's longing for freedom
To get out on the road
You're hungry for something
That you may never find
So many reasons
Your love has made you blind
You say you don't love me
You say you don't care
So don't leave me standing here
Don't leave me standing here
You say you don't love me
You say you don't care
Don't leave me
Don't leave me standing here
Life ain't been easy
Full of passion and pain
Told me no reason
Why I was to blame
Don't leave me standing
Don't leave me standing
Don't leave me standing
On my own
120,120,Angry Heart,"
I still remember how it used to be
I thought the only thing
That mattered was me
You always told me it was just insane
To feel such joy
While others feel pain
There's no way to change this angry heart
Cause when love goes
It will tear you apart
And it's been this way since time began
It's a desperate search for a promised land
And the years slip by like so much sand
So many people who are dying to live
It tortures my heart
They've got so much to give
I never saw it as a battle before
To win the fight
There has to be more
And there's no way to change this angry heart
Cause all these fears
Will tear you apart
And it's been this way since time began
It's an endless journey, it's the fate of man
To live each day and never understand
And it's been this way since time began
It's a desperate search for a master plan
And the years slip by like water through your hands
121,121,In Memory...,"
No one told me the way I should feel
You left an aching heart
Lost and lonely, the feeling goes on
You were the one friend I had
You gave me so much love
Now the tears remind me you're gone
It still haunts me there's a silence
Where you used to be
It still haunts me
Just an empty space in history
It still haunts me
But life must go on, on and on
It's still haunting me
It's still haunting me
Haunting me
Haunting me
It's still haunting me
122,122,Back Street Kids,"
I'm just another back street kid
Rock 'n Roll music is the only thing I really dig
Can't stop the music going round inside my head
I'm a rock 'n roll soldier, gonna play it until I'm dead
Nobody I know will ever take my rock 'n roll away from me
Sitting in the back seat of a shiny limousine
Living in a taxi can't remember where I've been
Playing my music, sitting in my hotel room
Writing about the stars and thinking about the hand of doom
Nobody I know will ever take my rock 'n roll away from me
Living life comes easy if you know which way you're going
Got to see yourself in others' eyes, surprised?
Living like I want to don't come easy, but I'm trying
Sorting out what's true and what are lies, it's wise
Brought up in a back street living with the salt of the land
Seems that now my music's paying off my tax demands
So listen to the music, want to see you getting so high
'Cause I'm a back street rocker and I will be till the day I die
Nobody I know will ever take my rock 'n roll away from me
123,123,You Won't Change Me,"
I'm just a man and I am what I am, yeah
Nobody will ever change my ways
I don't need money and I don't need no lies, yeah
I only need to live for today
But I'd like to talk things over with you
I want to hear the things you say, today
Although you won't change me anyway, oh no way
I wish you'd come and see me, I'd like to hold you
I want to set my mind all free
You understand me woman, you give me time, yeah
But I don't need no sympathy
Still I wonder what it's like to be loved
Instead of hiding in myself
Nobody will change me anyway, no no way
Nobody's gonna change my world
That's something too unreal
Nobody will change the way I feel
So listen to me now, hear what I say, yeah
Please give me time and maybe love
If there's a God up there, well I hope he helps me
I need him now to set me free
'Cause it may be that it's over for me
If you don't hear the things that I say, today
Nobody will change me anyway, no no way
Nobody's gonna change my world
That's something too unreal
Nobody will change the way I feel
124,124,It's Alright,"
Told you once about your friends and neighbours
They were always seeking but they'll never find it
It's alright, yes it's alright
Where to go and where to see
It's always been that way and it can never be
It's alright, yes it's alright
Give it all and ask for no return
And very soon you'll see and you'll begin to learn
That's it's alright, yes it's alright
Don't you know that it's so good for you
You can be making love and see it all go through
But it's alright, yes it's alright
Watching the universe at the end of another day
Fatalistic ships form a distant shore
In the back of my mind I could see she was standing there
Like the feeling you have
When you've been there before
She was a gypsy woman
She was as cold as the day, yeah
She said I'd got it coming
And then she took me away, yeah
She took me through the shadows of her sunken dream
I thought it's over me, she wasn't all she seemed
She took my hand and then she started to speak
She told me she'd had the call
With eyes of fire that were burning my soul
She looked into her crystal ball
She read my fortune then she read my mind
She didn't like my thoughts at all
She showed me shadows, a spectre of life
My soul just wanted to scream
She stared so deeply into my eyes
That's when I fell into a dream
When I awoke in bed she lay beside me
And she read me with her eyes, she said
So you wanna be a gypsy, come on now
So you wanna be a gypsy, come on now, now, now
Gypsy woman you're the devil in drag
You are the queen of all hell
You took my body, now you're wasting my soul
You've got me under your spell
And as the sun shines on another day
You're gonna take my mind as well, it's over
So you wanna be a gypsy, come on now
So you wanna be a gypsy, come on now
So you wanna be a gypsy, come on now
So you wanna be a gypsy
126,126,All Moving Parts (Stand Still),"
Super animation, turning on a nation
And they're saying all moving parts stand still
Since he was elected, adrenalin injected
Hear him saying all moving parts should kill
Just like the hero he's got them all on the run
Yes he's won, yeah
Since he passed the motion, they're building in the ocean
And he's saying all men should be free
What a combination, peace and radiation
And he's saying free men should fight for me
Just like his momma, he seems to get his pleasure from pain
And the rain, ain't that strange?
Very strange, yeah
I like choking toys
You've got to see me before you meet the boys
Teacher's burnt the school
He's had enough of sticking to the rules, alright
People stop and see
He's got to be more decadent than me
Just to pass the time
He gets his kicks from licking off the wine
Pretty silly ladies, all Cynthia's and Sadie's
Call him and he takes their numbers down
Says he is a woman, I should have seen it coming
And she's saying she's married to a clown
Just like a lady she'll keep you guessing through the night
Not tonight, well I might, oh alright, yeah
127,127,Rock 'N' Roll Doctor,"
Well I'm sick and tired of hearing 'bout the world and it's hang ups
Gonna get myself together, take a ride downtown
Gotta see my Rock'n'Roll doctor
Gotta see my Rock'n'Roll doctor
Gotta see my Rock'n'Roll doctor
Gotta see him, see him today
He's gonna blow me away
He makes me happy when I'm feeling down
Take away my worry takes away my frown
Gotta see my Rock'n'Roll doctor
Gotta see my Rock'n'Roll doctor
Gotta see my Rock'n'Roll doctor
Gotta see him, see him today
He gonna blow me away
If you wanna feel groovy
Give the doctor a call, yeah
Doctor rock will help you anytime at all
Gotta see my Rock'n'Roll doctor
Gotta see my Rock'n'Roll doctor
Gotta see my Rock'n'Roll doctor
Gotta see him, see him today
He gonna blow me away
Oh, right away...
128,128,She's Gone,"
I've been gone a long long time - waiting for you
I didn't want to see you go, oh, no, no
And now it's hurting so much, what can I do?
I wanted you to be my wife
The days are passing slowly, since you've gone
Your memories are all I have, yes I have
I sit here waiting but you'll never show
Without you I can't carry on, ooh my baby
You said you'd always love me, all of my life
And then you said your last goodbye, yeah, goodbye
Why the sudden change, why all the lies?
I should have seen it in your eyes
The endless hours of heartache, waiting for you
My summer love has turned to rain, all the pain
The silent emptiness of one sided love
My life means nothing now you're gone, ooh my baby
129,129,Dirty Women,"
The neon lights are shining on me again
I walk the lonely streets in search of a friend
I need a lady to help me to get through the night, through the night
If I could find one then everything would be alright
The sleepy city is dreaming the night time away
Out on the street I watch tomorrow becoming today
I see a man, he's got take away women for sale, yes for sale
Guess that's the answer, 'cause take away women don't fail
Oh dirty women, they don't mess around
Oh dirty women, they don't mess around
You've got me coming, You've got me going around
Oh dirty women, they don't mess around
Walking the streets I wonder will it ever happen
Gotta be good 'cause then everything will be OK
If I could score tonight then I will end up happy
A woman for sale is gonna help me save my day...
130,130,The Shining,"
There's a man who sees all there is to see
What the future holds for all
As the days grow dark, was his sole and final warning
Beware of the one with invisible friends
They will steal into your mind
And all too soon, the signs begin to show
Rise up to the shining
Live long live now
Rise up to the shining
Don't be blind by fools again
As the page is turned and the story's told
From the visions he had seen
The house on the hill with the haunting eyes that call
No one left when madness came out
To play its game
If you stay too long, you'll finally go insane
Rise up to the shining
Live long live now
Rise up to the shining
Don't be blind by fools again
Bells will take their toll
On your way
There's no way we're born to shine
Before our time, all your life, you're
On your own
Lonely road
Lost in a time
Let the light lead your way
To the golden throne
It's the only way
Rise up to the shining
Live long live now
Rise up to the shining
Don't be blind by fools again
Rise up to the shining
Love long live now
Oh rise up, to the shining
Wise up they're gonna steal your mind
Rise up, the house is gonna haunt you
No one laughed, no one cried
You stayed too long
You're finally gonna stay
131,131,Ancient Warrior,"
There's no end - there's no beginning -
To the old man's story
Does he still remember me -
From lives gone by
Oh I see his spirit rising
Upon the back of time
I've got nowhere to hide
Will he keep a place for me
He is the king of all kings
The keeper of light
He holds eternity's wings
In his eyes an ocean's burning
Swollen seat of tears
Troubled mind the beating
War drums in his ears
No one ever hears his warning
Am I the one he calls
When they tell me they're afraid
Some say I'll be put away
He is the king of all kings
The keeper of light
He holds eternity's wings
My blood will spill my blood
My blood will spill my blood
In the wisdom of the prophet's
Never ending tale
Open up the eyes
Within your mind, he says
Crowned in his ancient glory
There's a king within us all
Some will say it's all in vain
That he doesn't have a name
He is the king of all kings
The keeper of light
He holds eternity's wings
132,132,Hard Life To Love,"
Livin' in the fast is easy
Till you run out of road
Friends will turn to strangers
When you're out of control
A slip of the tongue when
It's done, is often hard to
See it thru
So never let your words be lies
Or they'll come looking for you
It's a hard life to love
For the price of glory you left
And threw your fortunes away
Never really cared too much for
The job or the pay
You're standing in the rain with
No cover but you never complain
You're an angry young man face to
Face but your mirrors insane
It's a hard life to love
I'm simply refusing a part in your world
And I see how it burns
See how it burns
And you're simply denying the fact
That you're blind and I see no more
I see red - I only see red
Think of all the times I was
Hurting but you felt no pain
Think of all the lies you told me
Again and again
And still you see the truth
From those who continue to lie
And now you're seeking life
From those who are living to die
It's a hard life to love
I'm simply refusing a part in your world
And I see how it burns
See how it burns
And you're simply denying the fact
That you're blind and I see no more
I see red - I only see red
Livin' in the fast lane ain't easy
When you run out of road
Friends will turn to strangers
When you've nowhere to go
Don't give a damn when you're lost
Cause you'll die from it all
Laws were made to be broken
And you do it for the thrill of it all
It's a hard life to love
It's a hard life to love
133,133,Glory Ride,"
Winged with steel they fill the air
The soldiers of fortune will ride
In the sights of the enemy's gun
Those who have taken their oaths
Are well prepared they know they'll
Door die even if it's suicide
Let's take a chance
As the skies will Burn tonite
Wasted lives and spirits run free
On the wings of no return
Dressed to kill where eagles dare
The fate of a nation's at hand
Is this the answer to the prayers
Come the dawn, thru the blood
Red skies return with tears
In their eyes, and they
Recall thou shalt not kill
And in the morning
They'll take a hero's bow
And make the ever lasting flight
Hear them calling up above all
Across the skies
Hear them calling up above from
The other side
Here them call!
Let's take a chance
As the skies will burn tonite
Wasted lives and spirits run free
On the wings of no return
Let's take chance
As the skies will burn tonite
Wasted lives and spirits run free
On the wings of no return
134,134,Born To Lose,"
I'll play your game
But if you lose you're gonna have to pay the price
Broken chains, like a prisoner free at last
The fear inside just up and died
Time will tell if i am wrong
It won't be too long
You thing I'm chasing shadows
In the dark
Well I'm not born to lose
I'm not born to lose
You curse my name, as you turn and walk away, from view
It won't be too long
You don't scare me cos you're
Hard to see and it's time
That you were gone
It won't be too long
You think I'm chasing shadows
In the dark
Well I'm not born to lose
You think I'm chasing shadows
In the dark
What you gonna do about it now
What you gonna do about it now
It won't be too long
It won't be too long
It won't be too long
You think I'm chasing shadows
In the dark
What you gonna do about it now
What you gonna do about it now
Ain't nothing I can do about it now
Close my eyes starting dreaming
See a vision filled with wings
Head my way
Feel the presence of unknown power
Telling me to come
This is the only way
It's dream within dream
Lost and lonely
Don't get pulled by the devil's hand
Silent screamer filled with fear
As the night time shapes a face
Then disappears
Scared forever into believing
That your mind has met the
Prince of whom you see
It's dream within dream
Lost and lonely
Don't get fooled by the
Devil's hand
It's dream within dream
Fool forever, don't get fooled
Don't get fooled, be the devil
In your eyes
The evil spirit rises
Blinded by the dark
You fall into shame
As the reaper takes you
Down the spiral stairway
You share the evil pit
With satan's name
Nightmare it's got me runnin'
Nightmare it's calling you
Nightmare it's got me runnin'
Nightmare it's calling you
It's dream within a dream
Lost and lonely
Don't get fooled, be the devil
It's dream within a dream
Lost forever
Don't get fooled
It's got me running
It's just a nightmare
It's got me running
It's got me running
136,136,Lost Forever,"
All your life you're bin slipping and sliding
Trying to find a way
Sun won't shine but now it's your time to pay
There's no turning back as you look
The hangman in the eye
Now hell's just your death away
It's too late to say you care
When there's evil in your stare
You say you're not to blame
In your head voices mocking
Every prayer
Remember the face you saw
That once was you
Spirit high there's no way that
You could lose
Give him rope they said
As you look the hangman in
The eye
Now around your neck you feel
The noose
In your head voices mocking
Every prayer
Now you're lost forever
I'm burning with fire it's time to
Leave or get out
I'm burning in fire I can't take
No more so get out
I'm burning with fire the wheels of
Steel will grind you
Burning in fire this time
You're lost forever
Lost forever!
There's an evil in your stare
Lost forever!
And hell's just a breath away
You're lost forever
And there's no way out you burn
With fire it's time to get out
Get out, get out
And there's no way out
Lost forever
137,137,Eternal Idol,"
No one said it had to be this way
Why are we the victims of their
Final word
Dying world is killing us so slowly
I believe no god may save us now
Can't you see what I see
Sinners say your prayers tonite
Your judgement day is here
Child tomorrow will die, not even
Born jesus our questions
He never seems to hear
Dying for the answers may be
The price we pay, to find the
Key to our lives
Is there a heaven is there
A hell
Who's this god, tell me there's
No god above, why
We chose what lord, deep
Within our souls
He's not one thing
We are his spirit
We could save this world
From destruction day
Can't you see what I see
You and I victims of
Their word
As the master of power
Try to poison our world
Greed money taken over
Their souls, you're
Just mechanical brains
Politicians don't know
Just don't know
We can chance this world we
Live in, don't let it die
138,138,Anno Mundi,"
Can you see me, are you near me?
Can you hear me crying out for life?
Can you tell me, where's the glory?
Ride the days and sail the nights
When it's over you'll find the answer
Running in the whispering rain
Anno Mundi? Can you wonder!
Truth of thunder, life or blame
Do you see a vision of a perfect place?
Does it make you laugh, put a smile on your face?
Do you need a mirror, do you see it well?
Does the hand of God still toll the bell?
There are people laughing
They're all laughing on you
If only they could see what you're saying is true
Still generals fighting, making war on the world
Don't they know, don't they know?
No, no, no
The wind in the night blows cold
Your eyes are burning
As the sands of our time grow old
Anno mundi
Do you follow the path that so many tread?
Are you among the blind so easily lead?
Do you join the war, do you fight for the cause?
Depend on another to fight it alone
Can you see me now, can you hear me now?
Can you tell me, where's the glory?
Ride the days and sail the nights
When it's over, you'll find the answer
Runnin' in the rain
There's a hope that's growing and a vision too
All those angry hearts now reach out for you
Do you look to the dawn, see a new day begun?
No longer the fool, the vision is done
139,139,The Law Maker,"
The horizon breaks, where a figure stands
Close your eyes and pray it's a vision of God's command
He's evil and mysterious, people fear his name
He's not here for deliverance, no
He's the Lawmaker
He newer speaks, but his task we're told
To seek out souls of the sinners, he'll trade for gold
Silver mountains won't save you from hell
The prince of darkness inside you will dwell
Oh your weakness your past
The Lawmaker comes
He's the Lawmaker
The highway's screamin', callin' out your name
Cause every road that you travel on
There's a price to pay
A thousands eyes are starin'
But the blind still lead the blind
Where will you turn if it all goes wrong and you're on the run
You say you walked through the valley
You say you've seen the signs
Echoes call you from a distant age
Or is it in your mind?
Then a thousands souls rise from the sea
Holding up the sun
And an angel cries beware your lies'
It could be the end of it all
Everybody knows your name, every road leads to anger
Will it always be the same, is there reason to return?
When an angel cries - Jerusalem
Better watch your lies - Jerusalem
When an angel cries - Jerusalem
141,141,The Sabbath Stones,"
Fire and water, wind and rain
Wings that carry hell in every vein
World possessions, endless tears
Truth and knowledge stolen all their years
World turns slowly, sun don't shine
Silence still the air and kills the chime
Words are poison, passion bleeds
2000 years on earth has sown the seeds
The time of dreams has turned
The night is gone and light shines on
Where darkness once would hide
With spirits high, our fears were born
Receiver of light, the kingdom of God will guide you
Keep you from a restless heart
Deceiver of night the stranger that laughs
Within you, the reason for your restless heart
Is the keeper of the Sabbath Stones
Fire and water, wind and rain
Wings that carry hell in every vein
World turns slowly, sun don't shine
Silence still the air and kills the chime
Can faith destroy desire? Each breath a prayer
Each step brings fear
The eyes of they that see have evil stare
Watch over me
And He's the keeper of the Sabbath Stones
What God is this that stands to hear his people cry?
What hand would strike and watch his people die?
What life that takes, what future did we earn?
It's our mistakes, take need the Sabbath Stones
What life that takes, what future did we earn?
It's our mistakes
142,142,Odin's Court,"
As you walk alone the night surrounds you like a shroud
The dreams you had were once of love and being proud
Misty horizons block your vision of the world
But the raven's eyes will show you all you need to know
The land you loved is now so barren and so cold
The name of God rings out so high in your soul
This time is masters will lead us by the sword
And should we fait them all prevails in Odin's court
Leading us on, to the land of Eternity
Riding the cold cold winds of Valhalla
The Kingdom of Odin is the Kingdom of Gods
Where only souls of the brave may rest in peace
But someone among them had the skill of deceit
And raised the hand that would open the road to Hell
When the winds of Valhalla run cold
Be sure that the blood will start to flow
When the winds of Valhalla run cold
The ring has been broken and a soul must be saved
Among the bravest of men, who rides to Hell
The longships are sailing and the chariots ride
And yes the anger of Thor will serve you well
Raise your hands
Reach and Valhalla will save your soul
Raise your eyes
And Odin will lead us on
They say that history repeats itself
Upon the year of the seventh Century
Well nobody knows no you never can tell
So you'd better run now and hide away
144,144,Feels Good To Me,"
The chapter is opened and the pages are turned
The writting say many things but who was concerned
Where can we run to now, when will we learn?
When it's lost gone forever
For years they told me what I should to do
Down to the places I go and who I should talk to
But that don't matter no more since I found out the truth
And it feels good to me
The world is turnin'
Forever turnin'
Forever yearnin'
For the love of life
And you're wrong if think that I'm afraid to love
I wonder, I wonder does it not seem strange to you
Just how the tables have turned on me and you?
How long can we go on livin', livin' the way we do?
When it's lost it's gone forever
It feels good to me, [etc.]
145,145,Heaven In Black,"
Rising with the sun, the work has been done
But the people are starting to stare
Called from the afar to court of the Czar
Could it be something is wrong?
You stand face to face and your heart gathers place
For the answer to a question a prize
If only you had known to be honest was wrong
For the work that you've done you will pay with your eyes
Into the black where the night
Never ends and the light
Leaves a scar on your soul
Where your heart used to hold
Your love here!
Heaven in Black
Inside there's a voice saying was there a choice
You'd still be entombed in the night
Lucifer's to blame, the reason for the flame
They've taken your sight but they'll not take your God
146,146,Wheels Of Confusion / The Straightener,"
Long ago I wandered through my mind
In the land of fairy tales and stories
Lost in happiness I knew no fears
Innocence and love was all I knew
It was an illusion
Soon the days were passing into years
Happiness just didn't come so easy
Life was more than fairy tales and daydreams
Innocence was just another word
It was an illusion
Lost in the wheels of confusion
Running through valleys of tears
Eyes full of angry delusion
Hiding in everyday fears
So I found that life is just a game
But you know there's never been a winner
Try your hardest, you'll still be a loser
The world will still be turning when you're gone
Yeah when you're gone!
147,147,Tomorrow's Dream,"
Well I'm leaving tomorrow at daybreak
Catch the fastest train around nine
Yes I'm leaving the sorrow and heartache
Before it takes me away from my mind
Send me love and I may let you see me
Send me hopes that can spin in my head
But if you really want me to answer
I can only let you know when I'm dead
When sadness fills my days
It's time to turn away
And then tomorrow's dreams
Become reality to me
So realize I'm much better without you
You're not the one and only thing in my heart
I'll just go back to pretending I'm living
So this time I'm gonna have to depart
I feel unhappy
I feel so sad
I lost the best friend
That I ever had
She was my woman
I loved her so
But it's too late now
I've let her go
I'm going through changes
I'm going through changes
We shared the years
We shared each day
In love together
We found a way
But soon the world
Had its evil way
My heart was blinded
Love went astray
I'm going through changes
I'm going through changes
It took so long
To realize
That I can still hear
Her last goodbyes
Now all my days
Are filled with tears
Wish I could go back
And change these years
I'm going through changes
I'm going through changes
I want to reach out and touch the sky
I want to touch the sun
But I don't need to fly
I'm gonna climb up every mountain of the moon
And find the dish that ran away with the spoon
I've crossed the ocean, turned every bend
I found the crossing near a golden rainbow's end
I've been through magic and through life's reality
I've lived a thousand years and it never bothered me
Got no religion, don't need no friends
Got all I want and I don't need to pretend
Don't try to reach me, 'cause I'd tear up your mind
I've seen the future and I've left it behind
What you get and what you see
Things that don't come easily
Feeling happy in my vein
Icicles are in my brain
Something blowing in my hair
Winter's ice, it soon was dead
Death would freeze my very soul
Makes me happy, makes me cold
My eyes are blind, but I can see
The snowflakes glisten on the tree
The sun no longer sets me free
I feel there's no place freezing me
Let the winter sun shine on
Let me feel the frost of dawn
Fill my dreams with flakes of snow
Soon I'll feel the chilling go
Don't you think I know what I'm doing
Don't tell me that it's doing me wrong
You're the one that's really the loser
This is where I feel I belong
Crystal world with winter flowers
Turn my days to frozen hours
Lying snowblind in the sun
Will my ice age ever come?
Too much in the truth they say
Keep it 'till another day
Let them have their little game
Illusion helps to keep them sane
Let them have their little toys
Fast sports cars and motor noise
Exciting in their plastic place
Frozen food in a concrete maze
You're gonna go insane
I'm trying to save your brain
I don't know what's happening
My head's all torn inside
People say I'm heavy
They don't know what I hide
Take a life, it's going cheap
Kill someone, no one will weep
Freedom's yours, just pay your dues
We just want your soul to use
You're gonna go insane
I'm trying to save your brain
152,152,St. Vitus' Dance,"
So you think you know
What's going on inside her head
You think she wants your money
But it's you she wants instead
When you think about the things
That she did long ago
It breaks your heart but deep down
Boy, you don't want her to go
You really look so shattering
You feel you want to die
Just because of the one mistake
Of telling you a lie
If I were you I'd try again
And try and make amends
She only thinks of you, you know
I'm talking as a friend
153,153,Under The Sun / Every Day Comes & Goes,"
Well I don't want no Jesus freak to tell me what it's all about
No black magician telling me to cast my soul out
Don't believe in violence, I don't even believe in peace
I've opened the door, now my mind's been released
Well I don't want no preacher telling me about the god in the sky
No I don't want no one to tell me where I'm gonna go when I die
I wanna live my life, I don't want people telling me what to do
I just believe in myself, 'cause no one else is true
Every day just comes and goes
Life is one long overdose
People try to rule the nation
I just see through their frustration
People hiding their real face
And each one's running their rat race
And behind each flower there grows a weed
In their world of make-believe
So believe what I tell you, it's the only way you'll find in the end
Just believe in yourself, you know you really shouldn't have to pretend
Don't let those empty people try and interfere with your mind
Just live your life and leave them all behind