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synced 2024-11-20 09:38:50 +00:00
175 lines
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175 lines
7.1 KiB
import random
import pandas as pd
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import os
import time
import re
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from ScrapThread import ScrapThread
from proxy_handling import proxies_validation
def clean_data(name):
document = pd.read_csv(name, usecols=["Lyrics"])
rows = document["Lyrics"].values.tolist()
dataset = []
for lyric in rows:
lyric = lyric.lower()
lyric = re.sub(r"[,.\"\'!@#$%^&*(){}?/;`~:<>+=-\\]", "", lyric)
tokens = word_tokenize(lyric)
words = [word for word in tokens if word.isalpha()]
dataset += words
print(name.split('\\')[-1], ": ", len(dataset))
return dataset
def connect(url, proxies_list):
headers = {
'User-Agent': "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) "
"Chrome/12.0.742.112 Safari/534.30"}
main_page = None
while True:
main_page = requests.get(url, headers=headers, proxies={'http': random.choice(proxies_list),
'https': random.choice(proxies_list)}, timeout=5.0)
if main_page.status_code != 200:
raise Exception("Access Denied!")
return main_page
def get_lyricsAzlyrics(url, proxies_list):
main_page_text = BeautifulSoup(connect(url, proxies_list).text, "html.parser")
lyrics = str()
for goods in main_page_text.find_all("div", {"class": None}):
if len(goods.text) == 0:
lyrics = lyrics + goods.text
return lyrics
def scrapAzlyrics(url, selected_albums, time_stamp, proxies_list):
main_page_text = BeautifulSoup(connect(url, proxies_list).text, "html.parser")
albums = main_page_text.find_all(class_="album")
if not albums:
raise Exception("Access Denied!")
scraped_lyrics = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Title', 'Lyrics'])
for alb in albums:
album_title = alb.find("b").text
album_title = album_title[1:-1]
print("Checking album: ", album_title)
if album_title in selected_albums:
next_song = alb.find_next(class_="listalbum-item")
if next_song.find(class_="comment"):
next_song = next_song.find_next(class_=["listalbum-item", "album"])
while True:
if not next_song.find(class_="comment"):
title = next_song.find("a").text
lyrics = get_lyricsAzlyrics(("https://www.azlyrics.com/" + next_song.find("a")['href']),
df = pd.DataFrame({
"Title": [title],
"Lyrics": [lyrics]
scraped_lyrics = pd.concat([scraped_lyrics, df], ignore_index=True)
print("Downloaded song: ", title)
next_song = next_song.find_next(class_=["listalbum-item", "album"])
if next_song['class'] != ['listalbum-item']:
next_song = next_song.find_next(class_=["listalbum-item", "album"])
if next_song['class'] != ['listalbum-item']:
return scraped_lyrics
def get_lyricsTekstowo(url, proxies_list):
main_page_text = BeautifulSoup(connect(url, proxies_list).text, "html.parser")
lyrics = str()
for goods in main_page_text.find_all("div", {"class": "inner-text"}):
if len(goods.text) == 0:
if goods.parent.attrs['class'] == ['song-text']:
lyrics = lyrics + goods.text
return lyrics
def scrapTekstowo(url, proxies_list):
main_page_text = BeautifulSoup(connect(url, proxies_list).text, "html.parser")
song_list = main_page_text.find(class_='ranking-lista')
songs = song_list.find_all(class_="box-przeboje")
scraped_lyrics = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Title', 'Lyrics'])
if not songs:
raise Exception("Access Denied!")
for song in songs:
ref = song.find("a")
title = ref.text.split('-')[1][1:]
lyrics = get_lyricsTekstowo('https://www.tekstowo.pl' + ref['href'], proxies_list)
df = pd.DataFrame({
"Title": [title],
"Lyrics": [lyrics]
scraped_lyrics = pd.concat([scraped_lyrics, df], ignore_index=True)
print("Downloaded song: ", title)
return scraped_lyrics
def check_pagination(url, proxies_list):
main_page_text = BeautifulSoup(connect(url, proxies_list).text, "html.parser")
pages = main_page_text.find_all(class_='page-link')
page_number = 0
for page in pages:
if page.text != 'Następna >>' and page.text != '<< Poprzednia':
page_number = page_number + 1
return page_number / 2
def do_threading(url, selected_albums, time_stamp, proxies_list):
threads = []
thread_number = 0
if url.split('/')[2] == 'www.azlyrics.com':
thread_number = len(selected_albums)
if url.split('/')[2] == 'www.tekstowo.pl':
thread_number = int(check_pagination(url, proxies_list))
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Title', 'Lyrics'])
for i in range(thread_number):
t = None
if url.split('/')[2] == 'www.azlyrics.com':
t = ScrapThread(target=scrapAzlyrics, args=(url, [selected_albums[i]], time_stamp, proxies_list))
if url.split('/')[2] == 'www.tekstowo.pl':
newUrl = url[:-5] + ',strona,' + str(i + 1) + '.html'
t = ScrapThread(target=scrapTekstowo, args=(newUrl, proxies_list))
t.daemon = True
for i in range(thread_number):
for i in range(thread_number):
df = pd.concat([df, threads[i].join()], ignore_index=True)
return df
def scrap_data(pink_floyd_selected_albums, black_sabbath_selected_albums, time_stamp):
proxies_list = proxies_validation()
file = open("links.txt")
path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
path = path + "\\Data\\"
paktofonika = do_threading(file.readline()[0:-1], [], 0.0, proxies_list)
figofagot = do_threading(file.readline(), [], 0.0, proxies_list)
braciofonika_pigo_pagot = pd.concat([paktofonika, figofagot], ignore_index=True)
paktofonika.to_csv((path + "Paktofonika.csv"))
figofagot.to_csv((path + "Bracia Figo Fagot.csv"))
braciofonika_pigo_pagot.to_csv((path + "Braciofonika Pigo Pagot.csv"))
pink_floyd_data_frame = do_threading(file.readline()[0:-1], pink_floyd_selected_albums, time_stamp, proxies_list)
black_sabbath_data_frame = do_threading(file.readline(), black_sabbath_selected_albums, time_stamp, proxies_list)
pink_sabbath_data_frame = pd.concat([pink_floyd_data_frame, black_sabbath_data_frame], ignore_index=True)
pink_floyd_data_frame.to_csv((path + "PinkFloyd.csv"))
black_sabbath_data_frame.to_csv((path + "BlackSabbath.csv"))
pink_sabbath_data_frame.to_csv((path + "PinkSabbath.csv"))